Tf? Insider information is the American way bro.

btw tried trading some futures on paper. Getting DESTROYED. You guys were right. :lol:
Overall wasnt terrible day but still a down day for me, was hoping Tesla was gonna breakthrough that 718 today
Bruhhhh 🤦‍♂️ noskey noskey

This is why I dont **** with futures :lol: Candlestick patterns and volume can tell you a lot about moves and momentum, but one bad trade can **** you over completely.

i started to come back once I slowed tf down but yeah, you weren’t lying. :lol:

then I was like f it I’m gonna let this one ride, NOPE just a bigger L.
How long have you been trading options? How long did it take before you felt like you had a strong understanding?
My third year was a getting killed
Then learned how to chart and set ups
Also learned how important risk management was
Now it’s just patience for the set up for me
How much capital is required to achieve this?
If you’re selling puts, the cost of 100 shares per put sold if you’re doing it cash secured. If you’re selling calls, every single dollar in existence because you can blow up if you’re not paying attention or break rules.
Lmao. You can clean up if you’re day trading selling volatility as long as you don’t fight he trend and you’re actively managing. I would never do this passively unless I’m selling puts to get long a stock or selling covered calls to create a dividend.
How much capital is required to achieve this?
To make it worth your time, honestly a lot.
Like JRS said, 100x a share price to do sell a cash-secured put for collateral.
Covered calls, you'll need to own 100 shares of the stock you're selling calls for. Don't sell naked calls or you may commit suicide.

They're slow gains and not as exciting as buying options, but the steady-ish stream of income coming from it is nice.

To make it worth your time, honestly a lot.
Like JRS said, 100x a share price to do sell a cash-secured put for collateral.
Covered calls, you'll need to own 100 shares of the stock you're selling calls for. Don't sell naked calls or you may commit suicide.

They're slow gains and not as exciting as buying options, but the steady-ish stream of income coming from it is nice.
I am completely ignorant to this, but I have worked my *** off to get my account SIZED.

What kind of "steady-ish" stream are we talking?
I’ve been waiting for AMC to come back up to these levels to get my money back, does it have any real chance of going to the moon like everyone on their Reddit page swears it will or should I just cash out and keep it moving?
I’ve been waiting for AMC to come back up to these levels to get my money back, does it have any real chance of going to the moon like everyone on their Reddit page swears it will or should I just cash out and keep it moving?
How important is the money to you, or your portfolio?
It’s the move if you have the account size. What expiry are you selling typically? 60 DTE?
I am completely ignorant to this, but I have worked my *** off to get my account SIZED.

What kind of "steady-ish" stream are we talking?

Well, my account isn't "SIZED" but a safe number is 3-5% a MONTH. I just got in the game, but the past month I've brought in a little less than $1k. My buddy brought in 3k. You could argue that the cash you've used as collateral would've been better off in just outright buying shares. But it's all risk tolerance.

Try selling a covered call for something you have 100 shares of wayyyyyy out the money and expiring in a month. Maybe try selling 1 AAPL 140C with APR16 expiry to get a taste. If you were to sell this one contract, you'll get $84 now:


If the stock price is below $140 after APR16, you'll get the full credit of $84. It gets somewhat complicated with the Greeks, but essentially you're betting that the stock price won't reach 140 by APR16. If it does surpass 140 (say it hits 141 at expiry), you might be "assigned" and you''ll have to sell your 100 shares that are worth $14,100 for $14,000 (you lose $100 in that transaction, but remember that you got an $84 credit, so you net a $16 loss). But you can avoid getting assigned by "wheeling" out. As you get more comfortable, you can try riskier stocks (high IV) or move closer to in the money (say selling 135 call instead of 140 when AAPL is trading currently at 125) to earn a bit more from premiums.

Peep this guy's videos. Kind of a goober, but explains it well in layman's terms.

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Volatility is going to be crazy today. Careful out there. My plan is to buy any steep pull backs but I’m not being greedy or foolish either. If Powell says the wrong thing the market will react viciously. Bidding 13.55 to add back the piece I sold in GHVI. May add more JMIA and SE. We’ll see. IPOE intrigues me in the 15s. Using this pull back as an opportunity to fix any mistakes I made by not buying or adding where I wanted.

If CPNG gets smoked and comes in another $10-20 I may be interested in taking the gamble.
Why is every indicator looking like a year ago? I understand that we have been setting ourselves up for disaster these last couple of months, but I figured the stimmy would give me at least a week to capitalize. SMH.
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