Official SAW V Thread 10/24/08 ***$30.5 Million Opening Weekend***

Dr Gordon sawed his leg off in the 1st movie

they never said he died, they kinda just left it for you to assume he died but they didnt ever confirm this
Originally Posted by areyouin729

Dr Gordon sawed his leg off in the 1st movie

they never said he died, they kinda just left it for you to assume he died but they didnt ever confirm this
I thought Dr. Gordon was the one who came in the bathroom at the end of Saw 1 and said, "The rules..." and then the guy who we thoughtwas dead shot and killed him?

I know who you're talking about though..I didn't think that was Dr. Gordon though
i dont understand when the pendulum trap happened because he was copying jigsaw.... and the first trap they did together was the barb wire?? What was the veryfirst trap that jigsaw did????
Im trying to get at this movie!

along with the female that invited me to this movie!

Originally Posted by areyouin729

Dr Gordon sawed his leg off in the 1st movie

they never said he died, they kinda just left it for you to assume he died but they didnt ever confirm this
id put my money on it that he died if im thinking of the same dude(they was in the bath room under the house)up stairs was that house with all thedamn traps and NO way out of it,(forgot which saw that was wre the kid ended up in the safe)so if they said anything it would hurt the story line i would hopethey dont try.
Just came back from seeing the movie

Man All 5 should have came out together
But I guess they didn't realize it..
apparently the actor who plays dr. gordon had some disputes with the people in charge which is why he was never discussed even in flash backs again. however iread that everything is settled now so there's a possibility he'll be in saw 6, maybe even as a major player which would be cool.

And hold on...
areyouin729 said: "and come on now people saying the end was coming from a mile away LOL, yeah I'm sure you really expected that to happen, get the F outta here"

Absolutely right. People saying the ending was predictable. LOL. The build-up was somewhat predictable because you knew Hoffman would try to frame someone. But how could anyone have seen the actual ending coming? People make me laugh.
when hoffman got put in the glass box, you're telling me i'd be lying if i thought that the glass box was going to protect him whilesomething in the room killed strahm? come on now. everybody around me was whispering, 'watch, that's going to save him'/'that was a mistake bystrahm'/etc. just because you guys couldn't get it doesn't mean everybody else in every theater across america didn't see it coming. you guysget too mad, calm down
Originally Posted by nightruans

i dont understand when the pendulum trap happened because he was copying jigsaw.... and the first trap they did together was the barb wire?? What was the very first trap that jigsaw did????

i think the first trap he did was when he had the dude that killed his unborn baby in a chair with the knifes then fell in the barb wire when he tried charginat him could be wrong haven't watch them recently
If i was the last two people in the last room where they had to fill the jar with blood, i woulda went back and got megan goods body to use her arms to getcut.....

Anyway movie was aiight. I expected it to less entertaining since they were trying to sum the series up. But seriously where the hell does jiggsaw get all thismoney to having moving rooms?(last sene) and geared up doors??
Originally Posted by Beats05

And hold on...
areyouin729 said: "and come on now people saying the end was coming from a mile away LOL, yeah I'm sure you really expected that to happen, get the F outta here"

Absolutely right. People saying the ending was predictable. LOL. The build-up was somewhat predictable because you knew Hoffman would try to frame someone. But how could anyone have seen the actual ending coming? People make me laugh.
when hoffman got put in the glass box, you're telling me i'd be lying if i thought that the glass box was going to protect him while something in the room killed strahm? come on now. everybody around me was whispering, 'watch, that's going to save him'/'that was a mistake by strahm'/etc. just because you guys couldn't get it doesn't mean everybody else in every theater across america didn't see it coming. you guys get too mad, calm down

i was surprised. I mean who the f*ck plans that stuff? What if dude never attempted to push him in the box? What would he do? Just walk in andclose himself
I went to see it late Saturday night and there was barely anybody in the theatre with us but maybe it's because the Phillies game was on. I thought it waswack and I will not be seeing VI if they make it.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

I saw the movie last night. I really enjoyed it as someone who has seen all 5. I'm not going to bore you with my review but I do have a bit of info.

*****SPOILER I KNOW WHATS IN THE BOX***************
Dont read this if you do not want to know whats in the box! Also call Ducktales if you want, I couldn't care less. (click the "plus" symbol)

Spoiler [+]
Ok so my boy got a hold of a tape of "leaked" footage. Don't ask me how. Actually you dont even have to believe me. Anyway I saw the leaked footage. And in this tape, Jill (Jigsaws ex-wifey) opens the box and in the box is a facial replica of John (Jigsaw) with straps on the back. Jigsaw left his ex a mask of himself to put over her face so she can carry on his legacy. He also leaves her a tape further talking about how he loves her and at the end of the tape he says "Are you ready to play a game?" Hence the poster of Jigsaws face as a mask
like I said you dont have to believe me and you can call ducktales. But that is what is in the box. Jigsaw's face.

