Yeah it’s black, but there are rubber white toe caps.

I’ll test it out to see how it works.

And I have been battling these concord 11s the past week. I don’t know what the hell happened, I can get the stains to go away, but they just keep coming back after they dry. And there are stains all over the shoe, like at the toe and all of that, the jeans didn’t even touch in those areas.

I’ll try for a few more days before I get the oxi white, and if oxi doesn’t work, then I’ll have to think of something extreme because I refuse to make these kicks beaters or to play ball in them. I’ll paint them if I have to.

With the rubber it shouldnt really matter how much you use, just put a little bit and mix with water.. Use a brush to apply and scrub it into the rubber.. Do both shoes at once.

Dude I am baffled at your concords. The only thing I can think of is that its a chemical stain based on either the foam under the tongue which is yellow.. Or something on your denim.

My two cents, Id oxi clean them as well. Why not, you have little to lose and alot to gain.

Your other option is to grab some paint from angelus and touch them up.. Since they are still new and clean, even if the colors dont match they should be fine after a few wears.

With rubber and midsoles, my goto method is using a rubber gum eraser.. This method on really is good for white midsoles. I strictly use it for as such. It looks like this. (you can use a suede eraser, however it just doesnt work as well as the rubber/gum eraser does)


Process is simple. Just test on the bottom or a small part of the shoes first.. reason being is that it can remove finishing or sometimes even paint if you rub too hard.. So I only would really recommend them on white midsoles.. Works amazing.
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With the rubber it shouldnt really matter how much you use, just put a little bit and mix with water.. Use a brush to apply and scrub it into the rubber.. Do both shoes at once.

Dude I am baffled at your concords. The only thing I can think of is that its a chemical stain based on either the foam under the tongue which is yellow.. Or something on your denim.

My two cents, Id oxi clean them as well. Why not, you have little to lose and alot to gain.

Your other option is to grab some paint from angelus and touch them up.. Since they are still new and clean, even if the colors dont match they should be fine after a few wears.

With rubber and midsoles, my goto method is using a rubber gum eraser.. This method on really is good for white midsoles. I strictly use it for as such. It looks like this. (you can use a suede eraser, however it just doesnt work as well as the rubber/gum eraser does)


Process is simple. Just test on the bottom or a small part of the shoes first.. reason being is that it can remove finishing or sometimes even paint if you rub too hard.. So I only would really recommend them on white midsoles.. Works amazing.

Yeah bro these concords got me furious.

Like the stains go away, they actually disappear for a while, then it slowly comes back. The color looks like rust.

And it’s even at the bottom of the shoe by the toe area, idk how.

I’ll try oxiclean and there’s this thing called “white brite” you ever heard of that before? I use it to make my shirts white af. Works very well.

I was thinking of putting that on and leaving it on for like 20 min and scrubbing it off with plain water.

I remember you not saying to put these in the laundry, so I’ll hold off on that unless I just get so pissed and say **** it. I can’t make these shoes beaters or ballin kicks. I stayed up just to get these and always wanted them since they came out last time.

What paint do you recommend from angelus?

I know they have flat white and regular white, or something like that.

Do you think I should paint the whole shoe instead of the stains to make it match?

Thanks bro
Yeah bro these concords got me furious.

Like the stains go away, they actually disappear for a while, then it slowly comes back. The color looks like rust.

And it’s even at the bottom of the shoe by the toe area, idk how.

I’ll try oxiclean and there’s this thing called “white brite” you ever heard of that before? I use it to make my shirts white af. Works very well.

I was thinking of putting that on and leaving it on for like 20 min and scrubbing it off with plain water.

I remember you not saying to put these in the laundry, so I’ll hold off on that unless I just get so pissed and say **** it. I can’t make these shoes beaters or ballin kicks. I stayed up just to get these and always wanted them since they came out last time.

What paint do you recommend from angelus?

I know they have flat white and regular white, or something like that.

Do you think I should paint the whole shoe instead of the stains to make it match?

Thanks bro

white brite and oxiclean shoild give you the same results. use either.

