Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

It seems to be as simple as that. They were willing to give up 3 years of loyalty in Derozan in an attempt to maximize winning for one season. Let’s see what happens...I liked Poetl but it’s true that I would rather have given up Poetl than Siakham or OG.
this trade is ideal for the raps, it's short term but it's not like we had any better long term options w the current roster. the team in it's current state wasn't going to get over the hump so trying something different without giving up OG or Pascal is a win in my books. we have a chance to compete and HOPEFULLY if we make it deep enough in the playoffs Kawhi can change the mentality of the team to compete more aggressively rather than shut down
Oh my goodness. As a Cavs fan I'd kill for one year of Kawhi and some Toronto fans are complaining... Haha.
There's a 5% chance Kawhi stays in Toronto. Drake and co better get the red carpet ready we need to WOW this guy.

There was a 5% chance he was going to get traded here, until that changed. There was a 90% chance Paul George would go to LA but then he signed with Westbrook. Kobe demanded trades like a hundred times but ended up being a life long Laker. Rich people who play a game for a living change their minds constantly. Demar eventually had to go anyway, and this was the best possible value for him. Even a 5% chance at keeping a top 10 player for trading away a top 40 player is huge. Demar is a great person, but this is sports. Guys are traded constantly and I think that should be understandable when you're still making more than like 3,000 people per year...
One more thing to add is, though it was ****** for the Raptors to trade Derozan after telling him they won't... As a Cavs fan, knowing when Kyrie heard he was going to get traded and then basically screwing up his trade value by telling teams he wouldn't play... It's a dirty game either way because there isn't loyalty in sports. The goal is to win and make as much money as possible. Very few franchises have the luck of being able to provide loyalty and win at the same time.
Raps are 20-1 for the chip as of today, pretty certain they were 35-40 to 1 before the deal so take that however you like.
If he refuses to report like Alonzo I’ll be in tears smh

The way they snaked him tho smh classless, how you gunna attract free agents when you do your main guy like that

Hope Demar drops a career high with Masai watching in the front row

There goes the King of the North
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If he refuses to report like Alonzo I’ll be in tears smh

There goes the King of the North

LeBron already left Cleveland a few weeks ago. The real king of the North :lol: Kidding. Let me have this one, my team is in rebuild mode.
That has zero importance to the Raptors though. If that was the case...we gave DeRozan to the Spurs as a gift for nothing whatsoever and gave away Poetl and a pick for nothing. People in here seem to be celebrating the one year rental while throwing out DeRozan like he’s trash, but I value loyalty and worth ethic over a drama queen who has snake tendencies.
That has zero importance to the Raptors though. If that was the case...we gave DeRozan to the Spurs as a gift for nothing whatsoever and gave away Poetl and a pick for nothing. People in here seem to be celebrating the one year rental while throwing out DeRozan like he’s trash, but I value loyalty and worth ethic over a drama queen who has snake tendencies.
I'm with you... been reading all these comments all morning. They shouldn't have fired Casey if they were gonna do all this. If they fail this year they'll blame it on the trade and not the new coach as much. But if Masai trades him to LA for picks and Ingram and someone else then Ill praise the trade. But...I really wanted to see them play out the current team with Nurse as the new HC.
That has zero importance to the Raptors though. If that was the case...we gave DeRozan to the Spurs as a gift for nothing whatsoever and gave away Poetl and a pick for nothing. People in here seem to be celebrating the one year rental while throwing out DeRozan like he’s trash, but I value loyalty and worth ethic over a drama queen who has snake tendencies.
Kawhi a snake? what? lol This move is the best case scenario for the Raps. and this opens up our books for
the next FA. You honestly want to keep paying 30milly to Demar just to get bounced in the first round of the Playoffs.
Basketball > Loyalty
Winning > Loyalty
Gimme a snake with a ring than to lose every single season.
I'm with you... been reading all these comments all morning. They shouldn't have fired Casey if they were gonna do all this. If they fail this year they'll blame it on the trade and not the new coach as much. But if Masai trades him to LA for picks and Ingram and someone else then Ill praise the trade. But...I really wanted to see them play out the current team with Nurse as the new HC.
so you guys want to keep giving 2nd chances to a team that's on their 4th chance? Nah. Time for a change, Demar and KL are not the leaders we need to succeed.
If making the Playoffs is your only goal then sure. But we all know that means nothing at all.
Bro the guy was cleared medically to play last year and sat out like a baby having a hissy fit until he got his way. He’s said over and over that he wants to play for an LA team or nothing. I wasn’t saying Demar was untouchable but apparently Kawhi is so mad that he was traded to the Raptors that he’s saying he’d “sit out the entire season in protest if necessary”. I don’t think you would be praising anything if he did that...
For the DeMar Raptors fan here, Real sport beside ACC (Scotiabank Areana) discount Demar jersey, authentic one is $65, the regular one is $35, XXL in black & gold mostly Red or alternative ones, still lots of sizes, not for the authenticate one. Just bought authentic one since I love what he did in Toronto, thanx DeMar
Bro the guy was cleared medically to play last year and sat out like a baby having a hissy fit until he got his way. He’s said over and over that he wants to play for an LA team or nothing. I wasn’t saying Demar was untouchable but apparently Kawhi is so mad that he was traded to the Raptors that he’s saying he’d “sit out the entire season in protest if necessary”. I don’t think you would be praising anything if he did that...
Kawhi will not sit out this year with the Raps. c'mon man.
For a guy like Kawhi to go rogue, he clearly felt betrayed
by the Spurs. He's never done anything like this throughout
his career.
Regardless I just want the best for the Raptors team and want them to be successful and win. There’s no “blind loyalty” in sports. You either produce or you get moved. Unfortunately that was the case for Demar. They were willing to dump his contract even if Kawhi doesn’t re sign to throw money at another big named player.
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