Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

In 2001-2002 I was so enamored with my work that I lived it loved it dreamed it. The only thing I had a pssion for was perfecting that craft, so all my time went to it, mastering it-that was my only goal and money was the byproduct so it sweetened the pot.

Now, it’s 20 years later, almost 2020 and I’m at home relaxing after lawn work on a Sunday as my 41st Birthday nears and I switch on the Telly and Analyze That is on.

What a treat, Ive never seen this and I know it’s good from stories I’ve heard over time but for a minute I think “Mandela Effect” possibly, surely Ive seen this.

After the opening scene I realize I FOR SURE haven’t seen this, I look at the year it was released and it was 2002. Wow, if I missed this in 2002, what else did I miss then and never caught over the years.

I couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen this so I thought to myself ‘how could one miss this Film’: The first paragraph is why I missed this film because when it released, FILM wasn’t important to me at all.

With that in mind, I pulled up IMDB and GOOGLE, search: Best Movies of 2002.

The Pianist, Adaptation, The Hours, Road to Perdition, Secretary, they made my next Films to watch list in no particular order (I’ll watch Secretary first as I saw a clip for it recently and it looked disturbingly charming and I after watched Maggie in The Honourable Woman:Series I find her extremely appealing)

I did see 8Mile and many others from 2002 (8Mile in theaters and others over the years) but right now I’m about to smash this Analyze Th, actually man...this is part II. I need to watch Analyze This first. God Dammit.

Choices now, if I can find The Secretary I’m getting that in first.


This is the right approach with this franchise. It truly defies "normal" franchises the way it has gained steam. Fast and Furious has as well, but completely different manners. One is crazier and crazier with ridiculousness, and green screen, adding bodies etc. MI is more grounder. Bold, smarter, more serious. You hold your breath vs laugh at the sheer audacity of F&F. Both are great, and unique.

Can't wait for MI 7-8. :pimp:
Comparing that trash FF franchise to the greatness that is Mission Impossible :smh:

Trying to praise it and prop FF at the same time :stoneface:

I remember when this guy did the vid on MI about how the character of Ethan Hunt mirrors Tom Cruise url and the character hasnt grown at all.

He is a huge fan of MI :lol:

:sick: @ the idea of Renner possibly replacing Cruise. Same this they trier to pull with the Bourne franchise.

:rofl: @ if Tom jumps from ******* space in the next one.
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I've only seen the first Mission: Impossible.

I remember the TV spots for the film in 1996.

Ethan Hunt in a room hanging on a wire and the helicopter that exploded.
In 2001-2002 I was so enamored with my work that I lived it loved it dreamed it. The only thing I had a pssion for was perfecting that craft, so all my time went to it, mastering it-that was my only goal and money was the byproduct so it sweetened the pot.

Now, it’s 20 years later, almost 2020 and I’m at home relaxing after lawn work on a Sunday as my 41st Birthday nears and I switch on the Telly and Analyze That is on.

What a treat, Ive never seen this and I know it’s good from stories I’ve heard over time but for a minute I think “Mandela Effect” possibly, surely Ive seen this.

After the opening scene I realize I FOR SURE haven’t seen this, I look at the year it was released and it was 2002. Wow, if I missed this in 2002, what else did I miss then and never caught over the years.

I couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen this so I thought to myself ‘how could one miss this Film’: The first paragraph is why I missed this film because when it released, FILM wasn’t important to me at all.

With that in mind, I pulled up IMDB and GOOGLE, search: Best Movies of 2002.

The Pianist, Adaptation, The Hours, Road to Perdition, Secretary, they made my next Films to watch list in no particular order (I’ll watch Secretary first as I saw a clip for it recently and it looked disturbingly charming and I after watched Maggie in The Honourable Woman:Series I find her extremely appealing)

I did see 8Mile and many others from 2002 (8Mile in theaters and others over the years) but right now I’m about to smash this Analyze Th, actually man...this is part II. I need to watch Analyze This first. God Dammit.

Choices now, if I can find The Secretary I’m getting that in first.
I’d recommend The Pianist first if we’re basing it off quality and acting performance but that movie is a slow burn and pretty damn depressing so I’d honestly watch that one last based off of that.

Never saw Secretary or The Hours but my recommended viewing order would go:

Road to Perdition
The Pianist
Comparing that trash FF franchise to the greatness that is Mission Impossible :smh:

Trying to praise it amd prop FF at the same time :stoneface:

I remember when this guy did the vid on MI about how the character of Ethan Hunt mirrors Tom Cruise url and the character hasnt grown at all.

He is a huge fan of MI :lol:

:sick: @ the idea of Renner possibly replacing Cruise. Same this they trier to pull with the Bourne franchise.

:rofl: @ if Tom jumps from ****ing space in the next one.

You can't say ****, you haven't watched both franchises from jump. Sorry.

I can, and have. :wink:
Dont need too. I've seen enough.

You obviously have a bias.

At no point is MI as bad as FF.

No fam. You can't skip an NFL season and tell me what happened. Don't work like that.

You haven't watched the film's. Period. You can't speak on them. Compare them, dissect them, nothing.
No fam. You can't skip an NFL season and tell me what happened. Don't work like that.

You haven't watched the film's. Period. You can't speak on them. Compare them, dissect them, nothing.
I've seen enough of the trash to know its trash.

Its like telling someone they can't speak on Twilight being trash cuz they didn't watch every single movie. Meanwhile, you conparing it to Harry Potter :lol:

Nah, I've seen enough to judge the quality. Thats all I need. You may not like it but I'm not gonna waste time watching every single one just to tell you why its trash in detail.
Road to perdition was sooooo so so good. One of my favs

That was Tom Hanks last real dramatic role from that 98-02 period where he was doing real deal dramas and it was his probably his darkest character ever if I really think about it.

Then you throw in Paul Newman, Daniel Craig, Stanley Tucci & Jude Law.

Criminally (pun intended) underrated gangster flick.

I never see it mentioned with the likes of The Godfathers, Goodfellas, Casino, Scarface, etc.
Longshot 5/8

Wasnt as funny as advertised but pretty funny.

Charlie was looking real good with her questionable parenting self.

Rogen was Rogen :lol:
The White Queen and The White Princess we’re both Series’ in STARZ that were fire.

I expect nothing thing less for The Spanish Princess.
About to get in episode1
shogun shogun I bet we get to see this Cute little Spanish Gingers box.
The White Queen and The White Princess we’re both Series’ in STARZ that were fire.

I expect nothing thing less for The Spanish Princess.
About to get in episode1
shogun shogun I bet we get to see this Cute little Spanish Gingers box.

Show sounds interesting. Will probably check it out.
Such a great performance by Vince Vaughn.

Sneaky Pete Season 3 drops Friday on Prime, probably should start this show already.
How did I only now stumble upon the plot to Predator 2 (1991):

Local and federal police (Danny Glover, Gary Busey) hunt a sneaky alien creature, now skinning drug dealers in 1997 Los Angeles.

How did I only now stumble upon the plot to Predator 2 (1991):

Local and federal police (Danny Glover, Gary Busey) hunt a sneaky alien creature, now skinning drug dealers in 1997 Los Angeles.

You knew to movies or just get of age that it dawned on you to go back and watch movies? I remember when I was like let me see what all the fuss is with this Star Wars. A New Hope came out before I was born so I wasn't interested in going back in time. Yeah Glover and Busey together again. Hilarious.
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