Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Just got finished watching Get Out for the first time and joint low key sicked my stomach in a funny way.. I Really gotta stay away from the White yambs...

I said the same damn thing. But I failed and the holiday season gatherings have started pray for me :frown:
Just finished the last Jedi. Action really didn't pick up until 1 hour 40 minutes in. Don't know how it did numbers at the box office. Didn't live up to the hype and I don't think I would watch it a second time.

Please post this in the Star Wars thread. :lol:
So, finally watched Sorry to Bother You a couple nights ago. That movie was wild. In the best way possible. The mansion party had me dying, and the ending was so unexpected - actually the last act as a whole was wildly unexpected. This was a fantastic debut for Boots Riley. I really hope he has a follow up or two in his pocket.

So, finally watched Sorry to Bother You a couple nights ago. That movie was wild. In the best way possible. The mansion party had me dying, and the ending was so unexpected - actually the last act as a whole was wildly unexpected. This was a fantastic debut for Boots Riley. I really hope he has a follow up or two in his pocket.

Bro the ending was the weirdest part.
Creed II definitely wasn't as charming as the first movie (Which I loved). But it was still pretty enjoyable. The soundtrack is great, the heartwarming moments were great, and I really enjoyed the visuals.

Now for what I don't like....can we all admit no one in this cast is very likeable besides Rocky (and maybe Phylicia Rashad) :lol: Adonis is a temper tantrum throwing man-child, his girl is just...there (not Tessa Thompson's fault. It's the writters) and everyone else is ..meh.

And they completely failed to make Viktor Drago an interesting antagonist at all. Barely any lines or motivations besides ...my daddy said so. Literally nothing was menacing about him other than his size. The rivalry didn't really feel authentic. Dolph Lundgren felt wasted as well. I feel like they should have did more with the Drago's, if they were going to use this plot.
Green Book 6.5/8

This was a fun movie. Viggo is a great uncultured Italian NYCer played against Mahershala's straight man in Doc Shirley.

Good story based off real events. Acting was on point. Captured the times.

Impressive if Mahershala can actually play. He was killing it. It was a surprising touch that Viggo's character didn't even flinch @ Doc being gay/bi.

Somewhat typical ending but a feel good movie.

Robin Hood 5/8

Somewhat entertaining flick you can have on in the background. In a lot if ways it reminded me of the King Arthur movie that came out recently. Tried to be new and modernized, capture some of today's politics, even set up the sequel but it was lacking something. Did catch me off guard with the war overseas and funding for It. It definitely did feel like they tried to make this an action flick with the 90s cues. Like the way they had their horse and carriage chase scene with explosions lacked in a way they didn't say for the horse and carriage chase scenes in PotC.

Some story things didnt make sense. John was an Arabic soldier, sees his son killed after Robin fails to save him and then decides oh I'll go and try to topple th3 corrupt gov. system in England :lol:

My girl Eve Hewson was so damn fine in this :evil:

The Favourite 6.8/8

Near excellent flick. Weisz, Stone, and Colman were GREAT! Acting made me want to have a 4sum with them and yes definitely including Colman. Makeup dept outdid themselves how they yo-yoed from her being smashable to horrid.

Yorgos did it again. Not topping Lobster but his 2nd best work to me.

Creed II 6/8

Just what I wanted.

Tessabae so damn fine. I'd have a blind-deaf-mute baby with her.

I see a lot said it was predictable. I wanted a predictable ending to be Creed killing Drago. Not some weak throwing in of the towel.

All that did was try to make us feel bad for the Dragos. I saw how they slipped in poor Viktor's broken home. Boohoo mommy left me, she didn't want us. Gotta say it was coldblooded bringing in Bridgett for those scenes, gave her son a cold hello and the next is her walking out on him as he gets his *** beat. I mean damn at least kill Ivan though. In the end this dude Viktor still has his father to train with like he may be a tnhreat in the future (cuz in real world boxing thats exactly what would happen. Treat them like Tyson and Holyfield or Sugar Ray and Duran). Nah, end that storyline with a real conclusion by killing the Dragos.

Other than that loved the movie. Look forward to Creed III. They need to go full wild Rocky antics with that one. Bring back Coogler.
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And they completely failed to make Viktor Drago an interesting antagonist at all. [Barely any lines or motivations besides ...my daddy said so. Literally nothing was menacing about him other than his size.
What movie did you watch?

