Official Stock Market Thread

Mar 11, 2008
The stock market is down and its a buyers market! What are you getting into?

im thinking about apple and yahoo...both at a 52 week low and IMO bound to go up, what u think?
I bought some RIMM. AAPL is a good look too. I wouldn't touch yahoo, don't really see that going anywhere. There board of directors continuously makesbad decisions. I'm thinking about some GE. I don't really know yet though, I'm going give it a few more days before I make any purchases.
RIMM looks like a good investment. yeah idk yahoo seems safe but doesn't seem like its gonna just jump anytime soon but apple seems like a good investmentto me.
Look into DNDN also. It is developing a drug for prostate cancer, that is showing very promising results. My dad put me onto it, it should have already gottenapproved by the FDA. It may be more riskier than what you are looking for though.
Originally Posted by StickyRicky34

Look into DNDN also. It is developing a drug for prostate cancer, that is showing very promising results. My dad put me onto it, it should have already gotten approved by the FDA. It may be more riskier than what you are looking for though.
Yeah check out BVTI too..
Originally Posted by MnMballa2323

RIMM looks like a good investment. yeah idk yahoo seems safe but doesn't seem like its gonna just jump anytime soon but apple seems like a good investment to me.
yhoo should only be bought for the short term, whether you're going long for a month or short. They will have no long term growth becausethey just don't have enough services that proves it will continue to grow in the future. I would watch out for RIMM, right now, tech stocks have yet tobottom out so you might be buying into it to soon, same goes for AAPL
ya aapl is reporting next week so they should take a hit and rimm is already down 50% from where they were a month or so ago. All these growth names are goingto be cut down in the short term. Probably better to hold out until there is real bottom in the market. By the looks of it the economy is only getting worseand were still only at the beginning so the market probably wont bottom until sometime in 09, possibly '10.
so you dont think they are yet to bottom out? and its not a good time to get into RIMM and AAPL?
IMO, I dont think we've bottomed out yet completely for this bear market, although I do believe we are in the process of finding an intermediate bottom.But if youre investing for the long haul then I think you could get in for a lower price later. This is all just my opinion though, its best to do your ownresearch to make an informed decision.
with the market in a free fall, and the troubled economy, i don't think now is a good time to buy tech stocks. people will cut back on buying computers,and ipods. this is coming from a guy who made the mistake of buying aapl at close to $150. in any case, i would rather go after a company like mastercard/visa
Isn't there already an official post? And way to wait 16 whole mins before you bumped it.

But to answer your question, I'll be exploring Walmart options and possibly Visa too.

December/Jan calls at the earliest.
Bought 200 shares of Constellation Energy Partners (CEP) at $7.86 on Tuesday night, along with 100 shares of Cisco Systems (CSCO) at $18.02 the same night. Noone is really in this for the short term unless you're buying gold companies, so between two solid energy and tech stocks, I think I have two soundinvestments for the next 10-20 years.

If anyone else is in their 20s like I am and has the $, I highly recommend looking into some things. There's a lot of value-buys right now that will begreat once we get out of this rut.
To the OP i LOVE Apple right now, by next year you could be laughing at all of us when it gets near $200/share again. If I had enough $, I'd hop in.
I am waiting for a bottom. With the way earnings are going to be for the next two quarters more blood will be shed. Consumer borrowing has contracted for thefirst time in 10 YEARS. This is going to hurt.

But honestly there will be so much stuff to buy you can almost pick out stocks with your eyes closed. But people who think things are going to return to theirprevious highs anytime soon are kidding themselves. Remember when the Nasdaq was at 5,000? It never got even close to that. The Dow wont see 10K+ for a whileand 13-14K is out of the question. Dont kid your self into thinking the upside is the previous highs is all I am saying.

