Official Supreme Thread F/W Season Done. Happy New Year!

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You basically have to use a diff card and change your name, addy and other info around just enough to be diff. John Doe on first order and J Doe on second. 123 Fake Lane to 123 Fake LN, etc.
I tried doing that. It doesn’t work for me. Took out the last letter on my first name, changed it from avenue to ave etc. no luck.
The non Supreme version is half the price.. :lol:



Yeah, saw that yesterday, and that's why I went red for my first order. Think I'll grab the non-collab version that if I can't grab the Supreme off a restock.
Does the non collab version come with a case for the flashlight like in the video someone posted the other day?
You must be using something thats the same, either phone number, card or email. If everything is different there is no way it shouldnt work. I've been doing it for years

I’ve done

123-45 fake Ave
12345 fake Ave

Different emails and card. Maybe it was the same phone that caught me or my ISP
I’ve done

123-45 fake Ave
12345 fake Ave

Different emails and card. Maybe it was the same phone that caught me or my ISP
There is your prob. You have to put either Ave or Avenue. Those two examples are legit the same address LOL
Stupid autocorrect
I meant Avenue & Ave.

Autocorrect be killing me...
You sure its not auto correcting as your ordering? lol
If everything is slightly different and your paying with a different card then idk bruh. Id try a bunch of variations if I was you but depends if its that serious to you or not. Good luck
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