Official Stock Market Thread

Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

How much is a single share of RIMM?
RIMM is currently trading at 60.96. Prior to the recent drops, RIMM's 52-week low was 80-something

It use to trade in the single digits too
That was almost 10 years ago no?
dude look at palm, it was at 400 in the nasdaq bubble and now its at 5 and change. Both are in the same business and similar growth stories. RIMM traded sohigh before because they were still growing at 100% y/y, and once that growth stops they will return to more normal levels. I would say AAPL would be thebetter long term investment. They have a much more diversified portfolio and more opportunities to grow.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

with the market in a free fall, and the troubled economy, i don't think now is a good time to buy tech stocks. people will cut back on buying computers, and ipods. this is coming from a guy who made the mistake of buying aapl at close to $150. in any case, i would rather go after a company like mastercard/visa

$150...i could only dumb *&$%& bought at $191

But only 2 shares just to test the waters...
...regarldless those 2 shares have plummeted quite a bit,
So when do you think the market will break 9000. This is crazy I remember when I would see 13000-14000 now it's a hundred points away from 8 this is sad.
I definitely got some deals. I am a value investor so I am in it for the long run.
NOKIA - right now its yielding 5% which is ridiculous. They own 40% of the cell phone market. Global recession or not people are going to buy cell phones.
NEWS CORP - Fox news is biased as a mother, but they make money and news corp owns alot of companies with strong name brands
Mcdonalds - At $54 a share. Im lovin it.
Disney - owns ESPN, disneyworld, disney channel. They are going to be around for the next 100 years.
For all my European people - louis vuitton is cheap now. I wish I could find a way to buy them cheaply (the commissions on over seas trades are just to high)But louis vutton which owns ALOT of other luxury brands will always be in style. global recession or not people will ALWAYS demand luxury goods. I just wish could buy some.
Originally Posted by RDubb

dude look at palm, it was at 400 in the nasdaq bubble and now its at 5 and change. Both are in the same business and similar growth stories. RIMM traded so high before because they were still growing at 100% y/y, and once that growth stops they will return to more normal levels. I would say AAPL would be the better long term investment. They have a much more diversified portfolio and more opportunities to grow.
RIMM has something that Palm does not: LOYAL CUSTOMERS. There are people who value their Berries more than their S/O and/or pets. There is awebsite dedicated to Berries. The same cannot be said for Palm.

Another difference between the two companies is leadership and innovation. The people who are managing Research in Motion are smart cats, they are much moreexperienced than the Palm board and know how to continue bringing new things to the people and do it well. In addition, Blackberries are in a class of theirown when it comes to security and total functionality package. Their design, both software and hardware, are top of the line, easy to use, and absolutelystunning. Blackberry has been the go-to smartphone for corporate users for a long time, and no other phone even COMPARES to the stuff Blackberries offer interms of security and connectivity. People who say that the iPhone is going to knock off the Blackberry are plain ignorant, simple as that. And with 5 newdevices prepped for launch, RIMM is about ready to increase its market share drastically and truly show that Blackberries are still the best smartphones moneycan buy. The Blackberry Storm is already drawing amazing reviews and looks ready to finally uphold the title Apple Killer.

And yeah, that's my schpeel on Blackberry
Originally Posted by JCASH DA KID

So when do you think the market will break 9000. This is crazy I remember when I would see 13000-14000 now it's a hundred points away from 8 this is sad.
we just broke 9000
is there any good short term stock out there...something safe but around like $10 that is bound to shoot up to about $13 or $15 within a month or so? lol iknow if we knew this we would all be rich but some stocks have a history to go up and down within the months so help me out!!!
^Doubtful. Nothing is going to be good short-term except gold companies, and although I haven't looked at a ton, GG - GoldCorp is at $30 per share. Now astock I've watched for awhile is Etrade, and they were recently on Yahoo!Finance as one of the 7 hot stocks to watch. They announced big losses almost ayear ago and are down to $2.27 per share. With a lot of people losing faith in their brokers and paying big fees from financial institutions, personal onlinetrading will only grow IMO. If it drops below $2, which it very well could, I don't think it's a bad buy long-term especially at that price you couldpick up a few hundred shares for cheap.

