:::Official San Francisco 49ers vs. Arizona Cardinals [MNF - Div. 1-AA Title Game ]:::

2 runs at the end and the last one with Marcus Robinson?
Come on throwthe ball, playaction, bootleg something but man come on
Originally Posted by Cabral Richards

Warner is that dude

Ive never seen a athlete give so much praise to God. Respect to that dude
Clearly you've never seen a teabag interview
i can't believe they handed it off on that last play. and to robinson??!?! you have gore! hill completely crumbled in the second half. what the hell was upwith that shovel pass? stupid clock management and even stupider play calling.
I don't get it. I'm not a football expert, not even an armchair coach, but !#+ is up with Andy Reid and now Singletary? Do these guysplay Madden?

My man Harve Pierre says it all:

Im not a 49ers fan (obviously) but I can say that for some reason I'm extremely mad right now

They should have spiked the ball again because these fools still had another down (4th) so they could regroup and THINK of a play. That #@%! was disgustinglyrushed and for NO friggin reason.

At least I won my Fantasy game by 1 point. MY opponent had Gore too and I had Fitz
Wow that last 5 seconds made me go
on the inside.
Who thought that play would work????
I have to give credit to the Niners for playing a good game though, better than i expected. Damn bums
Originally Posted by no r3gard

i can't believe they handed it off on that last play. and to robinson??!?! you have gore! hill completely crumbled in the second half. what the hell was up with that shovel pass? stupid clock management and even stupider play calling.

Hill made those 2 dumb interceptions (and a few more called back) but he led the team down the field well and managed the game well for the most part. I'dstill take him over JTO.

This game was insane...I still stand with Singletary though, despite that bad call. Tried to catch them off-guard, which I can agree with, but not up thefreaking middle where everyone else is gonna be. You gotta be more creative if you're gonna run it...and give it to the right guy.
They were trying to surprise them...there was zero chance of it working though. I'd rather go with who they are expecting (Frank Gore) than trying tosurprise them was Robinson. Bad play call..you have to give credit to the Niners though...they played very well considering its on a national stage, against adivison rival, etc.

The Cards should have blown them out of the water though
Post Game:
Sing is gonna get an NFL job but hopefully not w/ us. I like dude but we need a Vet coach to get this team back on their feet.

The secondary is trash dudes been play 5-10 yards off the WR most of the game.

Both QB's suck, that said I'd rather have JTO.

Jason Hill and Josh Morgan showed they *** tonight they are gonna be nice.

VD sucks, dude gave on a TD play, you gotta lay out for those plays

Whoever called the M. robinson run needs to be fired and let em find their own ride back to san fran
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