Official Warriors Season Thread

I thought about this for a minute...but wouldnt antawn jamison be nice in our squad? If we can pry him off of washington for harrington + someone + 1st pickthat would be nice. I'm just saying, he fits in nellies system. He can board 10 a night and drain the 3 pointer. He won't make anyone better, but hey,hes an upgrade over al. Also, he played for Don nelson for a year right? and even as a bench player he managed to average around 15 a night.
Originally Posted by HOOPERVILAA

I thought about this for a minute...but wouldnt antawn jamison be nice in our squad? If we can pry him off of washington for harrington + someone + 1st pick that would be nice. I'm just saying, he fits in nellies system. He can board 10 a night and drain the 3 pointer. He won't make anyone better, but hey, hes an upgrade over al. Also, he played for Don nelson for a year right? and even as a bench player he managed to average around 15 a night.

Plus he doesn't play Defense, he's perfect

He is a free agent next year, and the Warriors could use the trade exception...
BUT if Matrix opts out, I would do anything to try and get him in. He is PERFECT for the Warriors.

Imagine a line-up of :


It will never happen though

Does the exception make GS an active contender in free agency this year?
Ron Artest, Elton Brand, Jamison... there are alot of good free agents this year.
if anyone wants tickets to the game against the mavs tomorrow, let me know. I got them as a gift and have 0 intention of going. section 108 row ds seats 8 and9

tough loss, but as long as we win tomorrow vs. dallas we'll "right the ship" a little bit.

but if we lose....i have a feeling things will get very ugly.
The game tomorrow decides a lot. We just got to wish that Phx beats the Nuggs he next 2 games, which is kind of a double edged sword for me cause i want theNuggs to make it, but Warriors have got to get in playoffs first
First step for us is to just get on a winning streak, alternating wins and losses and playing .500 ball will not cut it trying to make the playoffs thisyear.

I wouldn't mind having a shot at Beasley though
, ok
at myself
Originally Posted by acidicality

First step for us is to just get on a winning streak, alternating wins and losses and playing .500 ball will not cut it trying to make the playoffs this year.

I wouldn't mind having a shot at Beasley though
, ok
at myself

we need like a 5-6 game win streak
you guys dreaming for Marion.. we do realize he's unhappy unless he is the 1st or 2nd scoring option right? although he'd be PERFECT on our squad..he'd likely be the 4th shot taker.

Davis, Ellis, Jackson, all before Marion. He'd just moan and groan. Plus I think he said recently that he loves the Miami situation he's in.
[h2]Captain Jack calls out the bench ... and Mickael Pietrus[/h2]
From Janny Hu in Denver
Again, I could only get some of this into tomorrow's paper, but Stephen Jackson made some pretty critical -- and spot-on -- remarks after the Nuggets loss that deserve highlighting.

First, about the need for someone outside the Warriors' go-to trio to contribute:
"We got to get somebody that you don't expect to show up to show up some nights. Teams are really starting to play us on our guys. They want to take away my quick three-pointers ... they try to take Monta's left away.
"We need somebody on the bench to get us going, to help us these last couple of games, because that's what we had last year. We had Matt (Barnes) playing well, (Mickael Pietrus) playing well, and we needed that. And that's what we need now."

And second, about Pietrus' continued injury absence:

"Hopefully he sucks it up and comes back and thinks about the team and fights the injury a little for us. But at the same time, we got to go with what we got, and I feel confident enough that we can get the job done."

Bottom line? Pietrus is a notoriously slow healer, and that doesn't exactly stack up well when Jack has played hurt most of the year, Baron Davis has made it through 72 games, and Andris Biedrins only missed five after having his appendix removed.

The Warriors aren't expecting Pietrus to play tonight, though he will be re-evaluated before the Mavs game. If he doesn't go, that will be the fourth straight game he sits out, and it won't help his standing with his teammates.
Dudes better come out to play tomorrow.
[h2]Denver 119, Warriors 112: Pietrus is valuable, hurt and not worth much $$ all at once[/h2]
By Tim Kawakami
Saturday, March 29th, 2008 at 9:36 pm in NBA, Warriors.

I'm not saying the Warriors would've won this game if Mickael Pietrus wasn't still out with a groin injury, though they sure needed somebody other than Al Harrington, Matt Barnes or Kelenna Azubuike playing forward vs. the Nuggets tonight.

And I'm not trying to be too dubious about the healing properties and pain threshold of someone who is not me.

Only Pietrus knows how much he's hurt and if he can give it a go for a team that could assuredly use him.

But the Warriors are deep into Urgent/Panic WIN WIN WIN Mode now. They could've taken a huge leap by winning in Denver tonight, and instead suffered a knife shot to the gut.

They almost had enough. They played weirdly, but one more push in the late stages of the third quarter might've been enough.

Yet they didn't have Pietrus, and, at this critical juncture, the void was noticeable-he could've bumped J.R. Smith, he could've grabbed a few rebounds, he could've run into Kenyon Martin, he could've maybe hit a few shots.

