I'm probably the only one that doesn't really like the ams? I'd prefer the HDs over the Vs. I've seen the Vs in person, and wasn't impressed. The materials were very nice, just not feeling the colors/colorblocking.
I never see anyone wear thier AM's with the burgundy laces.
Those laces were made for the Hyperdunks though. They were a lot thinner and longer than the V laces from what I remember. You could put them in the AM Vs, but they looked better on the HDs IMO.
I never see anyone wear thier AM's with the burgundy laces.
Those laces were made for the Hyperdunks though. They were a lot thinner and longer than the V laces from what I remember. You could put them in the AM Vs, but they looked better on the HDs IMO.

O i never knew that I always thought they both came with 2 pairs of laces (grey & burgundy)
^Yeah, I thought the same til I got the pack. The HDs were the only ones with extra laces, the Vs only came with the standard gun metal grey laces.

I'm a fan of both pairs, though I'd personally give the Vs the edge just cuz they're my favorite Kobe sig to date. The 3M detail on the AM V tongue was a nice little surprise when I found out about it while taking a pic of them with flash. Didn't know that feature existed til then.
Yeah, they were an LA exclusive. I think 500 packs were raffled off. I actually had to get my pack from a reseller, but the prices weren't too bad when I got them.
They were raffled or something (I forgot) then the extras were fcfs. Were sold at Nike vault when it first opened.
AM pack was an online contest and the winners were notified via email. Each winner was given a specific number in line. I still remember how shocked I was when I got the email that my name had been drawn. I had to have my gf read it just to be sure I was seeing right :lol:

That excitement quickly went away because then I was nervous about my size being sold out by the time it was my turn to purchase.

Edit: I thought it was 500 packs also, but I looked up the email again and when I entered the contest I received a reply stating they got my entry and I had a chance to win one of the 200 spots in line
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Thanks for posting that JMkicks site! Grabbed the USA's. My second pair of them since I got rid of my first many moons ago. Probably in my top 5 c/w's of the 5s
Not a bad deal. Will probably just get harder to find as time goes on, which of course means more expensive.
yea thats exactly what i was thinking im guna go ahead and cop and might even do sulfers tomor if i can get my girl to come thru on the discount
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