Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

I’ve seen a few were gifted the 97/1s. Most of y’all are making a big deal out of the free shoes. If you make it on their radar, big if, you normally get whatever shoe is kicking around. Nobody is paying much attention to who a AM1 animal pack over 270s. It’s whatever is available at the time they check

1) Lebron always plays well against the Raptors, he has them mentally, this is a great ECF preview. Good game from the raps altho wastemans Casey had some whack rotations out there. Left Lowry on the bench too long or didn't have JV take advantage of a nonexistent centre for the Cavs. We rely too much on the 3 now, they gotta balance it with drives and getting to the line.

2) DeKobe with the Kobe AD NXT 360 tonite, those shoes are gorgeous, hope this makes up for the last two AD pairs which were I really think if Kobe got signature athletes DeKobe would be the face of the line.

3) I think the SW's are pretty unique and wouldn't mind a pair and the story behind it is cool but chances are zero at this point. Of course, the Toronto cool kids/influencers flexing their pairs already. I always wondered what they do with the shoes after they post it for the gram haha does it just go onto the pile of free stuff they always get? Does getting free stuff make you feel jaded? questions from the common folk

4) Game Royal aka "can you turn these into Fragment 1's plz"

im thinking of starting a sneaker review you tube channel to get my clout up. in the intro i'm gonna say something like, "whats up guys its ya man in-fx, bringing you another 4k digital figital.. by the way this is a ******* PERSONAL PAIR and that's means everything else is just straight civilized..."

now give me a pair of ****in shoes...
LOL @ saying both teams were missing players tonight. Raptors were missing CJ Miles. Cavs were missing 5 of their rotation players (two of who are starters). That would move Jeff Green to the bench and Calderon to the 3rd string point guard (though maybe 2nd against Toronto if Clarkson pulls off another game like this). Fact is, Raptors should have won considering Lowry was going off, Van Vleet was playing well, DeRozan didn't play last night and the Cavs had to play Holland and Zizic. This game was Toronto's to lose, and they did.

Now, I still respect the Raptors because they are a much different team than they were last season, but if you're questioning why the Raps don't get wide respect by the media, look no further. Excuses from the supporters start coming up or they downplay the game. "Second night of a back to back :frown:" When the media made that excuse for the Raptors beating Houston, all I heard was Raps fans calling out the media but then they make the exact same excuse. I'm not trying to get into an argument here but this is a classic spiderman pointing at spiderman moment...


Also, the LeBron hate in this city is INSANE. I already have multiple bets with friends thinking the Raptors are going to plow through the Cavs if they meet in the playoffs because they don't think LeBron can win with a "lesser" cast... While forgetting that LeBron almost single handedly beat the Warriors in 2015...
Pump the brakes kookoo89 kookoo89 . I don’t know about anyone else you talk to outside of NT but I didn’t say they lost “because of it being a back to back”. They lost because they played poorly after halftime and legit couldn’t make a open shot for their lives. Guys like Ibaka have been super frustrating and has been consistently bricking shots instead of getting into the paint. CJ Miles is an important piece for the second unit and often hits down timely threes in games just like this where the offence starts to stall and struggle. I didn’t even bring up any pieces missing because obviously the Cavs were missing 5 important guys and that just comes as an excuse. I also am not going to speak for all fans but Lebron is just behind Jordan as best player of all time and in some aspects has already surpassed Jordsn in terms of his all around skills and abilities. He single handedly beat the Raptors tonight for sure, but it’s also legit no time to bash the Raptors or go overboard like people are now. You just mentioned, “Oh you Raptors fans got so offended when they called the Houston game a schedule loss for Houston”, but that complaint was more about a respect thing. Don’t act like they haven’t been spitting the same narrative about how all they do is choke in the Playoffs over and over like beating a dead horse. I agree that the Raptors are far too 3 point reliant now and we aren’t well equipped to just outgun teams (They go into periods of serious slumps where they go scoreless for like extended periods). After all that though, the Cavs won by 3 after a horrendous second half by the Raptors. While Lebron had a GOAT statistical performance. We’ll see what happens in the next game.
The Cavs entire team played great as well. A guy who has been getting so much slack and is underperforming this season such as JR Smith hit a **** load of off balance, turnaround, fade away threes. He has the ability to make shots but hasn’t been making shots. Last night he hit most of the shots he took and they were tough shots. Kevin Love also did what Kevin Love did. So all I’m saying is congrats on the victory since you’re a Cavs fan, but just because the Raptors lost this game doesn’t warrant full swing Raptors hater mode. What pisses off Raptors fans is like I said, don’t refer to the team as under achievers and continuously paint this picture of them as chokers and as soon as we lose a game, rub it in everyone’s face. We beat mostly all of the top teams this season except Golden State. That says something that they deserve some respect. The playoffs haven’t happened yet and there’s no guarantee that each game won’t be just as tight as tonight was. It’s kind of opposite with the Cavs and you can’t even deny that. Even with this new Cavs roster after the trade...they’ve beat good teams but also lost to some mediocre teams. The difference here is not always on if Lebron is playing out of his mind because he does most of the time. It’s if the players around him are hitting their shots and you can say oh they had Calderon and Zizic playing but if they’re playing well, it doesn’t matter if it’s Zizic or Nance Jr at that point, it just matters who’s getting it done.
tinker 3 numbers are limited apparently at 306. but camp out?! serious?... like overnight type of thing for these?! bruuuh, to make what? like $50 - $100 over retail....sad

