Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

Employees get to purchase about 20% of the stock so not surprised they're trying to flip them.  At $600+tax, people are already passing because if they're already picking up the legend blues, it's going to be about $1k if they purchase the pack too.  Anyone get any calls yet for raffles?
Employees get to purchase about 20% of the stock so not surprised they're trying to flip them.  At $600+tax, people are already passing because if they're already picking up the legend blues, it's going to be about $1k if they purchase the pack too.  Anyone get any calls yet for raffles?
Nothing yet, I was told calls would be today and tomorrow  but in my personal experience they've called back later then the actual date they said they would so who knows.
Nothing yet, I was told calls would be today and tomorrow  but in my personal experience they've called back later then the actual date they said they would so who knows.

Calls?? You mean they actually have a raffle and don't just hook up their people's?? It's odd how this "raffle" system they use doesn't involve handing out raffle tickets to people who enter. And I thought office 50/50 draws were rigged. :smh:
I can confirm that raffle rigging, at least the FTL store I went to, is real. Very real. I was a beneficiary of rigged raffles, I'll admit. I had the chance to secure my spot and I did. Others I do not personally know also are ocassionally receipients of rigged raffles as well. I do wish FTl would change the system. Perhaps go back to line ups.
Yea, as a FTL employee its sad that people abuse the system. and if anyone was wondering how to get a pair without winning the raffle. Sizes that aren't picked up are sold after 6pm
Update... people seem to have gotten calls from sq 1. Should prob be getting calls from the other stores today

200 USD + 30 USD shipping = 267 CAD + applicable duties and taxes
I guess if you factor in time waiting in line to pick them up it makes sense but normally ordering from EB usually comes out to $10 more.  It is cheaper if you ship it to your US mailbox in buffalo and pick it up though
I guess if you factor in time waiting in line to pick them up it makes sense but normally ordering from EB usually comes out to $10 more.  It is cheaper if you ship it to your US mailbox in buffalo and pick it up though
i concur, recently got the infrared 6's and 13's from the US, comes up to about $237CAD AFTER state of NY tax and conversion...
and yeah if you ship to a US address, you can do one pickup to grab several pairs at once.  Gas really isn't too big a factor if you plan on traveling that way anyways, especially at these prices.

Savings do add up copping kicks from across the border. Not to mention the time you save from not waiting in line.
i concur, recently got the infrared 6's and 13's from the US, comes up to about $237CAD AFTER state of NY tax and conversion...

and yeah if you ship to a US address, you can do one pickup to grab several pairs at once.  Gas really isn't too big a factor if you plan on traveling that way anyways, especially at these prices.

Savings do add up copping kicks from across the border. Not to mention the time you save from not waiting in line.

80% of my collection is from my connect in NYC. I do the exact same procedure. But for the legend blue 11's I've already weighed my options and there isn't much of a difference if I'm just grabbing these. If I have a guaranteed pair for $300 CAD and I can grab them now instead of attempting to cop on a U.S. site then ship to a US address then ship to me I can save maybe $30.
But I do agree the prices here are insane now and I happen to be slowing down on my pickups. The price on that pantone pack here :x
80% of my collection is from my connect in NYC. I do the exact same procedure. But for the legend blue 11's I've already weighed my options and there isn't much of a difference if I'm just grabbing these. If I have a guaranteed pair for $300 CAD and I can grab them now instead of attempting to cop on a U.S. site then ship to a US address then ship to me I can save maybe $30.
+1 I never have any luck on US sites other than NDC, even then its a 50/50 chance. I managed to get Infrared and Cigar 6s but couldn't even get the Concord 11 lows on release day, so the chances are real hit or miss. It's not really the hassle of picking them up from a US address, it's just securing a pair that's the problem.

With the 11s being a must have for me, I agree I'd rather pay Canadian retail rather than taking my chances with getting them online. 
Got a call back for the 11's in a size 12 that I have no interest in, if anyone's interested PM me(no resell, straight retail).

Repped for your offer. I'm sure someone will take you up on it soon if not already. Just out of curiosity, where did you get the call from? Thanks!
Saw some Cole Haan Lunar shoes at Harry Rosen outlet ar Vaughan Mills for 99-150


Thanks for the heads up

any ideas on sizes available? especially the black pair
Haven - only the edmonton store or online if there are any left. Hoping it makes it online since Im not going to livestock
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