Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I was just thinking about this today. I'm glad this movie was made. As an Asian dude, we didn't have role models in pop culture. That's why a lot of Asians gravitated towards hip-hop and black culture. They were the only minority group that were considered cool. It was doctor or bust for us. I haven't seen the movie yet but when i saw the main lead was half white I just couldn't help but be disappointed. Again. Even when they try and tell our story they just can't go all the way. It's the same reason Eddie Huang started bashing Fresh Off the Boat. Why attempt to represent Asian culture when you're going to take bits and pieces of out? Baby steps, I get it, but ****'s just really getting old |l
This post is typical of Asian Americans that live in their vacuums. Does the lead actor being half Asian make him less Asian? Does he not get to represent or be an actor in this movie because of that? I’m Korean-American & found most Asian-Americans to live in vacuums if their own culture & may may listen to listen to hip hop & may understand the broad strokes of racism but have no clue about the finer details & the nuances.

Eddie Huang?!?!? The show is fine. It does a solid job of representing an Asian family. It’s not every Asian’s story as we’re not a monolith but it’s a relevant story none the less.

Eff eddie & vice too, lil sell out b@$&@#ds... They took a huge infusion of cash from rupert murdoch. I don’t trust anything coming outta heir mouths from that point on. rupert’s media empire is insideous & spreads evil filthy lies. Eff them, eddie, & the vice founders are.
This post is typical of Asian Americans that live in their vacuums. Does the lead actor being half Asian make him less Asian? Does he not get to represent or be an actor in this movie because of that? I’m Korean-American & found most Asian-Americans to live in vacuums if their own culture & may may listen to listen to hip hop & may understand the broad strokes of racism but have no clue about the finer details & the nuances.

Eddie Huang?!?!? The show is fine. It does a solid job of representing an Asian family. It’s not every Asian’s story as we’re not a monolith but it’s a relevant story none the less.

Eff eddie & vice too, lil sell out b@$&@#ds... They took a huge infusion of cash from rupert murdoch. I don’t trust anything coming outta heir mouths from that point on. rupert’s media empire is insideous & spreads evil filthy lies. Eff them, eddie, & the vice founders are.

Live in my vacuum? I've lived in 4 different countries across 3 continents and I'm 27, the USA being my 4th and current one. Please don't assume what kind of vacuum I've lived through. If you don't believe anything that comes out of major media conglomerates then you need to just live off the grid. That's why you have to judge for yourself using your own critical thinking despite what medium you consume the content through, whether it's Vice, CNN, Fox etc.

And no, being half Asian doesn't make the actor himself less Asian, but its the intent of choosing someone who's not fully Asian that is bothering me. It doesn't take a ******* genius to see that guy looks slightly ******* different to your typical looking Asian actor.
Damn. Intent?

You really thought they thought and said lets find a half white Asian actor to play the main love interest instead of finding the best male Asian actor to play the role?
The sad thing for all his living abroad, it did nothing to broaden his views on what is & what is not Asian. I find rather racist - prejudice to think someone who half Asian couldn’t play an Asian lead. Fact is, the actor looks just like guys I’ve met in Hong Kong & Singepore. Not sure why you equate casting a half Asian actor among a full cast of Asians as selling out...
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Damn. Intent?

You really thought they thought and said lets find a half white Asian actor to play the main love interest instead of finding the best male Asian actor to play the role?
You naive enough to think they didn’t choose a half Asian dude because he’s not considered better looking and attractive?
The sad thing for all his living abroad, it did nothing to broaden his views on what is & what is not Asian. I find rather racist - prejudice to think someone who half Asian couldn’t play an Asian lead. Fact is, the actor looks just like guys I’ve met in Hong Kong & Singepore. Not sure why you equate casting a half Asian actor among a full cast of Asians as selling out...
Please point me where I said anything about the actor himself. Go. I’ll wait. And I’ll call wait where I said he sold out. Again, didn’t mention anything the actor did was at fault.
The sad thing for all his living abroad, it did nothing to broaden his views on what is & what is not Asian. I find rather racist - prejudice to think someone who half Asian couldn’t play an Asian lead. Fact is, the actor looks just like guys I’ve met in Hong Kong & Singepore. Not sure why you equate casting a half Asian actor among a full cast of Asians as selling out...

is it selling out if all the ppl involved in the movie arent even married to other asians?
You naive enough to think they didn’t choose a half Asian dude because he’s not considered better looking and attractive?
Given the role, I'm smart enough to realize they most likely chose talent and skill over looks.