Camping out doesn't mean he's gonna to resell. Not everyone is in the resell business, some people just want the shoes in their collection/rotation.

I want them but making it a first come first serve bases is a b****h.
So quick to hate huh man. Lol. They took an L. Ok. They also played better and controlled most of the game. I'm not gonna make an excuse like they had any answer whatsoever for Lebron but they lost by 3, on the second night of a back to back. Either way, all they can do is try to rebound from this game and maybe the shots will fall the entire game eventually lol. Ain't that serious brah.

Pump the brakes kookoo89 kookoo89 . I don’t know about anyone else you talk to outside of NT but I didn’t say they lost “because of it being a back to back”. They lost because they played poorly after halftime and legit couldn’t make a open shot for their lives. Guys like Ibaka have been super frustrating and has been consistently bricking shots instead of getting into the paint. CJ Miles is an important piece for the second unit and often hits down timely threes in games just like this where the offence starts to stall and struggle. I didn’t even bring up any pieces missing because obviously the Cavs were missing 5 important guys and that just comes as an excuse. I also am not going to speak for all fans but Lebron is just behind Jordan as best player of all time and in some aspects has already surpassed Jordsn in terms of his all around skills and abilities. He single handedly beat the Raptors tonight for sure, but it’s also legit no time to bash the Raptors or go overboard like people are now. You just mentioned, “Oh you Raptors fans got so offended when they called the Houston game a schedule loss for Houston”, but that complaint was more about a respect thing. Don’t act like they haven’t been spitting the same narrative about how all they do is choke in the Playoffs over and over like beating a dead horse. I agree that the Raptors are far too 3 point reliant now and we aren’t well equipped to just outgun teams (They go into periods of serious slumps where they go scoreless for like extended periods). After all that though, the Cavs won by 3 after a horrendous second half by the Raptors. While Lebron had a GOAT statistical performance. We’ll see what happens in the next game.

The Cavs entire team played great as well. A guy who has been getting so much slack and is underperforming this season such as JR Smith hit a **** load of off balance, turnaround, fade away threes. He has the ability to make shots but hasn’t been making shots. Last night he hit most of the shots he took and they were tough shots. Kevin Love also did what Kevin Love did. So all I’m saying is congrats on the victory since you’re a Cavs fan, but just because the Raptors lost this game doesn’t warrant full swing Raptors hater mode. What pisses off Raptors fans is like I said, don’t refer to the team as under achievers and continuously paint this picture of them as chokers and as soon as we lose a game, rub it in everyone’s face. We beat mostly all of the top teams this season except Golden State. That says something that they deserve some respect. The playoffs haven’t happened yet and there’s no guarantee that each game won’t be just as tight as tonight was. It’s kind of opposite with the Cavs and you can’t even deny that. Even with this new Cavs roster after the trade...they’ve beat good teams but also lost to some mediocre teams. The difference here is not always on if Lebron is playing out of his mind because he does most of the time. It’s if the players around him are hitting their shots and you can say oh they had Calderon and Zizic playing but if they’re playing well, it doesn’t matter if it’s Zizic or Nance Jr at that point, it just matters who’s getting it done.