Pietrus might've stunk right alongside Harrington and the rest, but in the NBA, it's always good to have extra guys to run in and out to see who's stinking and who's not.

Conclusion: That's exactly why Pietrus is valuable to the Warriors when he plays but also why he's not worth very much money (because he's so frequently not there when it counts).

Willis Reed, he ain't.

Again, I'm not trying to be overly cynical, but let's put it this way:

* This is who Pietrus is. When Pietrus is hurt, he usually takes about 2 or 3 games longer than any other Warrior mainstay would in a similar circumstance. He's right at 3 games longer right now, by the way.

He has now missed 11 games this season for various reasons-all valid enough-but that's 2 more than Stephen Jackson has missed, and that includes Jackson's 7-game suspension to start the campaign.

Pietrus has missed 5 more games than Andris Biedrins has missed, and, yes, Biedrins had an appendectomy in the middle of the season.

That's not a good stat. That's about normal for Pietrus' career, too.

* Pietrus has now missed the Warriors' last four games and they're 2-2 in that span, with another humongous game tomorrow night at Oracle, which is the second back-to-back of this No-Pietrus timeframe.

They need bench minutes. (Baron Davis, Jackson and Monta Ellis all went for more than 44 minutes tonight, while Dallas was resting in the East Bay for tomorrow's Monster Game Part II.)

The GSWs need live bodies, especially because Don Nelson is getting very stingy with Brandan Wright once again and because Azubuike's a decent player but he's hardly a guy who looks steady shooting the ball in important moments. Or any moment, actually.

They do need Pietrus. (He's +64 on the season, sixth-best on the team, while Azubuike's a -30.) And Pietrus isn't there now.

I'll be very interested to see if he'll find a way play tomorrow against Dallas-which now is your classic Must Win. If Pietrus can't make it back for that one, well…

You think Jackson, limping on a bad toe most of the season, would be missing games with Pietrus' injury? Baron? Biedrins, who came back two weeks after an appendectomy?

I doubt Baron and SJax are look at Pietrus and saying to themselves: There's a teammate we can count on!

* This is why the Warriors didn't give Pietrus a large or even medium deal last summer and why it'd be crazy for anybody else to do it, either.

If you try to build something around him, you just never know what you're going to get, and again, I do expect to get ripped for being cruel and flinty.

But Pietrus and his agents often complain that they should be getting large money because of his vast talents. They say MP just needs more time on the floor to prove his greatness. Except he can't always get on the floor, can he?

This is one of the reasons the Warriors are in 9th place in the West for the first time in a long time… and it's the main reason Pietrus hasn't and probably won't be getting $30 million any time soon.

--OK, now some rapid-fire on the people who actually played tonight and the goings-on:

* I still think the Warriors have the inside edge on the 8th spot in the West, but now it's an edge over plunging Dallas, not Denver.

If the Warriors lose tomorrow, then I'll have to change my mind again: The Warriors will be on the outside looking in on both teams.

In my warped rankings, the GSWs are only ahead of Dallas and in a virtual tie with Denver for now because they have Dallas at home tomorrow when Dallas doesn't have Dirk Nowitzki and because they have Denver one more time at Oracle.

But it's cloudy now. Very, very cloudy.

* Man oh man Harrington (0-for-4, 2 points in 15 minutes) was horrible.

Here's a theme: That was playoff horrible! (Monta was in Playoff Tight Mode, too, for large doses tonight.)

I always say Nelson should play Wright as soon as Harrington misses a couple and grabs a few people instead of defending them… but Don almost always chooses to go other ways.

He just won't play Wright with Biedrins (obviously his best game since the surgery, 17 points and 17 rebounds), so if Biedrins is going well, Wright doesn't see the floor.

Nellie prefers Austin Croshere, Matt Barnes… just about anybody except Wright when Biedrins is playing. I understand: Two non-shooters messes up his spacing. But…

How would a guy, like Wright, with length and explosive jumping ability have changed those Denver shots? Would a different kind of finisher helped around the rim? I would've been curious to see. But not Nellie.

* Yes, I'll repeat: If Biedrins plays like this for the rest of the way, it's a nice gain for the Warriors-presence in the middle, a finisher on the pick-and-roll, etc…

But it's not that much of a gain because Wright was doing some of those things and now he won't play.

* It sort of feels like the Warriors are going to have to count on Azubuike (3-for-15 in playoff-tight shooting) for key stretches in the remaining 10 games and into the potential playoffs… and I don't know if Warriors fans should be too good about that.

He's key because he can defend larger wings and Monta and Baron can't and, as I think I've noted, you just never know what MP will be or if he's available.

* Yeah, Kenyon Martin went for 30 and shot it great tonight, but Allen Iverson was 4-for-20, so it's not like the Warriors were prenaturually unlucky. Sometimes it just works that way.

* The Warriors, as we know, are a gut-it-up team after suffering big losses. This is probably the biggest one yet.

They have to beat Dallas tomorrow. They should beat Dallas, even with tired legs. I don't think Baron will let them lose.