-The Juice

I could have sworn it was gonna be a set of safety scissors and a box of raisins.

In all seriousness though im confused with one part. i think all the flashbacks and not seeing the 4th movie is whats confusing me.

Hoffman copied the Jigsaw my slicing that one dudes stomach and smashing his hands because he killed his sister. Jigsaw then captured him and had him int heroom with the shotgun up to his chin and convinced him into working with him. But then they show flashbacks of Hoffman with the Jigsaw capturing ppl from thefirst movie.

Was the pendulum trap a flashback? It didnt seem like it was, and if it was that means Hoffman copied before he started working with the jigsaw. But the jigsawwasnt even doing his work then because Hoffman was with him doing traps in the first movie for example the barbed wire.

As you can see im confused and what i just said was prolly really confusing

Can anyone give me a grasp ont this whole sequence?
the pendulum took place in the beginning of the franchise. hoffman was making it seem like it was jigsaw then he caught wind of it and got him to see his sideof playing the game by putting him in a fake trap.

Another note...the SAW V games with megan good was put into play in SAW 3 as revealed in a flashback.
Finally watched Saw V tonight and thought it was this point, I'm more of a fan of the wild plot than the gore and crazy +#+! because I find itamazing how everything fits the puzzle and is well planned's not the best movie of the series and the lackof Jigsaw didn't help, but I still left feeling satisfied...answered a bunch of questions, and left a couple more for the sixth and (supposedly) finalmovie.

From the people whom I've talked to, almost everyone who said they hated it either 1). didn't understand what was going on 2). felt like there was alack of gore/traps, which is the staple of the series 3). might have gotten it, but just thought it was stupid how it played out. I watched all the previousones again the last two weeks so nothing would get past me, and I
@ the connections that were made...+#+! is wild.

4 and 1 are still my favorites...1 is a classic and the end of 4 is just
. It goes 1 > 4 > 5 > 3 > 2, IMO.

Time to read this thread and see what the rest of NT thought about it (I imagine y'all said it sucked
Was the pendulum trap a flashback? It didnt seem like it was, and if it was that means Hoffman copied before he started working with the jigsaw. But the jigsaw wasnt even doing his work then because Hoffman was with him doing traps in the first movie for example the barbed wire.

As you can see im confused and what i just said was prolly really confusing

Can anyone give me a grasp ont this whole sequence?

The pendulum trap was a flashback to before the first movie. The idea I believe is that Jigsaw started claiming victims before the first victimsthat we saw in the first movie. As of right now, we really don't know the time gap between Cecil and the events of the first movie, but the assumption isthat he "killed" people we don't know about in between. So that's how Hoffman got the idea to make his murder look like a Jigsaw murder andthen become an accomplice to help out with the games in the first movie and onward.
seen the movie Halloween night and i say it was probably the worst movie ive ever seen...

i wanted my money back.
I saw this on Friday and came out like a lot of you. I understood most of it, but the acting was just horrible. It was ok to me, but I will definitely see VI.
Originally Posted by PainBL

At first when I saw the movie on Thursday night, I had the same reaction as I did at the end of IV. Which was, "W T F just happened?"

However, as I did last year after I went back and watched IV again, I went last night and watched V for the second time. And gained a new appreciation for it in the process.

Yes, I think V had a TON of potential that it didn't completely live up to. But I still think V
turned out pretty well, just not spectacular. Spectacular in the Saw universe is reserved for III, which had the ultimate "screw you" ending.

This one seems more like a stopgap to what I hope will be a larger, grander story (not series) finale in Saw VI. Too many people are just slamming Saw V, however, and in my opinion they just don't "get it." They judge V more as a stand-alone movie, and say things like the Saw storyline is tired after so many sequels and has turned into simply making the studio more cash. But if one truly "gets" the whole Saw universe, nothing is really ever "stand-alone." Things are ALWAYS part of a bigger puzzle. This is but one chapter in a larger overall story. In true Saw style, should fans really have expected anything else from V? Should we realistically have expected all our questions answered? Look at the cliffhanger ending of IV. Within a few minutes not only was it sprung on the audience that IV was running concurrently with III (which many supposed "fans" still to this day don't "get"), but that Jigsaw had taken yet another apprentice, this time a cop with seemingly unlimited inside access. That alone left me asking why, and immediately began building the hype for a full year of wondering what would happen next come Saw V. If creating future anticipation and expectations is enough to judge this movie, than it more than succeeds. That being said, there's a fine line between creating anticipation and leaving the audience wanting more, and I'd say in all objectivity this movie tiptoes that line in certain areas.