First off, you literally said "I'm not gonna make an excuse like they had any answer whatsoever for Lebron but they lost by 3, on the second night of a back to back". Ibaka went into the paint a few times but the team was baited into him taking 3s. It's the same thing you were doing to Jeff Green, he just made them. CJ Miles is an important part of the second unit, but the Raptors bench outscored the Cavs' second unit by 30 points. I wasn't talking directly to you, which is why I didn't @ you. I was making a general statement using points from people on here as well as my friends and other people I spoke with at the bar, so calm the heck down when you direct a message to someone. I did not one time generalize Raptors fans (said some Raptors fans) but I am specifically going to respond to you now because you've pushed my buttons. If you read my post instead of just flame anyone, I've given the Raps a lot of respect and not bashed them. Hell, I said they should have won that game... And this "Now, I still respect the Raptors because they are a much different team than they were last season, but if you're questioning why the Raps don't get wide respect by the media, look no further." No **** the media is going to downplay the Raptors, because no one has seen them successfully win in the playoffs and they've choked away a lot of games. And once I get past the false bravado of people I know, they have the same opinion because neither have they and LeBron is still in the playoffs...

I did not say anything about the Raptors' 3 point reliance.

And to me, your entire post is acting like the Cavs didn't earn the win and just hit some crazy shots. JR Smith hit two crazy shots. He was 4/6... What about Lowry going 6/9 or Van Vleet going crazy the first half? All you are not saying is congrats. Literally the first thing you said was it was a second night of a back to back (without even mentioning that DeRozan and Van Vleet sat out in Orlando). The regular season usually means nothing. That's what you're not getting. Atlanta had a 60 win season and got swept. People are not giving you credit because as great as a regular season can be, you have to be different in the playoffs. Playoff rotations are generally 9 guys, and the Raptors play 11-12 a night, but that is likely to drop. Cavs lose to mediocre teams every season. I'm not worried about that at all. They have done the same thing every year. If you don't think that having Hood, Osman, Nance and Korver is better than playing Calderon, Zizic and Holland major minutes, you're delusional. Those are guys that make shots, especially Korver. And it completely changes the way teams have to guard the Cavs. Calderon made his shots but he's not going to give the Cavs consistent minutes like that. And Clarkson might not even be in the playoff rotation if he plays the way he did last night.

Also, you're not giving ANY credit to the Cavs. You're basically saying the Cavs got lucky and hit shots, and the Raptors didn't. That is very uneducated and it seems like you were just watching the boxscore. No. Both teams were on fire offensively most of the game. The difference is, in the second half the Cavs stopped going under screens and switching everything, and instead blitzed the ball handler not allowing the team to get open shots as easily as they did in the first half. And what you haven't realized, because I watch every Cavs game and you don't, is that they don't care about seeding. And in most games, the Cavs would have given up at the half when the Raptors went up 15. But in a real sign of team respect, they actually worked their asses off and came back to win. LITERALLY EVERYTHING you said in your post makes you sound like a whiney Raptors fan, and by the look of things of people calling you out directly on the thread after the loss, I'm correct.

Before you @ someone, take a minute to actually read the post before you respond because you've made a complete *** of yourself. If you want respect, you have to earn it when games mean something (and by not being a ****).
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This is the best Raptors team of all time. Is it enough to beat Lebron? I'm not sure.

Everyone was getting so hype last time we best the Cavs, but failed to mention they traded Kyrie Irving for an injured Isaiah Thomas, and Kevin Love as well as a number of other significant players were injured. Then the trade deadline happened and Cavs revamped their whole team.

Bottom line is regular season don't mean ****. We have plenty of Atlantic division banners already.

The question was always can the Raptors beat Lebron/Cavs and be Eastern Conference Champions. I would consider that a success for the Raptors, I'm not even gonna entertain the thought of winning the finals.
im thinking of starting a sneaker review you tube channel to get my clout up. in the intro i'm gonna say something like, "whats up guys its ya man in-fx, bringing you another 4k digital figital.. by the way this is a ****ing PERSONAL PAIR and that's means everything else is just straight civilized..."



Lmao. Nothing I said was a direct shot at you but simply a response to the points you made. You taking it so personal where nothing of “disrespect” or saying anything like a diss against you wasn’t even made. You clearly are the one on the defensive and find it necessary to make a novel of a post just to re repeat the same stuff. Remind me again who sounds like the one that needs to yell at the top of a mountain to everyone that I told you so, the Cavs are still good. I said the Cavs deserved to win the game and I said the Raptors missed shots in the second half. You’re legit being ridiculous if you think any disrespect was being hurled at you just because I said that the Raptors blew that game. That argument is foolish because that’s the exact same thing as you saying, “you’re saying the Cavs got lucky or something and didn’t deserve to win”. So it’s a lie that players like Calderon and JR Smith didn’t step up and hit big shots like I said? You’re taking it way too personal when all I did was lay out my opinion of the game. I legit acknowledged your points and said that I agree that the Raptors don’t defensively have an answer for Lebron etc. I feel that you just ignored when I acknowledged your valid points and just tried to come back guns blazing at the points you disagreed with:
kookoo89 kookoo89 you made a post about the game so the only reason I @ you specifically is because I was responding to that post. It’s a bit much to think I was singling you out or trying to talk smack your way.
i think the SW Air Maxes in concept are pretty dope especially given the thought process around having the cord fray with wear. It's kinda like the denim pairs that have released in the past on other models. It's all about how you wear them and how they age so most pairs won't be identical unless you try to keep them DS. I'm also a bit biased too cause i used to wear NHL snapbacks made out of cord when i was a kid so these bring me back.

