dilution followed by monster accumulation. something is up.
Yessir. My stepdad has been following them for quite a while. He definitely thinks something is cooking, 400 mill in free cash and no debt. Hes got big ideas for what could happen, we will see. I got 2500 shares through the offerings this week and last
78% MoM Increase in china. shipped another 7k to europe. production capacity almost at 550k for 2021 model 3, y combined.

CHWY poppin babeyyyy :pimp:

Starting to fade?

Damn I had no idea about LZAR until day of change to......thought it was too late and boom it somehow got to 47 today.....would have been a bit nice to get in at 15 and out at 45...

Man these spacs are money makers....should have gotten into fisker as well.....I need to put some money aside for these gamble plays....been way too conservative....

I put A few bucks into THCB today....merge with Microvast coming(when no idea?!) battery company based in Texas that has made products and money already....

The higher QS goes the better for THCB!
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Do you guys remember CHWY's last earnings? Literally the exact same thing happened. Popped for a minute at close then went back down.
Do you guys remember CHWY's last earnings? Literally the exact same thing happened. Popped for a minute at close then went back down.
I can't remember if they forecasted better than expected guidance. They did this time and im certain it's all profit taking now that CHWYs at ATH.
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