I'd like to know what theone2401 thinks about ETFC though...he seems to know more than I do.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

GM stock is as low as its been since like the 50's... im thinking about buying some of this... anyone think this would be a good one to scoop right now?

They are - close from not existing and so is Ford. It is a lottery ticket.

I'd like to know what theone2401 thinks about ETFC though...he seems to know more than I do.
I agree with your assement whole heartedly. But I am not ready to take the kind of risk the ETFC is showing. Ameritrade is the less upside lessdownside play for me in the internet brokers.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

GM stock is as low as its been since like the 50's... im thinking about buying some of this... anyone think this would be a good one to scoop right now?
Why would you do that? Nobody is buying cars right now. Dealers can't afford to buy cars, nor can they get rid of the cars they already havesitting on their lots because nobody wants to buy a damn car.

I think you guys are crazy for trying to get in now. We haven't hit the bottom yet.
I just figured that as long as they didnt go under completely then once the market goes back up that stock would at least make some profit... Im no stockmarket expert, just seemed like an opportunity (i wouldnt be dropping a lot of money on this anyway, maybe like 50 shares at $5.00)
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

I just figured that as long as they didnt go under completely then once the market goes back up that stock would at least make some profit... Im no stock market expert, just seemed like an opportunity (i wouldnt be dropping a lot of money on this anyway, maybe like 50 shares at $5.00)

It is. As bad as GM and as bad as their prospects are if they weather the storm they are more then a 4 dollar stock. The thing is they are a huge risk becausethey are coming out in the news and saying "we are not going bankrupt" that is never a good sign. And as Joka said. No one is buying cars now. GM wasbarely selling cars before the economy went bust. GM makes most of their money from financing and now people are starting to default on their car loans itsjust not a pretty picture for GM. If you are betting the farm on GM your setting your self up If you are throwing a few bucks in a speculative play like GMthen do what you do.
if you're going to make a speculative play ... you better be willing to make a few of those plays and hope that 1 works out...
ok so say ive never bought a stock in my life, i dont have a portfolio and i dont know the slightest bit about anything ... what do i do?

edit... im not your average NT'r though ... im college educated in economics and very sharp ...
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

ok so say ive never bought a stock in my life, i dont have a portfolio and i dont know the slightest bit about anything ... what do i do?

Wait for a bull market.

And if you wanna trade your self and not pay someone else to do it read up as much as you can on investopedia or books you buy at the store open a paperaccount on a website and practice develop a strategy and then when the market turns hop in. Now is not the time to jump in if your a noob.
why not? i understand the sheer inexperience would work against me as i may make poor assessments, but if i do my research i think i can overcome that ... iguess what im getting at is there a specific reason why now isnt the time to get in or is just because im a noob? like do you see more experience investorsdiving in at this point?
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

why not? i understand the sheer inexperience would work against me as i may make poor assessments, but if i do my research i think i can overcome that ... i guess what im getting at is there a specific reason why now isnt the time to get in or is just because im a noob? like do you see more experience investors diving in at this point?
Because of volitility. In a bull market if your wrong you arent going to lose a ton. In the market conditions right now if your wrong you could bewiped out. Things arent dropping in an orderly fashion like they normally do. Things are taking 10% swings on a daily basis that can be death to a nubblet.

It all depends on how strong your stomach is. Most new investors dont have the discipline to realize that if a stocks goes down one day 10% because ofvolitility that it doenst mean they made a bad decision. Someone who doesnt have experience is probably going to end up buying high and selling low a lot morein this environment then a bull market.

Now isnt really a time to make money (not until the bottom and following bull) now is a time to just keep the money you have (capital preservation)
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

The afternoon sell off is beginning....Dow to finish under 8k??

If 8k doesnt hold
Holy #*+!. I wanna choke thesecheerleaders on CNBC where is Erin Burnett

They have bounced off of it twice it isnt going to hold many more times there has to be a significant move up
I see an upswing current...11:02, hear about the "circuit breaker" they want to install to limit shorting?
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