Official Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games (Sports Forum) Thread!

NBC is not airing the Opening Ceremony live to the West Coast, and the games are in the Pacific Time Zone 

The East, and Central Zones will get it live first.  Wow NBC. 
Not a good start, R.I.P.

At least all four finnish skijumpers got through the qualification.
Can't link, but there's video at Huffington Post's website..

Prayers with his family and teammates...
Only watching the Opening Ceremonies and that's it. I hate the Winter Olympics, here it'll just be OD Hockey slurpage as usual.

Summer Olympics > Winter Olympics.

Also for the U.S. watchers I'm hearing NBC will be showing everything taped, like the Summer Olympics even though we're on a proper timelime.
Originally Posted by brandonroy3

Originally Posted by kash55

People need to stop complaining.

It's here, if you don't like it at this point you can't do anything about it. So have fun and enjoy it. It's only gonna happen once.
word, so many debbie downers on my facebook with statuses "%*$% the olympics".. it won't come around too often. 

olympics is good for the city too, bringing in a lotta revenue.  only problem is school being cut.. dont yall have a 2 week "olympic break" or something in vancouver?

What are you talking about? How is it good for the city? Most people can't even go to work over the next two weeks, plus kids can't go to school, were billion in debt, and the only ones getting rich off this events are the big corps and hotels and such. In the meantime the taxpayers will be picking up the bill, with more taxes such as HST, all this while public sector gets cuts. Look at healthcare, education, tuition rising, it goes on and on. I support team canada and the olympics but VANCO becoming somehow the greatest authority in the land, taking as much money as they choose is ridiculous.

"Anyways, how much is it going to cost BC tax payers to host these games? It's going to be fun for 2-weeks and you guys are going to get some amazing facilities but it'll probably end up costing the province for many years to come."

"The city initially put the public cost of hosting the Olympics at $660 million. It has exceeded that by $5 billion in unanticipated public spending, when the government bailed out the Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee (VANOC), which went bankrupt during the global financial turmoil."

When you take into consideration everything and all the hidden cost, its around 8 billion. And yeah they built a cool speed skating track in richmond and some other stuff, but dropping a billion on upgrading a highway to a BANKRUPT ski resort where only a select few of society can use is terrible use of tax dollars. If they really cared about infrastructure they would have done something about the thosands of people that have to sit in traffic everyday trying to get into vancouver from the east on highway 1, or put some sort of skytrain or trolly system through Vancouver West starting at UBC.
I can' believe they gave Wayne a feature on that "We are theWorld" remake.

I also can't believe they let Kanye participate. I thought he was on that permanent blacklist.

Am I supposed to have 3D glasses for this opening montage?

I'm curious to see who ends up lighting the flame...
I need to learn how to bobsled or something.

[h1]Olympics and Sex: Athletes at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games[/h1]
by Michael Small | January 28, 2010 at 03:22 pm

2004 views | 10 Recommendations | 1 comment




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Athletes at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver are going to have a lot of sex. So much, in fact, health officials in the city are providing 100,000 free condoms, almost 15 per athlete.

The Olympics create the perfect storm for sex: young, fit, attractive athletes looking for a good time after months and years of preparation for the big event, all put together in one place for two weeks.

Athletes have Olympic-sized Appetite for Sex

Former Olympics snowboarder Crispin Liscomb says once the athletes are finished with their event, anything goes.

"Everyone focuses so much on their event for their days, that in afternoon it's on. After four years, and really months and months for some of the sports with nothing but water and granola, these guys are ready to part and enjoy and vent."

But will all 100,000 condoms really be used in just 14 days? Liscomb is confident they will.

"I can imagine those condoms being used pretty quickly and pretty often."

Canadian skier Emily Brydon says it's only natural.

"What happens at Olympic Village stays at Olympic village. There's a lot of stress pent up over the week, so it's safe to say that some good times happen."

So that's good news for all Olympic athletes prepping for their stay in Vancouver; even if you don't win a medal, there's a more than satisfactory consolation prize.
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