You could for the hell of it, grab a bottle of Jason Mark and try spot cleaning .. But I wouldnt be tpo hopeful but it could be worth a shot.

throwing them in the washing machine.. well - if laundry detergent dont work, water dont work. soap dont work. Not sure what thats gonna do other than mess up the shape of your shoes.

call angelus, tell them the shoe you have and they will tell you what color to use. just spot paint but then wear them out a few times.. since they still new, there isnt a real need to paint the entire thing to match color tones.

Man, best advice I will tell you is getting frustrated is going to make it worse. I know they are probably one of your fav pairs, but at the end of the day they still shoes.. Plastic and Foam.. Nothing worth getrinf too upset, over. I promise you everyone in this thread and every shoe collector alove has had a bizzare incident like that happen to one of their prized possessions. We all have had "that pair" . Be fortunate in some ways, that it was just a shoe you paid 225 for and wasnt a pair of samples or something literally impossible to find again or replace. I find that if you can lower your expectations, you may come across something that will work.

Take them into a shoe repair and see what they recommend. If you have a dry cleaner, thats worth a shot as well. Although a shoe repair may not be able to help since they mostly are experienced with leather. But a dry cleaner may be able to help you figure out what the stain is and how to remove it.

Worse comes to worse.. Sell them on eBay. I bet you someone will buy them at a decent price and restore them. Use that money to foward to a new pair.
white brite and oxiclean shoild give you the same results. use either.

You could for the hell of it, grab a bottle of Jason Mark and try spot cleaning .. But I wouldnt be tpo hopeful but it could be worth a shot.

throwing them in the washing machine.. well - if laundry detergent dont work, water dont work. soap dont work. Not sure what thats gonna do other than mess up the shape of your shoes.

call angelus, tell them the shoe you have and they will tell you what color to use. just spot paint but then wear them out a few times.. since they still new, there isnt a real need to paint the entire thing to match color tones.

Man, best advice I will tell you is getting frustrated is going to make it worse. I know they are probably one of your fav pairs, but at the end of the day they still shoes.. Plastic and Foam.. Nothing worth getrinf too upset, over. I promise you everyone in this thread and every shoe collector alove has had a bizzare incident like that happen to one of their prized possessions. We all have had "that pair" . Be fortunate in some ways, that it was just a shoe you paid 225 for and wasnt a pair of samples or something literally impossible to find again or replace. I find that if you can lower your expectations, you may come across something that will work.

Take them into a shoe repair and see what they recommend. If you have a dry cleaner, thats worth a shot as well. Although a shoe repair may not be able to help since they mostly are experienced with leather. But a dry cleaner may be able to help you figure out what the stain is and how to remove it.

Worse comes to worse.. Sell them on eBay. I bet you someone will buy them at a decent price and restore them. Use that money to foward to a new pair.

Appreciate all the help bro. Imma make something work with these shoes lol.
Appreciate all the help bro. Imma make something work with these shoes lol.
my gut says its the yellow foam they use under the white mesh, whicb would be equal to a chemical stain. If it were me, Id be on my way to my dry cleaners to get some advice.. Since they deal with the toughest of stains and have the most experience.

oxiclean is worth a shot. If you throw them in the wash, expect both shoes to turn yellow at this point.

**update: after doing some research seems like a common problem with concords. alot of folks also are saying its the yellow foam under the mesh*

odds are that dish soap or dove brought out that yellow from the foam underneath and bled it into the mesh

yellow stains are often a) organic stains , b) oxidation or c) chemical. It really cant be anything else.. the shoes are too new to oxidize like that. lol I have been purposefully trying to oxidize a pair (e.g. turn the white yellow to make them vintage like) I have for years, they are 7 years old now and no success. Oxidation isnt a quick process, unless we are talking clear soles.
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my gut says its the yellow foam they use under the white mesh, whicb would be equal to a chemical stain. If it were me, Id be on my way to my dry cleaners to get some advice.. Since they deal with the toughest of stains and have the most experience.

oxiclean is worth a shot. If you throw them in the wash, expect both shoes to turn yellow at this point.

