Official Slam Dunk Jordan Release Thread

Our sizes runs are generally the same. We usually get size 15 though but did not for the slam dunks.

it was a crazy size run here per store. You guys in USA though have 6 times the pairs we have .

People are saying there is 2000 pairs and I got a break down of that from Footlocker marketing in OZ a while ago, but others are suggesting 20,000 pairs.
Heres the thing though, If Australia only got 250 pairs, including VIP pairs, then I can not see how there is 20,000 pairs worldwide. I mean why would they only give Australia 250 pairs and then USA 15,000 pairs plus.

If we had 250 pairs, I would bet you there is only 2000 pairs worldwide. Put that into comparison of the 1500 pairs of Nike Mags that were Auctioned off and its pretty bloody limited
A lot of shoes are extremely limited in Australia and will have 15000 in the US. Australia gets like 100 pairs for the entire country.
instyleshoes instyleshoes good looking on the pics. Maybe if you could show some detailed up close pics of the lace lock and 3m throughout so ppl can have some good substance to make sure they don't get GM pairs

Absolutely, we are more than happy to.....
View media item 1230842View media item 1230843
Again, good luck to all who are on the hunt for these. It's great seeing some other members pointing things out in the GM's vs real pairs as well.


INSTAGRAM : @instyleshoes1999
Yeah I guess but Europe are not getting, Asia was very limited, as was Australia and I don't think you guys will get 15,000 pairs. Most people are reporting their stores in USA are getting 18 pairs. 15,000 divided by 18 pairs would mean 883 stores are getting 18 pairs each. Or lets say the stores are even getting five size runs each, thats 250 stores, and nobody is reporting their stores are getting 60 pairs yet. HOH is only getting 36 pairs at a main store.

There certinaly sounds like some truth to only 2000 pairs worldwide, would you not agree with this? The numbers make sense
I don't really worry about release numbers but no, I do not see truth to 2000 worldwide. There are plenty of stores outside of footlocker that will getpairs and ndc should have at least 500-1000 pairs. I wouldn't be surprised if ny alone had more than 2000 pairs with jordan store getting a few hundred pairs themselves
I'd say there are more than 2,000 pairs of these. Asia had a bunch in stores and there was only NDC for them.
Anyone in USA want to phone FTL head office and ask them how many pairs they have for the USA release? 1.800.991.6815

Sorry IO am a bit fixated on this but I would like to know how many of these shoes have been released. 
i think that oxycontin got you infatuated lay off the drugs...drugs are bad
Honestly.... Because I want to know if I for once have gotten myself a platinum cop. I'm usually the type of guy who misses out on the shoes I want, Due to being in Australia and everything being limited herte especially the very limited ones and I'd like to know if maybe after 23 years of collecting Jordans that I finally might have something worth passing on to my son, or If i should accept a swap I got offered for the 2 sizes I have that fit my feet.

I love this shoe, but have been offered a good swap, and Im not a hypebeast but on this occassion Iim kind of being one  as I dont usually have the scores to be able to be a hype beast. 

Also I ahve read this entire thread and done my hopmework since buying this and I just do not understand people thinking there will be 50,000 pairs opf this shoe. 
for all we know there could be 50,000 but will it seem like it? No because there will always be a percentage that is purchased with no intention of being worn and strictly to make money off of. But i understand what you mean it sucks being in an area that isn't allocated resources of which you would like to own. 
Good on you champ. Go back to your box now

He's right tho, why are you so concerned with how many pairs were made anyway? Honestly you'll likely never find a concrete answer to that question and already have a pair, so save yourself the time and move on already
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