The visuals are as always outstanding, however the gore seems noticeably toned down when compared to the previous 4 movies. FACT - This movie received an R rating on the first MPAA submission, which is a first for any Saw movie. The writers and producers rely one too many times on involving "weapons of mass destruction" this time around. See the movie and you'll know what I mean. Where are the more imaginative and ultimately gory traps? Where is the sense of imminent and extreme danger along with subsequent suffering through a tortuous "game" that's enough to make the audience squirm in their seats? In this department Saw V is noticeably lacking. Only once, during the final group trap, did I see anything that made me squirm. Have they reached the point where one can only go so far and do so much in terms of creating fresh and torturously effective trap ideas? Maybe the producers wanted to inch away from continuously being labeled as "torture porn" in the media. One can only hope for more on the unrated DVD come January.

Character development could've used some work as well. A few of the new characters I really didn't care all that much about. After the first 4 movies one had the sense that any seemingly insignificant charcter could be involved in something major down the road. But that sense is for the most part gone here. It was pretty obvious some of them were just thrown in there to either die or inch the story along, i.e. the cute blonde who doesn't say much in the first group trap in the case of the former, or Strahm's FBI boss Erickson in the case of the latter. In her truncated role Meagan Good was HOT as always, though.

I don't think the acting was as stiff as some have said. Tobin Bell, as always, manages to creepily steal most of his scenes with his menacing whisper. Costas Mandylor is passable as Hoffman, although the only times you really see even a glimpse of more than one or two dimensions of his character are allusions as to what he was like before he fell into involvement with Jigsaw. Scott Patterson as Strahm seems pretty tightly wound this time around, but wouldn't you be as well if you had just barely survived a trap that was seemingly built to be inescapable a la "Amanda Young style?" Mark Rolston doesn't really add anything significant as FBI Agent Erickson, as I said I didn't really care much about the character. Julie Benz as Brit tries to be ruthless, but she should have tried harder. Something about Brit story-wise just doesn't add up, but I'll get to that. Betsy Russell as Jigsaw's ex Jill is pretty vague in her few scenes, but I can absolutely see more involvement from her in the future.

Story-wise there were some positives. I absolutely DID like how the history between Jigsaw and Hoffman developed and was explained. I didn't imagine it happening quite like it did, but I thought that ultimately it exceeded my expectations. The build-up of the last 20 minutes to the ending was fairly predictable, i.e. Hoffman setting events in motion to frame someone else as the potential Jigsaw accomplice. Come on, all promotional material for this movie clearly STATED that Hoffman would "go on the hunt to eliminate any loose ends." However, that being said, the way the ending ACTUALLY played out did shock me. I won't totally spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but I will say I didn't see the ultimate end result coming AT ALL.

As I said before, this movie does create quite a bit of anticipation. There were even MORE unanswered questions left after this one in yet another cliff-hanger ending, even when compared to IV. And even some questions from previous movies that still weren't answered to boot. What was in the box that Jigsaw willed to Jill? Does Jill have a deeper involvement in continuing Jigsaw's games (it may seem too obvious, but I believe she does). For what specific purpose were the 5 strangers brought together in the series of group traps? How did that purpose relate to Jigsaw? Did Brit REALLY cut her arm that badly (I don't believe she did)? What ultimately happened to Rigg? What was the extent of Kerry's involvement with Perez and Strahm? Will we ever find out what was in the envelope that Hoffman left Amanda? What ever happened to Dr. Gordon (I have a theory, scroll to the end to read it) And most importantly, when, how, and by WHOM will Hoffman be tested (as alluded to in the Jigsaw autopsy tape)?

I can definitely see them finishing up the Jigsaw story arc in VI, but not necessarily stopping the franchise. Come on, each Saw movie has been an automatic worldwide gross of $100M plus, do you REALLY think the studio will put the series out to pasture? That being said, I really HOPE they tie up most of the loose ends of the Jigsaw story, and if there's a Saw VII later then start it fresh with a brand new story and new characters. From the beginning Tobin Bell has been signed on for 6 total films. Costas Mandylor and supposedly Scott Patterson are only signed for the next movie. Again, I can't see them going beyond that with this storyline (at least I HOPE they don't).

In closing, as a true Saw fan I enjoyed Saw V for what it was, part of a bigger story. I simply would've preferred a little more gore, trap ingenuity, and length to the movie. Among the true fanbase (meaning fans who actually "get it" and don't feel cheated by V) I'm sure this film will create tremendous expectations for VI, and all I can say is that I hope the producers find a way to end the story with a BANG.