**update: after doing some research seems like a common problem with concords. alot of folks also are saying its the yellow foam under the mesh*

odds are that dish soap or dove brought out that yellow from the foam underneath and bled it into the mesh

yellow stains are often a) organic stains , b) oxidation or c) chemical. It really cant be anything else.. the shoes are too new to oxidize like that. lol I have been purposefully trying to oxidize a pair (e.g. turn the white yellow to make them vintage like) I have for years, they are 7 years old now and no success. Oxidation isnt a quick process, unless we are talking clear soles.

Yo thanks a lot dude for looking it up, I really appreciate it!!

Yeah I was telling you that I barely wore these and I have stains coming from the bottom of the sneaker lol.

It’s as if I was painting the shoes or something, it’s crazy.

They need to have a disclaimer or something on the box saying “DO NOT USE DISH SOAP TO CLEAN. ONLY CLEAN WITH CLEAR PRODUCTS”.

Yeah I have white bright and I’ll try that, after that I’ll take them to the cleaners.

Did anyone have any success stories on if they fixed the shoes?

**So I just looked up trying white vinegar and leaving it on for 30 mins to an hour outside in the sun to dry**
Yo thanks a lot dude for looking it up, I really appreciate it!!

Yeah I was telling you that I barely wore these and I have stains coming from the bottom of the sneaker lol.

It’s as if I was painting the shoes or something, it’s crazy.

They need to have a disclaimer or something on the box saying “DO NOT USE DISH SOAP TO CLEAN. ONLY CLEAN WITH CLEAR PRODUCTS”.

Yeah I have white bright and I’ll try that, after that I’ll take them to the cleaners.

Did anyone have any success stories on if they fixed the shoes?

**So I just looked up trying white vinegar and leaving it on for 30 mins to an hour outside in the sun to dry**
white vineger works.. I think I mentioned it earlier but I personally cant stand the damn smell

as far as success stories, honestly couldnt find any. not to say its not possible, because everything can be repaired. found alot of heartbroken concord owners though, as I was researching.. And quite a few pissed off ones, as well.

dude. if you want to hear my horror story. I cleaned my tannery 998 new balances with jason mark (a 650 dollar shoe then, maybe a 350-400 dollar shoe now.. Got them on release day through concepts - lucked out. ), they were brand new but I had a small spot on the toe box that was driving me crazy on the toe box. It came to me that way and it was a stain so small that only I could notice.. I followed the instructions on JM, to the T. Jason Mark ended up washing the green dye right off the toe box, the first time I used it... Yet Jason Mark advertises that you can use it on suede. It was the one time I decided to try out "sneaker cleaners" and I paid big for it. I never really even got to wear the shoes other than trying them on around the house.

my point is, sometimes its about trying and learning. We all take losses , bro. Mine was costly. We live and learn. Everything is replace-able. Lol. I kept that pair to remind me of my mess up, next time I decide to get irritated at a small mark on a shoe. It pains me when I look at them, since they are still pristine minus the damage Jason Mark caused. Shoes are shoes and they WILL get dirty.

The pull away for me was that sometimes one has to assess the risk of damaging shoes through cleaning versus letting them be - which is a REAL risk no matter what method you use... Was it worth the risk on my pair, probably not. Cleaning and maintenance in itself is a SKILL. takes alot of time and practice.. But now a days, I can pull out a 10 year old shoe that Ive cleaned and maintained that looks as if its been barely used.. Which is far from the case, as they wete actuallu my beaters..

Both pairs are retired beaters. I cant tell you how many miles they have on each pair.. Far more than any other pairs I have owned.

Lol my 14s, I bled all over them the first time I wore them from my cat doing a number on me. My cat was super violent when I rescued her from a parking lot. I picked her up, she scratched me, so I let her down. I didnt realize she gashed open my hand until I looked down to my sneakers. Let alone my hand being split open, it was the first time I was wearing those 14s as I just got them earlier that day. Spilled an entire can of dr. pepper that exploded on those new balances.. took me weeks to clean out that stickyness from the soda. Id take the 14s on trips with me to NY, Cali, I wore em every week for about three years, until I retired them. Id practice cleaning on these two pairs so that I wouldnt damage my coveted kicks, yet these two outstood all the others..