And then they'll be in a three-way for 7-8-9 with Denver and Dallas, all three teams at 45-28… and Denver has a home-and-home with Phoenix on Monday-Tuesday.

Good stuff. I thought the Warriors were in. And now it's a three-way coin toss, if such a thing is possible.

@ Pietrus always taking more time off forinjuries. Dude should be ashamed of himself, Baron and Stephen Jax gutted out for the team when they had injuries.

the Mavs are supposed to drop out, not us.
we needed tonight, didnt work out.

and Air France is worthless..
I have never been a fan of Pietrus but I can see this dude can be very valuable to our team. He needs to suck it up and play tomorrow like Jack is saying. Ourplayoffs have started and if he waits any longer, we may not be around too long.
I like Jackson calling out our bench. He needs to let the squad know that this is when they need to rise to the occasion.

Pietrus needs to man up and play through it. Our season is on the line. We need him even though personally, I have never liked the guy
. But his basketballIQ has still not improved since his rookie year... and he's been in the league since 2003. Inexcusable

Harrington needs to get his act together. It's almost as if when JapanAir21 said he was out 2nd best player onthe team, Harrington sunk to a new low. Dammit JapanAir21! Keep your comments to yourself!

Azubuike is still ok. He had a rough shooting night, it happens. He still hustled, rebounded, and played D. His shot will come around... though I missed whenhe scored 30 points in the beginning of the season. Granted this was when Jackson was out due to suspension, but I would still like to see more aggressivenessfrom Buike. We know he's got it in him to put up points, but he seems passive to me.

Barnes is another person we need. He has been up and down this whole season (mostly down). He needs to pick it up. Looks like he's pressing out therethough. When he misses a couple of shots, he gets yanked by Nellie and that's been most likely on his mind and affecting his play. But dude needs to buckledown and play like he was last year. He was vital to last year's squad.

Watson, I don't know why he doesn't play. Nellie doesn't like to take Baron out, but he needs a breather or two. Give Baron that superstar rest inbetween quarters. Sub out Baron for Watson then to give him some playing time. Watson seems under control for a young player and that's always a good sign.I think Watson deserves it. Let's see what we can get out of Watson on a more consistent basis.

And Wright. We all know that this guy has potential. Nellie knows it too. He's acknowledged that he needs to play Wright more, but what does he do? KeepWright on the bench. Stupid %%% Nellie. I agree with what dapresciption said earlier. Nellie gets credit forbringing the Warriors back to the playoffs, but in Montgomery's, Carlisimo's, Musselman's, etc. defense, they didn't have a squad like Nelliedoes now (or last year). Nellie's rotations suck big time. He rides our starters too long out there. A lot of people have been saying that a front line ofWright and Biedrins would be pretty interesting. But Nellie opts to put in a struggling Barnes, a struggling Harrington, and nothing against Croshere (Ipersonally like the guy) but sometimes I prefer to see Wright over Croshere in the game. I know that when I say "a lot of people", it's usuallypeople on forums just like this one, but it'd be foolish to think that someone in the Warriors' organization hasn't thought of that idea yet.
That was a tough loss. We didn't deserve it though.

I get physically sick every time the Dubs allow some dude on the other team that's not one of their leading scorers to go off for season/career highs (ex.Duhon, Mason, Blake, etc). Kenyon Martin looked unstoppable.

Gotta get it tomorrow.
I agree with what dapresciption said earlier. Nellie gets credit for bringing the Warriors back to the playoffs, but in Montgomery's, Carlisimo's, Musselman's, etc. defense, they didn't have a squad like Nellie does now (or last year). Nellie's rotations suck big time. He rides our starters too long out there. A lot of people have been saying that a front line of Wright and Biedrins would be pretty interesting. But Nellie opts to put in a struggling Barnes, a struggling Harrington, and nothing against Croshere (I personally like the guy) but sometimes I prefer to see Wright over Croshere in the game. I know that when I say "a lot of people", it's usually people on forums just like this one, but it'd be foolish to think that someone in the Warriors' organization hasn't thought of that idea yet.
Amen to all that.
I really feel Nellie's rotations are really hindering the team from reaching its full potential. When you hear analysts say "The Warriors lack aninterior presence", it's absolutely true, but a LOT of that is because Nellie hasn't used the players on our team properly that can give thatinterior presence, i.e. POB/Wright etc. I sometimes feel Nellie is handcuffing our team's development and potential. Sometimes he needs to realizesmallball isn't an ideal way to play. At times it may be beneficial, but sticking to it when it's not going to work....

The sad thing is the only defense against that is "oh, Nellie brought this team to the playoffs again", which is TRUE, but like stated already, hehad much more to work with compared to the previous coaches especially after the Indiana robbery last January.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Oh and to add another thing, Nellie has a compliant Baron Davis... not a defiant Baron Davis like Montgomery had.

But with that point, Baron didn't like Montgomery, he respect Don, thats a plus to Don
so is pietrus cleared by medical staff to play and sitting out on his own?

or do they recommend he not play?

even can't knock a guy when he's inj. its a groin if his mobility/athleticism isn't there....he might not help at all.
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