:::[Official] San Francisco 49ers vs. Seattle Seahawks Thread @ CenturyLink 12/14:::

Had to make sure I took a few minutes out of the holiday to come and say Good game Hawks. Y'all weren't ready for this kind of game...took a punch and immediately proceeded to fold like laptops. Let that L simmer for a week.
Before I take my 2.5 week game hiatus.

Good game, happy thanksgiving to both the 49ers and seahawks fans, even that jabroni law and props to Seattle. This better light a spark under the 49ers *****.

Harbaugh needs to take a page from brother jim in 2012, and fire Greg roman and Kap needs to stay the hell of social media and stop crying about haters.

See you in 2.5 weeks guys :pimp:
Before I take my 2.5 week game hiatus.

Good game, happy thanksgiving to both the 49ers and seahawks fans, even that jabroni law and props to Seattle. This better light a spark under the 49ers *****.

Harbaugh needs to take a page from brother jim in 2012, and fire Greg roman and Kap needs to stay the hell of social media and stop crying about haters.

See you in 2.5 weeks guys :pimp:

It was officially only seven days, although the way we played I understand the extra time :lol:

Sat 12am - Sat 12am
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Completely out played yesterday. Didn't see the Seahawks shutting down the offense like that. Props to the Seahawk fans it was a well deserved win.
count me in. regardless of how the season is going, always feel like this team can beat its opponents

real interested to see how kaep responds to real adversity for the first time in his career. one thing is for sure, it's incredibly hilarious watching him piss his pants during press conferences. staring down reporters just like his receivers
9ers have been unusually average this year at home.

1st leg of the season sweep starts Thursday night for Seattle


Here comes the finisher
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Seattle got this in the bag. How fitting is it that they get to send the proverbial "K.O blow" to the Jim Harbaugh Era of 49ers football. Wouldn't be surprised if Sherm sealed the deal too with an INT.
the lack of pregame trash talking feels weird

idk if it has to do with the fact that the niners season is looking like a nightmare that could possibly turn into a wet dream if we make the playoffs..or that these two teams played 2 weeks ago and people are still hungover from all the **** talk that happened then.

suffice it to say, i'm still excited for the upcoming game..not just to see the niners potentially win in c-link, but to see what this game could lead to for this team.
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