Market selling roku because of NFLX when it should be gapping higher because of snap is a huge mistake. I added more roku and trimmed some DDOG ah
Made a rookie mistake ( that I should have learned from by now)

and got calls on NFLX and took a loss that could have been worse should have just waited for the SPY action almost took two great days of gains away still in the green for the week though

edit* almost made every penny back shorting SPY

These reversal says have been blissful to say the least I promise that’s where to money is

I can get a scalp here and there but boy when it goes from red to green or green to red:pimp::pimp:
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Idk y pins is up but looking great with earnings coming up. Looks like their ad revenue is growing?
Idk y pins is up but looking great with earnings coming up. Looks like their ad revenue is growing?
Literally SNAP crushing it. Rising tide, and all that.

Making any TSLA plays for earnings? Shares, options? I might add a couple shares in my Roth.
Trimmed my PINS and TSLA positions by 20% each. TSLA shares will cover the cost of the call options, so worst case is I break even with profits from shares and loss of call premium.
PINS is trimmed because $50 is a wild run from my cost of 21.75 for those shares. So, taking profits there. Thank you again johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm for the PINS notices.
Oh oh oh TSLA beating top and bottom numbers. Pls Elongod, dont slip bad news in the report or earnings call. Up 4% so far...
I've got CNBC on rn, if Tesla starts offering insurance on their cars/drivers, oh boy...

Stop fading bish
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Congrats noskey

sold out of pton at like 125 market downgraded it after hours will maybe grab some back tomorrow lower

bought back some put spreads in pins todeleverage a little into th selection, trimmed net and DDOG while adding back some twlo and buying more Sq and roku
Congrats noskey

sold out of pton at like 125 market downgraded it after hours will maybe grab some back tomorrow lower

bought back some put spreads in pins todeleverage a little into th selection, trimmed net and DDOG while adding back some twlo and buying more Sq and roku
Good call on PTON. I was debating trimming that too, but I only have 15 shares left and still believe in them as a company. Rather than continue selling down, I'll just buy more shares if they drop.

TSLA released pictures of their Model Y factory in Shanghai and the progress there, actual pictures of an actual factory. Take notes NKLA you ******* scammers.
Good call on PTON. I was debating trimming that too, but I only have 15 shares left and still believe in them as a company. Rather than continue selling down, I'll just buy more shares if they drop.

TSLA released pictures of their Model Y factory in Shanghai and the progress there, actual pictures of an actual factory. Take notes NKLA you ****ing scammers.
noskey noskey wants to see NKLA burn. You on some William Wallace ****.
Cybertruck next year :nerd:
Semi still up in the air?
850k annual delivery for 2021 :nerd: Elon got as close to saying yes without actually saying that.
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