that being said i would love to get a pair but not fiending for them. i was more excited about the Atmos 95 Safaris that dropped during this year's run but that's just me
Nike Toronto blessed people with 270's, 98's and Off White Vapormax's (2018 Blacks)

Haven't seen anyone with the Sean Whoterspoon's. Will be surprised if those make it to the usual "influencers".

HAVEN's stock for Acronym Vapormax's are extremely limited. I worked on the campaign and couldn't even snag a pair lmao. But then again, WHO THE **** AM I?

so because you worked on the campaign, you should get a pair?
This is the best Raptors team of all time. Is it enough to beat Lebron? I'm not sure.

Everyone was getting so hype last time we best the Cavs, but failed to mention they traded Kyrie Irving for an injured Isaiah Thomas, and Kevin Love as well as a number of other significant players were injured. Then the trade deadline happened and Cavs revamped their whole team.

Bottom line is regular season don't mean ****. We have plenty of Atlantic division banners already.

The question was always can the Raptors beat Lebron/Cavs and be Eastern Conference Champions. I would consider that a success for the Raptors, I'm not even gonna entertain the thought of winning the finals.

And even after last night I still think the Raptors have a chance to beat the Cavs. Especially because they have HCA.

I respect fans like you because you're a realist and don't live in a bubble. This is 100% the best Raptors team they've ever had. A lot of credit to Casey and Masai because they've gone from a heavily ball dominant ISO team to a passing team. And the scouting has been Spurs like. OG, Poeltl, Siakam, Wright, Van Vleet (though too late on him unless they can re-sign him). I'm sure I'm missing someone but it's a great squad without a doubt. And they've actually earned a ton of respect from the media. Until last night, I'd say 40% of analysts had Toronto beating Cleveland.

The biggest thing that's always bothered me about the Raptors fans I know is that they're always looking for a trigger. You could say 50 positive things about the Raps but say one negative and they focus on it. The media generally knows never to count out a LeBron team. Even saying this is the worst the Cavs have looked, though accurate is never bringing up the fact that they've had 1 game all season where the entire team was healthy, and that was a pre-trade team... But they could just not end up being healthy for the playoffs, in which case that argument would be moot.
kookoo89 kookoo89 you made a post about the game so the only reason I @ you specifically is because I was responding to that post. It’s a bit much to think I was singling you out or trying to talk smack your way.

You literally started your post telling me to pump my breaks and I'm not supposed to take that as you responding directly to me. You also used the word "you" in the post a few times, specifically talking to me. Lmao. If it's a misunderstanding, all good but the post seemed at the very least, heavily directed towards me.
Kookoo I legit wasn’t trying to stir anything up or directly come at you. That’s all I was saying. I voiced my opinion on the game but if i offended you, I apologize.
Kookoo I legit wasn’t trying to stir anything up or directly come at you. That’s all I was saying. I voiced my opinion on the game but if i offended you, I apologize.

All good dude. It's the internet, home of most major misunderstandings. Good stress relief typing out retorts early in the morning anyway. Haha.
Has anyone here used an AMEX for Supreme? It always gives me an error but accepts my MasterCard just fine. TIA
I know it has been discussed previously, but what was the verdict on LS cycling their raffle cards?

I have two unused codes (from the Gold Toe launch) and wanted to try for the AM97/1, but not sure if it'll go through.
Livestock has the Sean wotherspoon on display. Actually like them in person, but looks like a lot of people will be entering the raffle
I know it has been discussed previously, but what was the verdict on LS cycling their raffle cards?

I have two unused codes (from the Gold Toe launch) and wanted to try for the AM97/1, but not sure if it'll go through.

Just try it, what do you have to lose. It's not like the Gold Toes are releasing again.
ladies and gentlemen

log in and out of the nike plus to see if you have the Game Royals Unlocked.

Good Luck
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