Let's talk objectively for a second. Fundamentals are **** right. Some stocks are earning/creating amazing revenue, that's no doubt, but overall, our economy is ******.

What if this run up is the result of smart money being deathly afraid of having cash? Negative rates, printers going brrrr, could this all be a response to potential inflation fears? Look at gold, btc, assets. I don't think this is irrational disconnect, I think this is actually a response to a bigger problem. Look at Iran and Venzuela's markets.
That's a great point JRS. That said I'd rather risk ~3-5% dollar value loss over the next couple years than a ~30% haircut on stocks. I can't imagine we see double digit inflation in the next year.
what good is either when there's nothing to buy? just need necessities. i agree cash over stocks
I never got in :frown:
Honestly, still time if you like it for the long haul, just start in really small for a feeler and gradually add on dips. I was mad I never got into ROKU when it was 60 and kept saying I'd wait, wait, wait, and here I am only buying a feeler now at 127 :lol:

Adding a little FSLY here looks strong for a second move next week.
LOGI is obviously going to kill it with their earnings report. So I should wait to buy in, because they're going to get killed by the market, right? Start with small position and then make big position decision after earnings? Its priced in with the stock at 52 week highs, right?
fed chair Wednesday? get in as late as Monday fellas/ladies closing green Wednesday if you guys want to short some gains :rofl:
Let's talk objectively for a second. Fundamentals are **** right. Some stocks are earning/creating amazing revenue, that's no doubt, but overall, our economy is ****ed.

What if this run up is the result of smart money being deathly afraid of having cash? Negative rates, printers going brrrr, could this all be a response to potential inflation fears? Look at gold, btc, assets. I don't think this is irrational disconnect, I think this is actually a response to a bigger problem. Look at Iran and Venzuela's markets.

Inflation kicks in if the Saudis back out of the Oil deal with the US and starts accepting other currency for oil.

Otherwise, brrrrrrrrrrrr.

Worsr casw scenario, the US can invade Saudi.
I bought 30 shares at its initial dip.
Good size to start with if you have a small account. I only bought 15 shares of fsly, then added 5 more at 33.5 initially and I’m up $200 on them. You won’t get rich at this size, but your risk is much lower and you’re earning a ton more than you would in the bank. DCA/add on dips and you’ll have a great position one day.
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