But hey I didnt even know dude was half white watching the movie for me to consider he's thought of as better looking and more attractive than other Asian men.

Interesting to see how Asians separate other Asians if they're half white.
Given the role, I'm smart enough to realize they most likely chose talent and skill over looks.

But hey I didnt even know dude was half white watching the movie.

Interesting to see how Asians separate other Asians if they're half white.
Agree to disagree. Maybe I’m too skeptical and pessimistic, I just personally have a hard time believing how he looks didn’t play a part in this and it was based on solely talent. Again, not about the actor so I don’t know why you think I’m separating the actor himself. I enjoy your posts ITT so nothing personal.
Agree to disagree. Maybe I’m too skeptical and pessimistic, I just personally have a hard time believing how he looks didn’t play a part in this and it was based on solely talent. Again, not about the actor so I don’t know why you think I’m separating the actor himself. I enjoy your posts ITT so nothing personal.
I'm not saying his looks didnt play a factor. I just think for a movie his talent and skill matter more.

But like I said, when I look at dude I wouldn't even know he's half white for me to say they chose a half white Asian dude cuz he's half white.

I'm not saying youre separating the actor. From the way you're talking it seems all half white Asians are considered separate from other Asians.

I find it an interesting cultural difference. Cuz from my experience if you're black you're black. There's definitely other issues and controversies when it comes to mixed black ppl but they're still black. And for that matter we'd view an Asian as an Asian. Sure as he'll aint making a huge distinction for half white Asians.

So if Michael Ealy gets chosen for a lead love interest role in an all black movie I ain't jumping to its cuz hes lightskin. I guess its obviously different in the Asian community.
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I'm not saying his looks didnt play a factor. I just think for a movie his talent and skill matter more.

But like I said, when I look at dude I wouldn't even know he's half white for me to say they chose a half white Asian dude cuz he's half white.

I'm not saying youre separating the actor. From the way you're talking it seems all half white Asians are considered separate from other Asians.

I find it an interesting cultural difference. Cuz from my experience if you're black you're black. There's definitely other issues and controversies when it comes to mixed black ppl but they're still black. And for that matter we'd view an Asian as an Asian. Sure as he'll aint making a huge distinction for half white Asians.

So if Michael Ealy gets chosen for a lead love interest role in an all black movie I ain't jumping to its cuz hes lightskin. I guess its obviously different in the Asian community.

There's a difference because Western society see us as different. Half white half Asians have always been accepted and considered exotic/attractive or whatever word you want to use to describe more appealing. Nobody makes Ching Chong ******** jokes to half asian kids growing up. There's a reason you don't see any stereotypical Asian roles on screen played by half Asians. They're not seen as Asians from others. The difference in the black community is (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that at least in pop culture and culture in general, black people have always been considered cool or "lit". Whether it's athletes, rappers or any form of entertainment, black people whether light or dark is synonymous with coolness. Asians who look undeniably Asian had 2 roles in mainstream culture - kungfu master (think Jackie Chan/Bruce Lee/Jet Li) or nerd beta loser (think Ken Jeong's previous roles). Of course there's exceptions but we have to talk in generalizations to have a discussion. So to answer your question, that's why I couldn't help but feel a certain way about it. When they needed a suave, rich, attractive lead they went with someone of an ethnic group who's never really been considered authentically Asian in the first place by everyone else.

Other Asians ITT please feel free to disagree and correct me if I'm off base.
Half Korean and half German here and I got plenty of racist jokes about being Asian growing up in school. I was never identified or asked about my white half side from kids who weren’t Asian, they only saw my Asian half. Also in the Korean church I grew up in, the full Koreans didn’t see me as Korean, they saw me as white and would make jokes when I didn’t pronounce something exactly correct or something else stupid.
There's a difference because Western society see us as different. Half white half Asians have always been accepted and considered exotic/attractive or whatever word you want to use to describe more appealing.
From somebody that has grown up in western society, only Asian women have got that label of being exotic. And being half white did bot matter.

The whole point about that kind of objectification is that they're seen as other. Not that they're partially a part of what's common.

Nobody makes Ching Chong ******** jokes to half asian kids growing up.
:lol: This is false. You think half white Asian kids walk around with a label saying I'm half white? And you think that would matter to anyone making stereotypical jokes or racists?

