Yeesh. Sorry for just starting out and hoping to get in on it and some advice. I'll make sure to stay out ya'll's way. Too serious.
How can you jump in with money hoping to hit it big when you have no understanding? Sit down and do some research. You don't want to risk your money chasing gains because you see others doing it and get wiped out during the process.
This is what I wanna know
Dont we all. I think itll play out in one of two ways:

1. GME blows up and crashes and scares people back to reality. Nothing else pops like these past 3 days.
2. Almost anything and everything cheap gets targeted and starts seeing pops due to the residual cash being reallocated, and new cash entering the market on some 1999 FOMO ****. Additional stimulus might support this outcome.

I cant say or suggest anything since im not looking for them. And I dont want to disguise anybody. The only thing I've ever been deadset on is: buy TSLA, short NKLA. One of those worked out well.
Noob here...what will happen to AAPL tonight once the rumors of good earnings is confirmed? Will it go up tomorrow am or is there usually a quick rise and rapid fall usually? In other words. should I buy today? And benefit tomorrow AM or wait til after the initial rise? Will there be a quick rise?
Curious to see Facebook earnings.

Down 4% today, announcing after market close.
Noob here...what will happen to AAPL tonight once the rumors of good earnings is confirmed? Will it go up tomorrow am or is there usually a quick rise and rapid fall usually? In other words. should I buy today? And benefit tomorrow AM or wait til after the initial rise? Will there be a quick rise?
AAPL is always a crapshoot. I would say use part of your funds to buy an entry position. If it dips tomorrow, buy more. AAPL is a behemoth that's usually slow moving, and its already the largest market cap in the world. It's still my biggest position and I'm never selling (except when it's time to buy a house)
How can you jump in with money hoping to hit it big when you have no understanding? Sit down and do some research. You don't want to risk your money chasing gains because you see others doing it and get wiped out during the process.
Yeah, leave that **** for crypto 😂
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