Official UEFA Champions League Final: Manchester United vs Chelsea May 21st 2:30PM EST ESPN 2

what was he thinking
Originally Posted by Rukawa sj

Poor sportsmanship from Tevez started all that.

it was payback for chelsea doing the same thing a little bit ago... there was an injury and instead of just playing it back out of bounds, they booted itway down field out of bounds.. you could see he was pointing to the other side of the field where it happened...

At least that's what i took from it all.
Tevez wasn't al that wrong... there were two instances where chelsea (kicked it out of bounds, rather than to the opposing keeper)... Tevez just did thesame thing... and the chelsea players were complaining...
this is one of the 3 soccer games I ever watched in my life.....its actually pretty cool even htough I don't understand any of the rules...
this is like a warzone out there.. bodies are just laying everywhere after every play in the box... these conditions are pathetic, i kinda wish they'dplay the final somewhere with a roof so they could get great conditions everytime.. but meh, whatever, it's the same for both teams i guess.
well the pitch was pretty bad to begin with... add lots of rain and blades cutting through...
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

$*$ is on your boy Teves' neck...@+# gets more and more disgusting everytime i see it
he had third-degree burns from an accident (boiling water) when he was a kid...
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