Official Travis Scott x Jordan Thread ...

SNS ruined SNS.. Never ever hit with them. I actually won on END like twice. There's even an SNS here in NYC .. have no clue what it looks like because I'm a loser in their eyes. :lol:
I've won more than few of their raffles when it was online, not a lick since the change.

I second this.

I’ve never actually won from them, but I remember before the app started, I would always see winners on NT. Like multiple winners every time. Now, you rarely ever see anyone win on here.

Oddly enough, SNS and END are the two raffles I’ve never won. I’ve won from a bunch of other Euro retailers. But now with Nike’s new rules, all of those retailers arent allowed to ship to the US. Add that to the fact there’s now raffles bots for the ones I do qualify for, and online raffles are becoming a bust now too.
yeah the raffle bots has made a lot online raffles kind of pointless. Seeing people with raffle bots win DSM and UNDFTD lately. Soon enough, if its not on SNKRS, I won't be messing with it. Just exhausted at the idea of a raffle, let alone one thats botted lol
yeah the raffle bots has made a lot online raffles kind of pointless. Seeing people with raffle bots win DSM and UNDFTD lately. Soon enough, if its not on SNKRS, I won't be messing with it. Just exhausted at the idea of a raffle, let alone one thats botted lol
The days of me entering 10, 20, 30+ raffles (*ahem* off white) are long ******* over. It just isn’t worth the hassle anymore. I’ll do SNKRS and the (still horrible) ADC/YS queue if I want something bad enough, but that’s about it. Maybe an in-store raffle if I trust the place.
wow #blessed
its out of the way IMO. I go to that area for food or drinks, not for to visit 1 sneaker store lol

Wayyy out of the way lol. I remember when they announced that they openned doors and I was like I want to drop in then I saw where they were and I'm like why on earth would I go alll the way over there just to see. Never been till this day lol.
Uh oh, Doom is happy??? I hope the corona virus didn't scramble his brain.

Edit: Actually, it would be a good thing. I want my friend Doom to be happy.
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