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For today

Nice mortars V vidiviciun
To go grab a drink with my girl and get these fits off. I dont go to Howard but I grew up in the DMV, this past weekend i was back there visitting and decided i really wanted a Howard tee so I could rep and pay homage to an important HBCU!


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V vidiviciun my G so I followed the same exact directions you gave me from October's WDYWT for the direct embed of images(which I had done successfully in October itself the same exact way), but for some reason my last post*on this page* keeps wanting to treat the images as attachments instead of embeds when I use "Upload A File" and post my reply exactly how you told me to previously! Anything I made a dumb mistake on? I did not get the option when I clicked "Upload A File" of whether to make the image full size or thumbnail size which could be part of the way towards what went wrong?
sosa labumba sosa labumba you need to click edit on that post in question. Then click on "More options". Should pull up your page with all those file images that are popping up as attachments. (Delete all of them) Then click on "upload a file" again and then select the image as full image and click save changes. Hope that helps. :nthat:
V vidiviciun so weird I tried your recommendation and also tried to do a whole new post itself but no matter what when i click "upload a file" the upload interface never gives me the options for "full image" or "thumbnail" :emoji_sweat:
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