This excerpt from the frederick Douglass family official statement is pretty much analogous to umar johnsons entire M.O.
“With that being said, Mr. Johnson is very careful not to bill himself as a “descendant,” but he doesn’t correct people when they refer to him in this way. He calls himself a “blood relative” which is a nebulous reference designed to make people think he is a descendant. We have researched his explanation of being a “blood relative” to the Great Abolitionist. Some of the information he provides is accurate, but an extremely important piece of his explanation, with regard to a documented relative of Frederick Douglass, is false. The information he recites correctly is from the public record so his knowledge of our family ancestry is far from definitive proof”.
A little bit of truth sprinkled into a bunch of lies and misinformation. Where in Marcus Garvey’s writing Did he advocate lying about your lineage to bolster unwarranted credibility?