Sometimes you dont choose which pairs "make it" when it comes to the test of time, maintenance, and aging. As both were my least favorite pairs back then... Now, these two are my favorite pairs based on the test of time, alone.

The NBs are from 2008. And the 14s are from 2011. I took these pictures a few days ago. Both are still wearable.

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white vineger works.. I think I mentioned it earlier but I personally cant stand the damn smell

as far as success stories, honestly couldnt find any. not to say its not possible, because everything can be repaired. found alot of heartbroken concord owners though, as I was researching.. And quite a few pissed off ones, as well.

dude. if you want to hear my horror story. I cleaned my tannery 998 new balances with jason mark (a 650 dollar shoe then, maybe a 350-400 dollar shoe now.. Got them on release day through concepts - lucked out. ), they were brand new but I had a small spot on the toe box that was driving me crazy on the toe box. It came to me that way and it was a stain so small that only I could notice.. I followed the instructions on JM, to the T. Jason Mark ended up washing the green dye right off the toe box, the first time I used it... Yet Jason Mark advertises that you can use it on suede. It was the one time I decided to try out "sneaker cleaners" and I paid big for it. I never really even got to wear the shoes other than trying them on around the house.

my point is, sometimes its about trying and learning. We all take losses , bro. Mine was costly. We live and learn. Everything is replace-able. Lol. I kept that pair to remind me of my mess up, next time I decide to get irritated at a small mark on a shoe. It pains me when I look at them, since they are still pristine minus the damage Jason Mark caused. Shoes are shoes and they WILL get dirty.

The pull away for me was that sometimes one has to assess the risk of damaging shoes through cleaning versus letting them be - which is a REAL risk no matter what method you use... Was it worth the risk on my pair, probably not. Cleaning and maintenance in itself is a SKILL. takes alot of time and practice.. But now a days, I can pull out a 10 year old shoe that Ive cleaned and maintained that looks as if its been barely used.. Which is far from the case, as they wete actuallu my beaters..

Both pairs are retired beaters. I cant tell you how many miles they have on each pair.. Far more than any other pairs I have owned.

Lol my 14s, I bled all over them the first time I wore them from my cat doing a number on me. My cat was super violent when I rescued her from a parking lot. I picked her up, she scratched me, so I let her down. I didnt realize she gashed open my hand until I looked down to my sneakers. Let alone my hand being split open, it was the first time I was wearing those 14s as I just got them earlier that day. Spilled an entire can of dr. pepper that exploded on those new balances.. took me weeks to clean out that stickyness from the soda. Id take the 14s on trips with me to NY, Cali, I wore em every week for about three years, until I retired them. Id practice cleaning on these two pairs so that I wouldnt damage my coveted kicks, yet these two outstood all the others..

Sometimes you dont choose which pairs "make it" when it comes to the test of time, maintenance, and aging. As both were my least favorite pairs back then... Now, these two are my favorite pairs based on the test of time, alone.

The NBs are from 2008. And the 14s are from 2011. I took these pictures a few days ago. Both are still wearable.


Those kicks are fresh!!

The funny thing is that this has never ever happened to me ever. I always used dish soap to clean my shoes forever.

I actually like cleaning sneakers, it was something I took pride in after I came home from school, while other kids had dirty kicks.

Then I wore some black jeans, it left a little black, didn’t look bad and I actually forgot about it, then I saw small traces of black stains on the shoes. So I cleaned them to be fresh.

The other funny thing is that I actually cleaned these before because of jean stains, but I think I only used Jason markk.

Came out real clean, no stains.

So I’m like wtf, now my kicks got rust stains lmao. **** goes away then comes back the next day. Sometimes it’ll go away and stay light, but then I try to clean those stains and then it becomes even darker.

Good news is that one time they came out ok, it had light brown, but was not noticeable at all. That’s when I should have stopped it.

It’s weird because when I clean it with all it goes away, but stains came back stronger, then I used water and it came out lighter, used water again, then it became super dark.

