how do i stretch out the toebox of my 1's or whole shoe in general ?

chicago 1's fit way too tight
ive tried using jason markk on my shadow 1s but havent seen the results i wanted. i only cleaned the back portion, upper middle heel spot. any recommendations, lincoln ez cleaner? the suede/nubuck material is very delicate, seems to stain upon a slight rub of the finger. im in the process of whitening the soles aswell with plus white. will post pics shortly from my phone
just try soap and water, i did that to my shadow 1 with some black stain on it. just use tooth brush and circular motion than dry with towel.
Apply some E-6000 glue with a toothpick. Barge cement works too.

I know the feel, my 03s were crap not too long ago.
hey guys. i need some help since this is my first time ever trying out clearing up the yellowing on my 2000 XI SpaceJams.

so i've bought retrobrite from restoremysneakers.com or something like that.

now, it was working and im using the outdoor technique. i understand that theres gonna be a possibility on sole separation,

in which it DID do. in fact, it COMPLETELY separated the ENTIRE shoe. the midsole, the icey sole, and the shoe boot itself.

now that isnt the problem.

my problem is that, when i came out to get the soles from the sun, i washed it off and scrubbed any leftover retrobrite left on there.

but it left some white/chalky leftovers. its not the chunk but looks like the retrobrite just dried up on my soles and now

its not AS transparent.

is this cause i left it out for too long? (1-1.5 hours) and HOW DO I FIX/CLEAN this issue?

any help would be appreciated. thanks fam!

ps i tried looking and googling everywhere but cant seem to find a solution.
Hi folks,

Does sea glow / retrobrite work on the kd iii scoring titles? The soles don't look piss yellow but more dark murkier grey now....

And reading prev posts the general consensus is that retrobrite is better than sea glow?


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the concept is cool
I plan on repainting this part of my 2002 9s. They started cracking but was wondering how I should set this up. Should I remove the black paint off the entire shoe or just around the part where it cracked. Any tips on how to remove the paint?
cracking should be the least of your worries though, making sure that they don't crumble when you wear them is the main objective 
Can I paint away the yellowing on the bottom rubber part of the Playoffs 12s ??          
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Sup my dudes. I need some help. I recently got the bred xi's from some guy and when I checked them out in front of him they seemed fine but when I got home I noticed the head some creases around the ankle area (where the jumpman is). I need to get rid or at least improve them cause I'm selling them next week and I don't want the buyer to back out if he notices them. Any ways I can minimize these creases? Here's some pics:


Any tips on how to get a scuff off of bred 11 patten leather also for military 4's what time of paint can I use to fix bottem of midsole
Can't really do much about that famb. That pair has obviously been worn a few times. Those are the exact type of creases you get from wearing them. I guess just sell them as NDS and call it a day. You could try the iron method to get some shape back but all those fine wrinkles will still show.
Any tips on how to get a scuff off of bred 11 patten leather also for military 4's what time of paint can I use to fix bottem of midsole

For the white, just use white angelus.

For the blue, use sapphire angelus mixed with a little white.
Can anybody help me with a midsole swap on a pair of space jam 11 and a pair of cobalt. Without damaging or deforming the midsole

I know it may not be visible in the picture but the pair on the left look clear but in person they look off clear, meaning a tint of yellow remains and it is not clear translucent as it would be out the box, if it wasn't going to be something for my sister (fixing her favorite shoe) then it wouldn't matter but it does, btw there size 5 if that matters for getting them clear.
I know it may not be visible in the picture but the pair on the left look clear but in person they look off clear, meaning a tint of yellow remains and it is not clear translucent as it would be out the box, if it wasn't going to be something for my sister (fixing her favorite shoe) then it wouldn't matter but it does, btw there size 5 if that matters for getting them clear.
what kinda setup are you using those pretty good to me
Beside sole-swapping, is there anything i can do to keep my shoes from crumbling ?

There is already cracks and parts missing. Can i just apply a thick clear layer of "glue" ?
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