Official Umar Johnson Thread

Why in the hell would I want to tell you what I do?

I think he's asking you in what ways to you service your community/black community.

You've been doing alot of talking the past few pages and passing wild judgement so would you mind showing some receipts?
I think he's asking you in what ways to you service your community/black community.

You've been doing alot of talking the past few pages and passing wild judgement so would you mind showing some receipts?
If this were a court of law, I would.
I think he's asking you in what ways to you service your community/black community.

Pretty much. Again, he seems educated so I assumed he'd be involved in some sort of teaching facility or role but he says he doesn't teach so I wondered what he did instead. But he might not think I'm in the right position to have that information revealed to me, which is cool.
Pretty much. Again, he seems educated so I assumed he'd be involved in some sort of teaching facility or role but he says he doesn't teach so I wondered what he did instead. But he might not think I'm in the right position to have that information revealed to me, which is cool.
I do not have any respect for people who do not fight, or are afraid to do so.
Pretty much. Again, he seems educated so I assumed he'd be involved in some sort of teaching facility or role but he says he doesn't teach so I wondered what he did instead. But he might not think I'm in the right position to have that information revealed to me, which is cool.

I can respect not talking about something that's currently in the works but to talk spicy as he has been for the past few pages condemning you and Magneto without any feats under his belt is highly fraudulent.

Like what difference is he making by condemning other black men on the internet without any education or tangible community involvement to validate it. I think if he was involved with his community then he would realize that many black men are going to have a difference in opinion that should be respected to reach a common goal. Labeling brothers as mean girls for not agreeing with Lazy's antics is not the wave.
Labeling brothers as mean girls for not agreeing with Lazy's antics is not the wave.

This is the part that gets me. The blatant hypocrisy to the side, to act like lazy been in here speaking facts and respectfully debating with people has got to be a joke. If he's not aware there are plenty of pages of attempted conversations that fit that exact script that I gave.

But it's whatever, people show you who they are and you make the necessary adjustments to how you view em and keep it truckin'
I can respect not talking about something that's currently in the works but to talk spicy as he has been for the past few pages condemning you and Magneto without any feats under his belt is highly fraudulent.

Like what difference is he making by condemning other black men on the internet without any education or tangible community involvement to validate it. I think if he was involved with his community then he would realize that many black men are going to have a difference in opinion that should be respected to reach a common goal. Labeling brothers as mean girls for not agreeing with Lazy's antics is not the wave.
You know, if there were anyone stupid enough to reveal personal information about themselves on a public website, where people are registered under assumed names, then they get what they deserve. However, I am not the one. So you can take that disingenuous commentary elsewhere.
Form the white dude who insultingly imitates Black people, CMagneto
@KHUFU A lot of your angst is misplaced and some of what you're saying is incorrect. I'm familiar with the most of the african spiritual systems being practiced today. None of them say God is a man or a man. None of them use god as a word because its etymological root has to do with gut/ aka coming from a lower place (I'll get back to this in a second.) If were being technical these personifications are actually descriptions of forces to form alchemical equations for the mind, body, and soul. The most high is considered inconceivable in human form and if someone were to try and understand it, it would destroy their nervous system. In this case i am not saying inconceivable in terms of ignorance, but rather attempting to wrap your mind around infinity. You could start counting right now if you wanted and spend the rest of your life doing it and never stop. In knowing that, the african mind localized aspects of the universe so that they could be invoked when necessary. There's 256 odu's that can be broken down and speak to anything you're going through. The minute you say god is ______ you kill the concept of god because you are attempting to label that which has no labels. If you wanna talk about the concept of satan, all 3 abrahamic religions truly worship saturn which is why you see cubes, boxes in all the forms of media we take in, look into the hexagon on saturn for a better understanding if you aren't familiar. All that to say the best way to "kill god" is trap it in matter.

Regarding Lilith you're speaking on it from a literal aspect and in doing so miss whats being conveyed. Albeit the Christianity set in front of you today is regurgitated hodge podge, it still has roots in ancient ethiopian,summerian, and akadian practices. Adam is short for Adam Kadmon, which is the perfected light that resides in all of us. Lilith represents the descent into matter, our lower selves. Adam was sent 3 angels of light to purify his lower 3 chakras. She is considered a succubus because everything in the material universe is feminine. If you don't master your material urges they began to feed on an immature spirit represented in the form of a little boy. Eve represents your feminine half that is receptive to the rising of kundalini energy which is why the serpent approached her and not adam in the garden. I understand its been perverted and you can make the connections in modern times but perverts are going to what they do regardless of religion.

Word of advice, don't take something from someone if you don't have something to replace it with. I am not sure of your age but when i was younger when i went through a stage where I was hell bent on breaking everything down and it gets to a point where it becomes a virus of the mind. The higher I go, i can appreciate people like @htg designs because he's devout in his practices and his message and the messenger are one from what I've seen. I am not accusing you of this, just saying I've seen it happen time and time again, but what he is doing is a lot more respectable then changing your name to Amun Ra Hotep Ptah Heru, growing locks, and saying god is a woman while never developing character and still dealing with the same psychosis just in a different culture. Just my 2 cents.

Yet, on the NIpsey thread.....
So glad they gave this man a proper send off with his ancestors, didn't dress it up as christianity, and put african spirituality at the forefront.
The guy is white, a clown, a buffoon, pure and simple.
Hold on..
VARNELL HILL VARNELL HILL is white too? :lol:

Pic of me from team photos the other day

Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at 4.05.20 PM.png
You know, if there were anyone stupid enough to reveal personal information about themselves on a public website, where people are registered under assumed names, then they get what they deserve. However, I am not the one. So you can take that disingenuous commentary elsewhere.

My guy. Saying that you've done xyz for you community is not revealing anything personal to yourself. No one's asking you to post pictures at the last mentoring program you attended, just share something other than cheap insults.

Like do you mentor?
Do you teach?
You already express that you don't leadwhich I find very unfortunate for a black man to say IMO but I understand?
Do you donate your time somewhere?
Do you donate you money somewhere?
Are you raising a black family?
Hell, are you supporting someone with their casework?

give me something.

and miss me with that sharing personal info on NT nonsense. I love using this platform to grow, support and build with brothers. That's why I'm checking you for coming at iamdef iamdef and @C.Magneto because they both put me on to something that enriched my life in some sort of way as we should do as brothers.
My guy. Saying that you've done xyz for you community is not revealing anything personal to yourself. No one's asking you to post pictures at the last mentoring program you attended, just share something other than cheap insults.

Like do you mentor?
Do you teach?
You already express that you don't leadwhich I find very unfortunate for a black man to say IMO but I understand?
Do you donate your time somewhere?
Do you donate you money somewhere?
Are you raising a black family?
Hell, are you supporting someone with their casework?

give me something.

and miss me with that sharing personal info on NT nonsense. I love using this platform to grow, support and build with brothers. That's why I'm checking you for coming at iamdef iamdef and @C.Magneto because they both put me on to something that enriched my life in some sort of way as we should do as brothers.

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