So I’m confident I can at least make these wearable and the stains won’t be too noticeable, just can’t let water touch them I guess lol.

But you been a big help dude for real and I’m glad you helped me out with everything.
Those kicks are fresh!!

The funny thing is that this has never ever happened to me ever. I always used dish soap to clean my shoes forever.

I actually like cleaning sneakers, it was something I took pride in after I came home from school, while other kids had dirty kicks.

Then I wore some black jeans, it left a little black, didn’t look bad and I actually forgot about it, then I saw small traces of black stains on the shoes. So I cleaned them to be fresh.

The other funny thing is that I actually cleaned these before because of jean stains, but I think I only used Jason markk.

Came out real clean, no stains.

So I’m like wtf, now my kicks got rust stains lmao. **** goes away then comes back the next day. Sometimes it’ll go away and stay light, but then I try to clean those stains and then it becomes even darker.

Good news is that one time they came out ok, it had light brown, but was not noticeable at all. That’s when I should have stopped it.

It’s weird because when I clean it with all it goes away, but stains came back stronger, then I used water and it came out lighter, used water again, then it became super dark.

So I’m confident I can at least make these wearable and the stains won’t be too noticeable, just can’t let water touch them I guess lol.

But you been a big help dude for real and I’m glad you helped me out with everything.

keep me updated man.. If you had success with jason mark on them, give it go. I think you can bring them back. Just gotta find what works. Just because something works on one pair, it might mess up another pair.

Jason Mark should be safe on mesh, Id keep it away from any type of leather though. Your not the only one that this has happened to. It really boils down to the actual shoe and how it was made. As it shouldnt have happened in the first place.

Personally ,
Id try Jason Mark, First.
White Vinegar , Second.
Oxiclean/White Brite. Third..

One of those methods should bring it back. Last resort, Dry Cleaner for advice.. If nothing, then touch up painting them. Call Angelus, they will tell you which paint you need along with advice.
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keep me updated man.. If you had success with jason mark on them, give it go. I think you can bring them back. Just gotta find what works. Just because something works on one pair, it might mess up another pair.

Jason Mark should be safe on mesh, Id keep it away from any type of leather though. Your not the only one that this has happened to. It really boils down to the actual shoe and how it was made. As it shouldnt have happened in the first place.

Personally ,
Id try Jason Mark, First.
White Vinegar , Second.
Oxiclean/White Brite. Third..

One of those methods should bring it back. Last resort, Dry Cleaner for advice.. If nothing, then touch up painting them. Call Angelus, they will tell you which paint you need along with advice.

Yup I’ll keep you updated my man
Ima try this again:

My 2016 bred 1s have this dark line, I've heard it's been caused by moisture but they've dried and now got this dark line on the heel. Anything i can do to help get rid of this at all? Silica bags?


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Ima try this again:

My 2016 bred 1s have this dark line, I've heard it's been caused by moisture but they've dried and now got this dark line on the heel. Anything i can do to help get rid of this at all? Silica bags?

as far as storing them. Bags with a silica packet inside the box. Sela the bag shut, let them breathe every few months. If you feel that the mark is caused by mositure, wherever your storing them, grab a small cup of rice and put it at that location
rice absorbs moisture, so youll be able to tell if that area is a good storage area or not.

personally, I have one of those salt lamps where I store my shoes to absorb moisture.

as far as cleaning that mark.. Let me look into it and ask around. I have never seen a mark like that other than people cleaning their shoes with reshoevernator that leaves a stain similiar like that on leather.

where are you storing the shoes? is it near a mositure area, e.g. bathroom.. where you live, do you have humidity.

two - three years is not long enough to cause maintenance related problems.. most maintenance related problems take about 4-6 years to come out even when no precautionary measures are taken. the mark is just on the heel? are the shoes DS?

have you tried cleaning the shoes, with proper leather cleaners and conditioners. I know the breds usually have decent quality leather, although I skipped the 2016 release.
feelingood feelingood

Forgot to ask what’s your opinion on reshoeVn8r cleaner compared to Jason markk? I like the smell of JM better, but I was just curious.

