***Official Political Discussion Thread***

PA is on some BS.

It's over already. No way for Trump to win.

Barking at the media is the wrong tree.
Media is essentially giving steam to these “legal actions” Trump is throwing out. Casting more doubt, leading to more BS. Theyre giving people reason to believe there’s a chance here. Of course we’re talking more about moral obligation than anything else so we shouldnt expect much.

On top of that, PA officials have already said multiple times Biden will win by about 100K votes
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Using this logic, a lot of the other races throughout the country shouldn't have been called either. Most states haven't counted and certified 100% of their ballots, they're at >99%.

My big issue is that it seems as though these media organizations are using a different set of rules on these final four states than they did with the first 46. They were able to call some states almost immediately with less than 50% of their votes in but now they're using the logic of "It's too close to call, what if every single remaining vote is a Trump vote?" If they're going to go that route, don't call any states at all.
Yes. Agreed
I think people are kind of losing their minds for no reason. I get the notion of some races being “over” but I think the backlash from the right and the legal team of trump would be 10 times worse if cnn accidentally calls the state too early. PA only turned for Biden 24 hours ago with 100K provisionals left. I think they will call it soon. Once Biden gets to 50k they will call it. Also remember that trump is gonna sue every state and outlet after this so I’m sure their lawyers are telling them not to call it too soon.

Nevada I can see the outcry for not calling it but they have been SUPER slow

Oh and yesterday they said the 100k provisional is a huge number compared to other years.

also remember Allegheny county couldn’t even open about 25k votes til 5pm last night.
What backlash? What more will be done? People are trying to kill vote counters. We have hit maximum backlash. Trump and his allegations are being thrown out almost immediately. We are also past the amount where recounts will matter. Literally nothing left to be said here.

Let me be clear too, I myself don’t care about the wait BUT feeding into the doubt for the sake of viewership has legitimate consequences. All Trump has now is a slew of disinformation to cast doubt. The longer they let this drag the worse people will become
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Using this logic, a lot of the other races throughout the country shouldn't have been called either. Most states haven't counted and certified 100% of their ballots, they're at >99%.

My big issue is that it seems as though these media organizations are using a different set of rules on these final four states than they did with the first 46. They were able to call some states almost immediately with less than 50% of their votes in but now they're using the logic of "It's too close to call, what if every single remaining vote is a Trump vote?" If they're going to go that route, don't call any states at all.

PA got a Republican legislature... That's why this race still hasn't been called. They're criminals.
Ohh just saw that even the Biden campaign is now asking about why they haven’t called Pa. I think they thought it would be called last night.

I think they are waiting for that last 20K from Philly I guess? My best guess.

I think it will be today. We will get another dump from NV and another from PA. Game over
Does anyone here know if the five states that are still counting will be tallying up over the weekend? It'd be nice to take a breather from all of that breath-holding we've been doing. But ill also accept a final judgment if they stop moving like Flash from Zooptopia.
Ohh just saw that even the Biden campaign is now asking about why they haven’t called Pa. I think they thought it would be called last night.

I think they are waiting for that last 20K from Philly I guess? My best guess.

I think it will be today. We will get another dump from NV and another from PA. Game over

this shh is just sad.. they never took trump seriously in 2016 and treated him like a sideshow while treating hillary like someone legit running for the top spot

then during the last 4 years dude was his own walking national enquirer.. shhh would happen and be legit forgotten of within hours.. I mean stuff happened on a weekly basis that would kill any other politician

the man lies on a daily basis, but they’re scared to use the damn word

and even now, they are expecting him to do something decent and concede like they haven’t been paying attention

and republicans are again showing the world exactly who they are, for all the stuff they cry about nothing but silence or excuses

Nobody has sedated this 🤡 yet? All his enablers need to be tarred and feathered after this maybe locked up.

I mean we’re at a point where Fox News of all people showed more backbone than any of these people with calling Arizona

and clearly they’re shook to call anything else, since then they’re the first to name Biden president

there is no rational path to victory in any of these places and trump needs multiple miracles

and yet while Fox News and oan having blatant crazies on.. msnbc ain’t even having these frank discussions or the cnn anchors routinely called “libs”

I mean Rick santorum out chere crying about he sees no benefit for Biden speaking.. when you have Americans getting antsy and the president spouting off with dangerous rhetoric

biden just being a sane adult and acting presidential is calming to people
I mean we’re at a point where Fox News of all people showed more backbone than any of these people with calling Arizona

and clearly they’re shook to call anything else, since then they’re the first to name Biden president

there is no rational path to victory in any of these places and trump needs multiple miracles

and yet while Fox News and oan having blatant crazies on.. msnbc ain’t even having these frank discussions or the cnn anchors routinely called “libs”

I mean Rick santorum out chere crying about he sees no benefit for Biden speaking.. when you have Americans getting antsy and the president spouting off with dangerous rhetoric

biden just being a sane adult and acting presidential is calming to people
Exactly. Trump did get one thing right. The media bias is disgusting, but the bias is to themselves not a particular side.
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