Official Saucony Originals / Retro Thread

In Grid 9000 & Shadow 6000/5000 I'm an 8. Was it right for me to go for the 8.5 in these Grid SD?
In Grid 9000 & Shadow 6000/5000 I'm an 8. Was it right for me to go for the 8.5 in these Grid SD?
I'm grabbing a 9.5 I think but I'm a sz 9. The Grid SD GRs ran snug for me. Although these have perf toe so maybe they'll fit bigger. Not sure tbh
I went TTS but looks like a few others went up half, at least you didn't go down.
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My 3 year old son ran up to me telling me he had to poop at like 4:57 - got him on the toilet and they were live when I refreshed a 4:59. Was too late. Oh well, priorities I guess.
haha!!! i feel you! same age and everything.  btw, who said terrible 2?  terrible 3 for me.  but, definitely priorities.  
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got cart jacked 3 times
struck out least you had 3 chances to cop, I only had the opportunity to get cart jacked once...and never got another pair in my cart.
What exactly is the issue with revealing order number? I always see people doing the "#123***".
What exactly is the issue with revealing order number? I always see people doing the "#123***".
Always the fear that someone will try something shady and cancel the order somehow. Yeah, probably not since you'd probably have to confirm a lot of details, but there's always that off chance. Especially with big releases like this.
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