I do like reshovn8r brushes tho.
feelingood feelingood

Forgot to ask what’s your opinion on reshoeVn8r cleaner compared to Jason markk? I like the smell of JM better, but I was just curious.

I do like reshovn8r brushes tho.

Personally they damaged more of my shoes than helped.. Everyones experience is different. All they did was try to patent what we had been using to clean shoes for years... A brush, Warm water + Detergent.

Reshoevanator if I had to pick one. But you could buy the same thing they sell at the grocery market or online, spray suede cleaners, sealants and etc for half the price.

Both of them are ripoffs and really just meant to capitalize on the market when you could easily use stuff you have around the house to clean and maintain your shoes with which are safer, imo.

If your lazy and want a cleaner in the bottle.. Use what the pros, restorers, and repairers use.. Angelus.

Ill drop a gem of wisdom, and not to get off topic... If they hype a product, odds are its an inferior product that needs the hype behind it to sell it (some exceptions in regards to limited editions and collectible items of course, shoes as an example). If it works well, the product sells itself - no reason to advertise it heavily or at all sometimee, since they use word of mouth marketing. Angelus is the King of cleaners and shoe maintenance/repair work and has been for years, yet they dont even advertise...

So if someone tries to sell you into the idea of shampoo via TV commercial - they are selling you the idea first so that you buy the product. They gotta hype it through an "ad" to get you into buying it. Do they use that shampoo at salons, helll no. Odds are the stuff they use, is something youve never heard of or seen before on TV, or ads. When I saw both JM and reshoevantor marketing so hard, I was skeptical.

One day I broke in and tried both. My success rate was about 60% (my success rate with traditional methods is much higher, Id say 85 - 95%..). Given I damaged three coveted pairs of shoes , that I couldnt bring back. Finding New Balance Mint Green color that they only used on one release is kinda impossible, even if I wanted to repair them. I even emailed them with pics, you think if the company stood behind their product they would have atleast written me back, right... Nope.

Only reason guys promote it on the web is cuz they getting cut a check to promote it and talk about how good it is. And they do "spoof"" videos on using their products.

Reshoevanator damages leather. JM ruins suede and leaves this wierd chemical film on the shoes.. It changes the feel and texture of the material or washes off the color. Reshoevantor turns leather ashy or leaves stubborn water stains.. You can look up countless experiences through research on this. IMO , they are only safe to use on synthetic materials.. So if you got shoes with real leather or suede, I wouldnt use either.

Only reason I am using JM or Reshoevabtor is if I have already made peace with ruining my shoes. Or its a pair of beaters that I am not gonna invest time and effort with cleaning them the right way.

Everyone @ the end of the day is gonna have their own experience though.

If you want to learn the proper way (yes its a Skill), talk to people.. You can PM me... Or go into a shoe repair shop, and ask em.. Hey what do you recommend for cleaning cheap leather versus really good leather... Or hey can you guys show me how to repair suede, I want to learn it for myself.. People are usually happy to share knowledge with you , especially if your younger in age. They wont charge you for it.

Lol, every girlfriend I have had always begs me to clean their leather purses, shoes, and etc after they see how immaculate mine are.. but I invested years into learning it as a hobby.

Remember the first pair I tried cleaning on my own was a pair of Nike SBs... The black plastic on the brake pedal, rubbed black into the butter grey/light olive green suede. It was one of the most stubborn stains, as everytime I cleaned it, it got darker and kept spreading. Took me about 8 months to get it out from trying different methods. Throughout the course of cleaning that shoe alone, I picked up the fundementals of what works and what doesnt and ALSO. I started buying shoes in the perspective in mind of what shoes would be easier to clean/maintain versus which ones would be really difficult.
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Personally they damaged more of my shoes than helped.. Everyones experience is different. All they did was try to patent what we had been using to clean shoes for years... A brush, Warm water + Detergent.

Reshoevanator if I had to pick one. But you could buy the same thing they sell at the grocery market or online, spray suede cleaners, sealants and etc for half the price.