To the OP i LOVE Apple right now, by next year you could be laughing at all of us when it gets near $200/share again. If I had enough $, I'd hop in.
I just have no idea what you are basing this statement off of. Luxury electronics will not return until people get jobs
Picked up 300 shares of RIMM.. can't beat that price man. already made a pretty penny since I bought it at 52ish
smh at my impatience.... i threw in a few bucks as i thought i saw some deals... but i'm in it for the long haul so i'll re up down the line when weappear close to a bottom or start a recovery ...
^Apple doesn't strictly sell luxury electronics. They're continually cutting into the computer market share, iTunes sales continue to be strong, andmore and more companies are buying iPhones for their employees instead of Blackberries. It's not far (up almost 3 points today) from its 52-week low. I seewhat you're saying and I agree to an extent, and at $92 it's an expensive buy, but it's're not going to lose money on thatlong-term. I don't know if you saw my posts above but I stated it's obvious you don't get in this market for the short-term unless you'relooking into gold companies.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

Picked up 300 shares of RIMM.. can't beat that price man. already made a pretty penny since I bought it at 52ish

nicely done i wish i had the capital to even buy 100 shares of rimm
Originally Posted by JDB1523

^Apple doesn't strictly sell luxury electronics. They're continually cutting into the computer market share, iTunes sales continue to be strong, and more and more companies are buying iPhones for their employees instead of Blackberries. It's not far (up almost 3 points today) from its 52-week low. I see what you're saying and I agree to an extent, and at $92 it's an expensive buy, but it's're not going to lose money on that long-term. I don't know if you saw my posts above but I stated it's obvious you don't get in this market for the short-term unless you're looking into gold companies.

Yea I guess it is just hard for me to think in a long long term strategy because I dont invest that way anymore. I know Apple will go higher its a greatcompany. The question is by the time the economy recovers to the point where it is growing for real reasons and not fake ones (debt) will Steve Jobs still bealive? He is not in good health.

And I wonder how they are really doing with their computers? They are tremedously overpriced. Anyone have a link I am lazy.

Since the market has been going down I have only been able to make money off of technical indicators so I am way out of the loop on what companies are runningthings.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

^Apple doesn't strictly sell luxury electronics. They're continually cutting into the computer market share, iTunes sales continue to be strong, and more and more companies are buying iPhones for their employees instead of Blackberries. It's not far (up almost 3 points today) from its 52-week low. I see what you're saying and I agree to an extent, and at $92 it's an expensive buy, but it's're not going to lose money on that long-term. I don't know if you saw my posts above but I stated it's obvious you don't get in this market for the short-term unless you're looking into gold companies.

Yea I guess it is just hard for me to think in a long long term strategy because I dont invest that way anymore. I know Apple will go higher its a great company. The question is by the time the economy recovers to the point where it is growing for real reasons and not fake ones (debt) will Steve Jobs still be alive? He is not in good health.

And I wonder how they are really doing with their computers? They are tremedously overpriced. Anyone have a link I am lazy.

Don't have a link on the computers, but in my recent 4 years of undergrad the Apple computer went from a few people having one to THE computer to have. Call it trendy, call it whatever, the computers are selling!!!
But I completely agree with you about the long-term investing, it's so hard to learn patience in this game, especially at a young age when all you want to do is make the quick $. I'm 22 and I'm still having a hard time fathoming that I might still own CEP when I'm 40 years old or so. And as I'm typing this, I'm realizing that's a long *%+ time from now
Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

Picked up 300 shares of RIMM.. can't beat that price man. already made a pretty penny since I bought it at 52ish

nicely done i wish i had the capital to even buy 100 shares of rimm
Thanks... I've had a few things turn my way, hence why I have some capital to work with. But yeah, the stock market is still a very dangerousthing if you don't know what you're doing. My friend lost a grip on RIMM because he bought it at 100
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

How much is a single share of RIMM?
RIMM is currently trading at 60.96. Prior to the recent drops, RIMM's 52-week low was 80-something

It use to trade in the single digits too
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