I can understand from your pov maybe you saw half white Asians getting a pass or not getting it as hard but trust that was not the case across the board.

There's a reason you don't see any stereotypical Asian roles on screen played by half Asians. They're not seen as Asians from others.
Man, again I can't tell the difference. I couldn't tell you who was half white Asian and who wasn't.

The difference in the black community is (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that at least in pop culture and culture in general, black people have always been considered cool or "lit". Whether it's athletes, rappers or any form of entertainment, black people whether light or dark is synonymous with coolness.
While this may be true it doesnt speak to the issue.

There's a very serious light skin and dark skin divide within the community but they're still ******s to others.

You can find a light skin black person playing some stereotypical role on tv or movies.

Any shade of black person will get racist/stereotypical jokes thrown at them.

All shades can be seen as exotic by others who view them as sexual objects to be discarded afterwards.

A half white black person isnt getting passes.
Asians who look undeniably Asian had 2 roles in mainstream culture - kungfu master (think Jackie Chan/Bruce Lee/Jet Li) or nerd beta loser (think Ken Jeong's previous roles). Of course there's exceptions but we have to talk in generalizations to have a discussion.
Oh I'm well aware of the disrespect, lack of representation, and pigeonholing of Asians in Hollywood, specifically Asian men.

So to answer your question, that's why I couldn't help but feel a certain way about it. When they needed a suave, rich, attractive lead they went with someone of an ethnic group who's never really been considered authentically Asian in the first place by everyone else.
Well again man, not saying youre wrong for seeing it that way but thats the part I find interesting given the clear distinction thats being made and your whole perception on Asians and half white Asians.
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^ Thanks my guy. It must just be my experience. Growing up, half asian half white people were put on all sorts of pedastals, and I don't blame them or anything. It was just my POV. Thanks for the discussion. NT always comes through :pimp:
A Quiet Place - 5.7/8

Solid film with some real tense moments. I'm not a big monster/sci-fi head, but this kept my attention the whole time. I'll tell u what, I'm gonna need a prequel because I have SO many questions :lol:

Roman J. Israel, Esq. - 1.7/8

Quick analogy...yall know how Lebron drags a bunch of bums everywhere....that's Denzel in this film. Movie sucked.

Game Night - .9/8

Just stupid.
Anyone who's non-Asian -- what'd you think of CRA?

Zik isn’t Asian and seemed to like it quite a bit

A Quiet Place - 5.7/8

Solid film with some real tense moments. I'm not a big monster/sci-fi head, but this kept my attention the whole time. I'll tell u what, I'm gonna need a prequel because I have SO many questions :lol:

Roman J. Israel, Esq. - 1.7/8

Quick analogy...yall know how Lebron drags a bunch of bums everywhere....that's Denzel in this film. Movie sucked.

Game Night - .9/8

Just stupid.

I thought Game Night was pretty good for what it is
Anybody else watched Wrecked on TBS?

Pretty funny. I'm binging the 2 seasons now.

Its basically what if Lost was a comedy.
Crazy Rich Asians -- 6 / 8

- First things first, Michelle Yeoh has incredible presence -- she looked like pure elegance and expressed so much with just her face
- Loved the scene where Eleanor/Rachel talked on the stairs -- Eleanor stepping down while Rachel stepped back = putting her in her place
- Wanted to learn more about Nick/Rachel -- they could've fleshed them out more
- Not gonna lie, Rachel saying "I love you" to Nick and crying at the wedding got me in my feels
- Gemma Chan can have it all -- I'm guessing her character was supposed to be the "not every marriage is happy" arc or what Nick/Rachel's marriage can become?
- This was a solid move forward for the culture -- we should be more outspoken about representation and use our $ to support

"Family never says thank you"
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I liked that quote until grandma showed her true colors with that reveal :lol:

Interested to see the father introduced.
Blackklansman 6.5/8 - Spike did some really awesome camera work and the story as ridiculous as it was actually very entertaining. I think Adam Driver stood out the most. John David Washington giving acting pointers and their whole dynamic made the movie for me.

Only the Brave 6/8 - Honestly thought this was a Peter Berg movie. Seems like a story he'd absolutely jump on. The flaming bear thing was a little over top but the cast were all likable and pretty funny as a group. Individually I felt like the stories were cliche but still hit home if that makes sense.
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