A lot of people are long with dividend stocks, so price alone is not the end all. Also, many buy into their work companies share programd which have buying windows at different intervals. Some buy in at the END of every quarter (3/31,6/30etc..) so many do want the dips to happen around that time so they're buying shares cheaper. Not everyone has access to buying weekly or daily dips. Some are truly 8-20 years long on stocks. Sort of unheard of with the ability to trade commission free now with ease.
These dips only affect people who are actively drawing on their portfolio as a follow-on point. Dips are only relevant if you sell and crystalize the loss. You were down +35% in March of 2020; if you sat there and did nothing... you lost no value to now if you aren't actively drawing on your portfolio assets. It is just a paper loss.

I haven't seen the numbers on people who are of retirement distribution age in a while but it's not a large percentage. That's really the only proxy you can make, hard to guess the number of people who live off a taxable portfolio reliably.
I agree with that typically, but personally from a psychological standpoint, I’m definitely feeling affected by this market and am going to limit my risk just to reset my mind.

plan on puking out twlo tomorrow and putting a stop in CCIV at 26.50 just because under and it should waterfall.

I just don’t have a good feeling and we have so much room lower potentially. I’m very long, too long honestly without any confirmation from price, that I need to scale back and accept that I might have a large cash position

on the other hand as well
I can drawdown on twlo and if HAAC pulls back, or another spac near NAV, I can park my money there for the time being u til we either puke out or clearly trend higher

just focusing on cleaning up my book somewhat and limiting my downside risks where I have ****** averages in what can be construed as overvalued


we’re probably at the ******* bottom
Good article on SPAC valuations... I wouldn’t touch them. Hello bubble.

if you do your DD and believe in what you are buying there’s not many situations where it makes sense to have a stop loss in place when you’ve JUST bought a stock. Give it time.

I see people buy stock they know nothing about it because other people are buying it. Then they panic when it’s down a little and put a stop loss in place that gets triggered in a week or months time? Then they do the same exact thing with another stock trying to recoup the losses? What part of the game is that?

Have conviction and when your favorite picks drop feel confident buying them on sale to lower your average. If you can’t buy any more, just wait it out.

I bought $63k during the dips these past couple weeks. Portfolio was $24k before that. Been waiting on this opportunity and have been averaging down on my favorites with some size. Some dipped even more when I bought them but others I have already turned a nice profit. Took some profit from the best % performers I was profitable on yesterday and bought more of my holdings that continued to dip.

PINS and GAN I sold my entire position yesterday because I was up considerably in the short term. Put all of that into ROCK which dropped a lot on earnings last week, and 4.5% yesterday.

I don’t want to put any more $ in the market right now or go on margin. So my strategy was to allocate the funds from my best short term gainers I bought on the dip to average down with my favorite, that being ROCK.

Still have not sold ANYTHING at a loss.

Im pretty overweight ROCK now because of this, but I don’t mind as it is usually not a very volatile stock and I really believe in this company.

Current portfolio market value and my gain/loss:
ROCK $53k -8%
SQ $19k +10%
IIPR $11k even
CURI $6k -10%

If ROCK keeps dipping I want to average down more but I’d have to sell SQ or IIPR to do that and both of those are keepers. Looks like I’m sitting tight for now.
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Also want to thank johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm for the sell at highest cost vs FIFO tip. Something I did not think about but has helped me strategically mitigate my tax bill while trading around my core positions. If I get a nice bump in ROCK above my last entry point, I will sell some shares at highest cost and will take a paper loss short term, but will still be up from my entry point, and ultimately lower my tax bill on long term gains. This makes too much sense.
Sold TWLO for a loss. Just not feeling comfortable in this market and now I have some stress alleviated knowing I have cash for a serious drawdown to double up ROKU which is my top priority on weakness.

Put a stop in CCIV at 26.50 just because I think this can waterfall beneath there.
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Me feeling good at buying Peleton yday at a dip feeling good, and then sees it today, feels bad man
Stopped in Lucid. Bid at 18.56. If that hits, that's one I'll leave and ignore.

FSLY 65.89 in a normal world would be a great place to step in and load the boat with a tight stop.

Bidding 335.55 to double up on ROKU.
I bought more TDOC today. I feel about it the same way I felt about UBER and PINS last year. It's my highest conviction play right now.
Everyone I follow on Twitter is super bullish on TDOC. I know I should be buying more.

I'm gonna need this market to just flush heavily already so I can fill back the half I sold in ROKU at 335.
I just do not see TDOC's growth post-pandemic. As of right now, there are disincentives for providers to leverage telehealth. So either their salaries go down or we are near the top from a valuation perspective.

PTON is even worse. We are at peak PTON right now. I dont see the growth beyond its current valuation at all.
I just do not see TDOC's growth post-pandemic. As of right now, there are disincentives for providers to leverage telehealth. So either their salaries go down or we are near the top from a valuation perspective.

PTON is even worse. We are at peak PTON right now. I dont see the growth beyond its current valuation at all.
Actually having this conversation with a buddy of mine now, he brings up good points about potential comps going negative next year and I get it.

I'm here for the chronic disease thematic and remote monitoring, plus I love the behavioral health aspect. this either works brilliantly, or tdoc becomes AOL and MySpace and someone else does it when the world is ready in 5 or 10 years.

criticism here is real and fair
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