Both of them are ripoffs and really just meant to capitalize on the market when you could easily use stuff you have around the house to clean and maintain your shoes with which are safer, imo.

If your lazy and want a cleaner in the bottle.. Use what the pros, restorers, and repairers use.. Angelus.

Ill drop a gem of wisdom, and not to get off topic... If they hype a product, odds are its an inferior product that needs the hype behind it to sell it (some exceptions in regards to limited editions and collectible items of course, shoes as an example). If it works well, the product sells itself - no reason to advertise it heavily or at all sometimee, since they use word of mouth marketing. Angelus is the King of cleaners and shoe maintenance/repair work and has been for years, yet they dont even advertise...

So if someone tries to sell you into the idea of shampoo via TV commercial - they are selling you the idea first so that you buy the product. They gotta hype it through an "ad" to get you into buying it. Do they use that shampoo at salons, helll no. Odds are the stuff they use, is something youve never heard of or seen before on TV, or ads. When I saw both JM and reshoevantor marketing so hard, I was skeptical.

One day I broke in and tried both. My success rate was about 60% (my success rate with traditional methods is much higher, Id say 85 - 95%..). Given I damaged three coveted pairs of shoes , that I couldnt bring back. Finding New Balance Mint Green color that they only used on one release is kinda impossible, even if I wanted to repair them. I even emailed them with pics, you think if the company stood behind their product they would have atleast written me back, right... Nope.

Only reason guys promote it on the web is cuz they getting cut a check to promote it and talk about how good it is. And they do "spoof"" videos on using their products.

Reshoevanator damages leather. JM ruins suede and leaves this wierd chemical film on the shoes.. It changes the feel and texture of the material or washes off the color. Reshoevantor turns leather ashy or leaves stubborn water stains.. You can look up countless experiences through research on this. IMO , they are only safe to use on synthetic materials.. So if you got shoes with real leather or suede, I wouldnt use either.

Only reason I am using JM or Reshoevabtor is if I have already made peace with ruining my shoes. Or its a pair of beaters that I am not gonna invest time and effort with cleaning them the right way.

Everyone @ the end of the day is gonna have their own experience though.

If you want to learn the proper way (yes its a Skill), talk to people.. You can PM me... Or go into a shoe repair shop, and ask em.. Hey what do you recommend for cleaning cheap leather versus really good leather... Or hey can you guys show me how to repair suede, I want to learn it for myself.. People are usually happy to share knowledge with you , especially if your younger in age. They wont charge you for it.

Lol, every girlfriend I have had always begs me to clean their leather purses, shoes, and etc after they see how immaculate mine are.. but I invested years into learning it as a hobby.

Remember the first pair I tried cleaning on my own was a pair of Nike SBs... The black plastic on the brake pedal, rubbed black into the butter grey/light olive green suede. It was one of the most stubborn stains, as everytime I cleaned it, it got darker and kept spreading. Took me about 8 months to get it out from trying different methods. Throughout the course of cleaning that shoe alone, I picked up the fundementals of what works and what doesnt and ALSO. I started buying shoes in the perspective in mind of what shoes would be easier to clean/maintain versus which ones would be really difficult.

The funny things is I don’t think I really heard much about JM. I think I saw one video about them and wanted to try it. But reshovn8r I always see.

Do you think their restores are fake?

I have used angelus cleaner before, it was the green bottle.

Yeah I just get angelus stuff mostly because it’s way cheaper, but I wanted to try all the cleaners.

I used either reshovn8r or JM on my Ferrari’s and that **** got hella ashy, took all the red off and it went into water. I had to use angelus suede spray to restore the color.

I’m fine with using all as my main cleaner. How you feel about super concentrated clean, clear all? Or should I just stick to the regular one?

And do you recommend to clean with angelus as much as all?

I’ll pm you the leather questions on how to clean that.
The funny things is I don’t think I really heard much about JM. I think I saw one video about them and wanted to try it. But reshovn8r I always see.

Do you think their restores are fake?

I have used angelus cleaner before, it was the green bottle.

Yeah I just get angelus stuff mostly because it’s way cheaper, but I wanted to try all the cleaners.

