Official tax refund thread vol. for the 2015 tax year

You're rich and if need to see the doctor, you pay the office bill out of your bank account. At certain places, Doctors charge less for office visits to patients without insurance. Plus when you consider the insurance Co-Pay amount, it could sometimes be cheaper to just say you don't have insurance. Also why pay for insurance for an entire year when you only go to the Dr once a year if that?

Some religious people don't believe in Western medicine and rather sought prayer/meditation/natural resources to treat their illnesses.
You are talking about doctor visits, those aren't too expensive. What do middle class or poor people do when they have to go to the hospital/ emergency room?

Those bills can be extremely expensive, what do they do then when they need to pay 10K+ out of pocket ?

You pay for insurance for just incase something does happen.
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Some people don't plan for the what if's. I had a higher deductible insurance my first 2 years but after going to get an x-ray and paying 300+ for being told "IDK what's wrong" i switched up to a $500 deductible in case something major pops up
Some people don't plan for the what if's. I had a higher deductible insurance my first 2 years but after going to get an x-ray and paying 300+ for being told "IDK what's wrong" i switched up to a $500 deductible in case something major pops up

I mean as a young healthy person that is what you should be doing. But like someone mentioned, it's the emergency room visits and unpredictable surgeries that will cause you to go to bankruptcy and insurance protects you from that.
Obamacare is like forcing everyone pay for car insurance, even those without cars so those who drive but cant afford insurance can obtain free or subsidized car insurance.
Yeah I don't pay much for health insurance through my job.$400/mo for insurance is pretty steep.That car insurance example really isn't applicable. Everyone doesn't have a car like everyone has health.
Obamacare is like forcing everyone pay for car insurance, even those without cars so those who drive but cant afford insurance can obtain free or subsidized car insurance.

No it's not. In your example a person is paying for a service on something they don't own and is impossible. Car insurance is linked to a physical item as is health insurance. If your example a person would be paying money to insure nothing, you're paying to insure yourself, that is something.
Got laid off in September. Even getting it through my job (I was a state employee), my bi-weekly checks were being docked about $175 for insurance.

Im also in MA paying ~95 every two weeks. And thats half paid by me, half by my boss, so its like 360+ a month total. and its a 2000 deductible. basically, unless i break something or get a disease, it doesnt come close to being worth it.
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Obamacare is like forcing everyone pay for car insurance, even those without cars so those who drive but cant afford insurance can obtain free or subsidized car insurance.
ehhhh, me no compadre.
Yeah I don't pay much for health insurance through my job.$400/mo for insurance is pretty steep. That car insurance example really isn't applicable. Everyone doesn't have a car like everyone has health.
I pay roughly $330/month here in TX
I've heard that tired car insurance comparison to mandated health care for years. One has nothing to do with the other.
No it's not. In your example a person is paying for a service on something they don't own and is impossible. Car insurance is linked to a physical item as is health insurance. If your example a person would be paying money to insure nothing, you're paying to insure yourself, that is something.

Thank you lol.

People get in car accidents every day, I pray you have insurance if it is a serious injury.

iamdef iamdef Is this through your company? I don't know how insurance works outside of company provided insurance plans. These are pretty high, hopefully we will eventually move on to free healthcare for everyone.
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@iamDEF Is this through your company? I don't know how insurance works outside of company provided insurance plans. These are pretty high, hopefully we will eventually move on to free healthcare for everyone.
Yea through my job. Benefits are stupid good though. Dental bill cost $1750 but only paid $50. When I pulled my hamstring the usual rehab bill was $75/day and once my minimum was met I paid $15/day
I'm going to get hit for an early 401k withdrawal, I did put 50 bucks aside to ease tax hit.
Then I'm going to get nailed for my HSA withdrawal.

At this point I'm 25 and now life begins, as Hopefully 2016 will bring new money and a new career. :smokin
Obamacare is like forcing everyone pay for car insurance, even those without cars so those who drive but cant afford insurance can obtain free or subsidized car insurance.

No it's not. In your example a person is paying for a service on something they don't own and is impossible. Car insurance is linked to a physical item as is health insurance. If your example a person would be paying money to insure nothing, you're paying to insure yourself, that is something.

There is a such thing as none owner car insurance. Its not tied to a specific car your just insured when you drive a car. I had it before i owned my own car through allstate.

Thought it was common knowledge
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A non driver doesn't need any kind of car insurance, so why would everyone being taxed for not having car insurance make sense if everyone doesn't drive or have a license for that matter.

Everyone has health no matter what.
I'd assume that although that insurance is real it's not required

The difference i see between the two is that with health insurance "forcing" you to get it is practically in your benefit in case something happens just as having car insurance works in your benefit once you need it. I have not "needed" car insurance ever but once I need it I'm sure I'll be glad it's there
A non driver doesn't need any kind of car insurance, so why would everyone being taxed for not having car insurance make sense if everyone doesn't drive or have a license for that matter.

Everyone has health no matter what.

My point exactly. They are making everone have health insurance even folks that rarely if ever see a doctor. I am one of those people. The one time I did, i paid cash.

Obamacare is making everyone carry insurance not because we may need it one day but because they need healthy people to sign up to pay for those whom are unhealthy.
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