OFFICIAL RAP BATTLE THREAD: Hitman Holla vs. Aye Verb p.12

hollow seemed real agitated about how they reacted to joe and how he didn't get the full reactions he wanted

joe sounded better the first 2 rounds mainly because his mic was clearer and louder

hollow shoulda used the traditional mic but he likes to act out his bars

thought joe won round 1 and hollow own round 2

3rd was a wash for both just moreso for joe
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Bruh when this ***** put the mic down [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] emotional **** I would give it to Joey though honestly Hollow coulda came a lot harder on that big platform
Only good battle was mook, the man still the goat. This hollow guy is wack and overrated.
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The only fire line from the Hollow and Joe battle was the Jodeci line, I had the :x face .. that one hit

Joe lost me when he start talking about money
What Royce said at the end of the battle was what I was thinking through the whole thing. Joe's rapping style is not conducive to the battle rap style. There is a level of aggression in the delivery of battle rap that Joe can't maintain, it's just not in his nature.

I had Joe win round 1, Hollow barely 2, and probably Hollow 3 simply because Joe kept stopping. It really didn't live up to the hype. Idk if they do this again, but if they do, they have a lot of things to fix
Hollow aint look too good but lets not forget what he did to beloved, he was the first to show the kinks in the supposed armor.

After that battle dudes saw Lux as beatable and if he don't switch that preacher flow he might keep losing.
The problem with Lux is his last two battles have sounded like extended versions of his 3rd round against calicoe.

He's gonna have to get back to the bars
Favorite part of the hallow x *** buddens battle last night
Joe 2-1

If Hollow woulda just came with the lulz he woulda won

Mook came thru

Lux do gotta come back with the bars
Honestly I think Joel Ortiz would murk anybody who touched that stage , any reason he didnt get involved ?

because he actually has plans to continue his career as a relevant rapper who still puts out music?

U sound snooty fam :lol:

He's one of my favorites but so few people know who he is, he ain't no mainstream dudes he's an underground dude who eminem hooked up with a deal.

I doubt him roasting some battle rappers would affect his relevancy, and I hate that word relevant.
Let's not act like Ortiz is some household name now lmao. Other than the bet cyphers that would be a big look for son honestly
Do you think there should or would be another "mainstream" rapper battle in the near future?

Maybe for Total Slaughter 2, Clips vs Joell?
it has to go thru the proper stream

has to be done at an established league

either ktod or url

this event made url look like the most organized staff and event planner ever

battle rappers and battle rap fans seem to have super self defeating personalities so it doesn't seem to work anywhere

would have to be a small room but that would never happen cause the money wouldn't be made back

cats are way too quick to boo, it's ridiculous
Clips and Hollow battling at the end of the year..clips said something bout that he wanted it at summer madness but he got Rex first instead.

But Smack can learn a few things from TS..mainly the quick transition from battle to battle and these cats actually rehearsed ..not the verses but everything else.
Aww man.  I seen lux in harlem recording in that white lambo.  I didnt think it was him, because lux doesnt floss like that, but now watching the battle it was him.  Plus he was holding up traffic recording that bs.  

side note:  Alot of people in this room should be eating crow right now.  As soon as total slaughter announced the battle, alot of yall was on some "yeah smack dead out here, em got that big money,  Smack is over, blah, blah,blah".  And this total slaughter turned out to be a dud. 
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