I used either reshovn8r or JM on my Ferrari’s and that **** got hella ashy, took all the red off and it went into water. I had to use angelus suede spray to restore the color.

I’m fine with using all as my main cleaner. How you feel about super concentrated clean, clear all? Or should I just stick to the regular one?

And do you recommend to clean with angelus as much as all?

I’ll pm you the leather questions on how to clean that.

just regular.. yeah if you want something in a bottle browse angelus website, for their cleaning oroducts. They are all A+
The funny things is I don’t think I really heard much about JM. I think I saw one video about them and wanted to try it. But reshovn8r I always see.

Do you think their restores are fake?

I have used angelus cleaner before, it was the green bottle.

Yeah I just get angelus stuff mostly because it’s way cheaper, but I wanted to try all the cleaners.

I used either reshovn8r or JM on my Ferrari’s and that **** got hella ashy, took all the red off and it went into water. I had to use angelus suede spray to restore the color.

I’m fine with using all as my main cleaner. How you feel about super concentrated clean, clear all? Or should I just stick to the regular one?

And do you recommend to clean with angelus as much as all?

I’ll pm you the leather questions on how to clean that.

no the restorers arent fake. but they def dont use jm or reshoevantor when they promote they are cleaning with it.. they use angelus.

the shoe cleaning vids , imo are spoofs when they are promoting JM or reshoevanator.

JM use to be promoted ALOT on youtube.. But you see what happens when they dont cut checks.. People stop promoting it.

I know angelus has different varying grades and strengths of cleaners.

If I am not mistaken their green bottle is good stuff. Its like their all around cleaner.

For suede, stay strictly with suede spray (any brand.. I use Kiwi) , and suede protector. I think I typed instructions out for you in an earlier post on this, just scroll back a couple pages.

You can clean as much as youd like. If you keep shoes cleaner they last longer. When shoes are new I clean them after every wear. Once they are broken in, I clean em once every handful of wears

If your storing shoes, I take them out their box and clean them every few months. Just because they arent being worn doesnt mean you shouldnt clean them. Its a regular routine type of thing.
hi guys, so I got a few pairs that needs some much needed TLC, and since there's no one in my city that does restoration work
im gonna try and fix these up myself, with no previous experience smh
The 2 pairs of Footscapes and Atmos def need sole reglued ,for that i purchased Barge All Purpose Cement (clear)
Now the I need some help with the Patta 1's
How to re-dye the Chlorophyll green denim and whitening the mesh part.
Also is there a way to clear the foggy air units for good ?
Please ,any advice will be much much appreciated, thanks !





feelingood feelingood

Bro these ****s are getting worse by the day.

No matter what I try the stains just stay the same and have gotten worse.

Only options I have left are cleaners and painting the whole shoe.

Now the whole shoe has yellow stains all over it.

How do you think they’ll look if I paint the whole shoe?
For the netting on the IV, oxy-clean, is there any certain type i should get?
Also, with the front of the midsole beind kind of yellow on my cement IV, how would i turn it back to grey?
Powder form works best turn it i to a past ive also used ajax lightly on my mesh works wonders.
is the method of ironing a toebox with a damp washcloth in between truly effective in getting rid of creases?

also to repaint a toe box and a midsole on jordan 3's what is a good type of paint? if i need 2 different paints tell me please
Angelus is tge best and yes ironing the toebox works wonders but a crease will always come back its just the shape of our feet cant do much about it but it helps to take them out once in a while stuff a shoe tree or some paper or cloth in the shoe toe box and get a shirt or towl make it damp place it on the toe box and iron youtube has some good tutorials.
Angelus is tge best and yes ironing the toebox works wonders but a crease will always come back its just the shape of our feet cant do much about it but it helps to take them out once in a while stuff a shoe tree or some paper or cloth in the shoe toe box and get a shirt or towl make it damp place it on the toe box and iron youtube has some good tutorials.

@cucumbercool iron em out and then use shield protectors.. Its a piece of plastic that goes into the toebox, that prevents them from creasing. they look like this.
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