Viktor's entire motivation was to get back what they took from his father. To beat on Creed and use him as the stepping stone to be respected and revered again. A smaller subplot was also getting mommy's attention and approval. Son almost has as big a chip on his shoulder as Adonis.

As far as lines and being menacing was it ANY different for Ivan? He was the big Terminator like Russian that said little and when he did they were badass 80s lines. Only reason he was more menacing is cuz he killed Apollo.
What movie did you watch?

Viktor's entire motivation was to get back what they took from his father. To beat on Creed and use him as the stepping stone to be respected and revered again. A smaller subplot was also getting mommy's attention and approval. Son almost has as big a chip on his shoulder as Adonis.

As far as lines and being menacing was it ANY different for Ivan? He was the big Terminator like Russian that said little and when he did they were badass 80s lines. Only reason he was more menacing is cuz he killed Apollo.

I get it....just wasn't believable or interesting to me. I feel like they could have done more with both characters (Ivan and Viktor). They're both robots with very little to say or do. I liked that they wanted to make them more relatable/"human" by giving them vulnerable moments, but even that still felt shoehorned in because...main character has to win and plot armor. We all know damn well Adonis can't beat that man :lol:

And I agree. Ivan in Rocky IV was pretty much the same. That only gets a pass because it's the 80s, and that kind of villain was the cool thing to do. Nowadays I expect more.
Watching Die Hard 2 and damn. While it's not the best one (even though it's top 3 by default) it is easily the most deadly/brutal.

An entire ******* plane full of ppl were blown up. They went out of their way to show an old woman and a child in that plane.

And by the end the remedy is blow up the planed filled with criminals :lol:
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I was sooooo disappointed “James Evans” was a bad guy in Die Hard 2... :smh:
I get it....just wasn't believable or interesting to me. I feel like they could have done more with both characters (Ivan and Viktor). They're both robots with very little to say or do. I liked that they wanted to make them more relatable/"human" by giving them vulnerable moments, but even that still felt shoehorned in because...main character has to win and plot armor. We all know damn well Adonis can't beat that man :lol:

And I agree. Ivan in Rocky IV was pretty much the same. That only gets a pass because it's the 80s, and that kind of villain was the cool thing to do. Nowadays I expect more.
Hey don't get me wrong I didnt like like what was written for them just saying Viktor did have his motives despite not having many words.

Plus given the continuity and this opponent being connected to that they could only make him so much of a villain. Ivan and Rocky deaded the beef after he loss. They had respect for each other. Sure Ivan didnt know Russia was about to turn his back on him but still.

I would've loved it if Viktor was a bigger villain and Adonis killed him :lol:

Maybe it would've been better if we learned after his loss, Russia shunned Ivan and he eventually became a drunk and died. Viktor was raised by his bitter hateful mom Bridgette Nielsen and abused so he became a sadistic maniac that when he came to Philly he went to Rocky's place, knocked him out and put him in a coma. Then Adonis fights him, disqualification, Rocky gets out the coma, trains him, Adonis kills Viktor.

:lol: :pimp:
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I was sooooo disappointed “James Evans” was a bad guy in Die Hard 2... :smh:
Showing his range, I guess.

Ita a real gut wrench when you think he's gonna be an a-hole in McClane's way but then later he's like I'm your mind of a-hole only for him to be in on it and then go out the way he did.
Maybe it would've been better if we lear ed after his loss, Russia shunned Ivan and he eventually became a drunk and died. Viktor was raised by his bitter hateful mom Bridgette Nielsen and abused so he became a sadistic maniac that when he came to Philly he went to Rocky's place, knocked him out and put him in a coma. Then Adonis fights him, disqualification, Rocky gets out the coma, trains him, Adonis kills Viktor.

:lol: :pimp:

This is wild but yo I would've LOVED if that happened :lol:
Finished watching Troll Hunters with my son, pretty good series.

I'm starting to be a junkie for Netflix originals.

Anything worth watching?
Ralph Breaks the Internet was pretty good

I'd give it a 8/10.

Not as good as the first.

Can't believe it's been 6 years since the first. Movie.

I loved the cameos. I wish there was MORE marvel cameos.
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