What can I say, I'm a Saw geek.

The Saw series likes to make people overlook or forget some of the info from previous films so that they will be surprised when these loose ends are finally explained. One of the most glaring loose ends that has been present for the whole series is the question of Lawrence Gordon's fate. My theory on Dr. Gordon is that he never really died, and was "fixed" and taken on as yet another apprentice. There is visual evidence within the movies that supports this theory. At the beginning of Saw II, when the first subject (Mike) is in the Death Mask trap, he views a video where someone in a Jigsaw robe is operating on him, badly limping. But the key word is "operating." As a cancer patient, it is entirely plausible that Jigsaw wouldn't be at full strength. As a successful civil engineer, he was obviously very educated. But that being said, does being "extremely educated" make him able to implant, via surgery, a key behind someone's eye? I think it'd be more likely that a surgeon did that, and Dr. Gordon conveniently was a surgeon with a possible bad limp. I think either he was "fixed," or was held hostage and forced to perform the surgery. Potentially, he could be the person left to test Hoffman. In any regard, I can only hope that VI ultimately clears this up.

Bravo, good sir...dope analysis, that Dr. Gordon theory sounds interesting...if they do explain Gordon's aftermath, I don't think it'll besomething profound...just done to finish with that loose end, but still...good theory.

III's ending was superb, but IMO IV > III as far as "screw you" endings...even though Jeff %%*@@% up, he was still alive. Rigg's goal wasto find Mathews and not only did he unknowilingly play a part in his death...but he also was responsible for his own. Should have listened to Jigsaw...

Originally Posted by MinGrady

From IMDB....

[h3]Why wasn't Dr Gordon in Saws II through V?[/h3]

Dr Gordon didn't appear in Saw II, Saw III or Saw IV because Cary Elwes filed a lawsuit in August 2005 against the producers of Saw because of not getting paid. It was rumored that they had made up and that Leigh Whannell stated he might be back in Saw V or Saw VI. Since he's not in Saw V, perhaps he'll reappear in Saw VI since its down right the biggest mystery's in the SAW Francise . There may be a possibility that his fate will be revealed in the upcoming Saw Video Game since it is writen by original creators Leigh Whannell and James Wan and will be set at the same time as SAW.
Hmm...interesting. But I HATE video games that tie into the should be seperate from the major stuff and something filler, NOTfilling in details from stuff the viewers didn't see. I don't like that.
Originally Posted by Buttons McBoomBoom

I spent about 40 mins yesterday trying to explain to my boy that these movies aren't really made as stand alone films and are actually pretty friggin smart when you think about it. He feels (as well as a lot of others) that it's stupid to make people have to constantly rewatch the films in order to understand each years new installment. I can understand those who feel that way...and if you like your entertainment served up in little 90 min packages where you dont have to do any thinking about the film afterwards because everything plot detail was spoonfed to you, that is fine. But that does not make this movie trash because of that aspect. When I step back and look at Saw ...I don't see 5 movies or sequals or prequals...I see ONE story ...being told over the span of the entire saga. Saw V was setting the stage for the finale of the story.
All good points. Some people find it stupid that each movie ties into another one and you can't follow the series if you haven't watchedthe previous installments...ehh, different strokes for different folks. Like you said, it's really all one big story chopped up into (hopefully) sixmovies. I'm hoping Saw VI doesn't disappoint...I'd prefer it to have closure at the end, leaving no room for more movies...but I doubt that'llhappen.

Originally Posted by areyouin729


I believe this is what SAW 6 has in store

1. The autospy from Saw 4 happens after Saw 5 which makes it the most current event we have seen
2. John knows Hoffman isn't up to the task as he had shown in Saw 5, he doesnt stand for what Jigsaw stands for
3. Whatever is in the box will led to Hoffman being taking down

*******I believe Saw 6 will center around a reluctant Jill following Jigsaw's lead to take down Hoffman. When the tape from the autospy says "you will not go untested" it refers to Jill testing him. This will in turn make her see that Jigsaw was truly not a bad person and it will have a happy ending to the whole series when Jill comes full circle by forgiving and accepting John and it will glorify John in the end (you all know you root for Jigsaw)********
@ the first one...I had to tell that one to the people I saw it with and they also gave a
and agreed with it as just makessense.

2. Yeah, even though Hoffman is the successor, it's still Jigsaw's series so w/e is in that box is his last trick and will put Hoffman in his place,IMO...

3. Agreed.

Last paragraph makes sense. John gets "redemption" after death from Jill. Hopefully she doesn't make any tapes or sets traps though...
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