Official Spurs(4)vs Clippers(0) Series Thread. Sweep City, Sweep Sweep CIty

Talk about turrible.

Feel sorry for Chris, he thought he was on a team with more talent and skill.
Originally Posted by MR J 858

Clips NEVER had a chance in this series.

They getting Swept tomorrow night and Vinny Del Negro will be made the scape goat and will be fired this summer.
At this point I can't even blame Vinny, although I feel he should've been fired for other reasons.
Clips NEVER had a chance in this series.

They getting Swept tomorrow night and Vinny Del Negro will be made the scape goat and will be fired this summer.
Nobody in the East is beating this Spurs team.
CP3 will be bouncing and crossing the hall after next season

Stern won't have the power stop it that time around when he's a free agent.
It is nice to see Griffin having a jumper though. Hope it stays consistent.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I never thought about the fact that the championship banners had to be taken down when the clippers play and when other events took place in staples. I just felt like they were "permanent", but instead they're like decoration.

Hack a Shaq technique is weak and shouldn't be allowed in the game. The dude above me that defended it probably praises floppers too, talking about it's cerebral technique to draw a call or some nonsense. Cats have ZERO honor or respect for the game these days. Flop on.

Flopping and putting a horrible free throw shooter on the line purposely aren't even remotely in the same league. By hacking, you're literally risking the other team getting points. Flopping doesn't do that. So at the end of a game, you shouldn't be allowed to use strategy and put the pressure on a bad free throw shooter? Yeah, okay buddy. And LMAO @ honor and respect. C'mon son.
So are corn rows considered a throwback? Has enough time passed for them to be considered a retro look?
SA doing work!

What happen to the Clippers intensity?!? I hope they finish the game like that. We NEED this game.

Duncan just gained much more respect from me with that block! Now THAT'S defense. Not "taking a charge".
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