***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I can't be bigot, I have black friends. :smh: :lol:


I'm and independent thinker because I don't find Trump that offensive

-It is shocking how different dudes pedal the same excuses time after time.

I gave you a whole background of personal historical context for my aversion to racism and that's what you took away from it?

Haven't used one of these in years :stoneface:

Yes, that is what I took away from it. As a black man I have heard that tired excuse all my ******* life.

And maybe that should have been your first post in here instead of nonsensical trolling if you want to be taken seriously.

It is nice that you as a non black person don't find Trump offensive to black people, cool. Most black people don't share your point of view
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You dudes don't want to have a productive discussion involving critical thinking and different opinions, you just want co-signers. You want circle jerks.
I am beginning to think that any time the term "RINO" is invoked, it is code word for "too soft on minorities."

No matter how much you support tax cuts, austerity, war or how much you oppose abortion, drugs or modern music, Republicans who are not 100% ruthless towards black and brown folks are labeled "RINOs" and are deemed part of the "Washington Machine."

Ronald Reagan, John McCain, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Eric Cantor, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan and now, apparently, Donald Trump, have been conservatives heroes and became villains when they dare to tepidly acknowledge the humanity of non whites. Endorse against David Duke, think about a very harsh and very provisional amnesty, opine that Nelson Mandela maybe wasn't a terrorist, reach a budget deal with the first black President or decide against mass deportation and you go from beloved to reviled very quickly among the conservative base.

I can understand in the Eisenhower or Nixon years, a Republican feeling that their GOP leaders were too liberal on non racial issues. However, we live in a time where the parties have been very clearly sorted along ideological lines. The most liberal Republicans is much more conservative than the most conservative Democrat, in terms of both the economy and social issues.

The America of the white-ethnic, blue collar, anti abortion Democrat and the WASPy, white collar, pro choice Republican does not exist anymore. Today, we have partisan doctrinal discipline not seen since the 19th Century. So when you call someone like Paul Ryan or Jeb Bush a "RINO" in 2016, it can only be explained through a racial lens.
Yes, that is what I took away from it. As a black man I have heard that tired excuse all my ******* life.

And maybe that should have been your first post in here instead of nonsensical trolling if you want to be taken seriously.

It is nice that you as a non black person don't find Trump offensive to black people, cool. Most black people don't share your point of view
If that is truly all you took from everything I said, then you truly are one-dimensional. You have the nerve to clown H2HK when you do the same thing as him.

This whole thread is zombies. Simple, predictable, mindless drones. (Don't feel too bad, though, that's like 50% of our society in general.)

Y'all repulse me.
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Yes, that is what I took away from it. As a black man I have heard that tired excuse all my ******* life.

And maybe that should have been your first post in here instead of nonsensical trolling if you want to be taken seriously.

It is nice that you as a non black person don't find Trump offensive to black people, cool. Most black people don't share your point of view

If that is truly all you took from everything I said, then you truly are one-dimensional. You have the nerve to clown H2HK when you do the same thing as him.

This whole thread is zombies. Simple, predictable, mindless drones. (Don't feel too bad, though, that's like 50% of our society in general.)

Y'all repulse me.

Wants to taken seriously and have his opinion considered, yet.........

You came into this thread trolling, not trying to debate or converse, but to yell at folk and make blanket judgments the first chance you got.

So please excuse us for having memories. And miss me with your lil tantrum

If we repulse you so much, and we are so mindless, then you don't have to engage with us.

Go try to convince your beloved black friends that Donald Trump is really not that offensive to them
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If that is truly all you took from everything I said, then you truly are one-dimensional. You have the nerve to clown H2HK when you do the same thing as him.

This whole thread is zombies. Simple, predictable, mindless drones. (Don't feel too bad, though, that's like 50% of our society in general.)

Y'all repulse me.

My man Rusty likes the rhetorical confrontation, he likes to win and he usually does because he usually has a stronger mastery of the issue than his opponent. So good luck with that fight which I am sure will continue for quite a while.

I, however, prefer a more conversational style than an adversarial debate so if you will allow me, I'd like to bifurcate you and Rusty's debate to one track and let me engage in a conversation on another track.

I have to ask. You believe that liberals are excessive in their concern for racial minorities. Why do you think that is the case? If you say that it is the result of groupthink, then what is the cause of that groupthink?

This is not a debate tactic or a rhetorical question. I am genuinely curious why you believe that progressives are how you say we are.
Went with Trump initially during the very early stages, but now switching to Killary Clinton.

Don't like neither.
He keeps intimating his high college educated IQ & how everyone is beneath his intelligence but he doesn't know what an idiom is... :rolleyes
Yes, that is what I took away from it. As a black man I have heard that tired excuse all my ******* life.

And maybe that should have been your first post in here instead of nonsensical trolling if you want to be taken seriously.

It is nice that you as a non black person don't find Trump offensive to black people, cool. Most black people don't share your point of view

If that is truly all you took from everything I said, then you truly are one-dimensional. You have the nerve to clown H2HK when you do the same thing as him.

This whole thread is zombies. Simple, predictable, mindless drones. (Don't feel too bad, though, that's like 50% of our society in general.)

Y'all repulse me.

You did use the "I have Black friends and I do Black things" argument though.

In addition:

- you assumed that those of us who have expressed our disgust of Trump did so because the media told us to, not because each one of us has individually determined that "I don't like what is coming out of this man's mouth"

- you assumed that we must support BLM because they say we should, even though multiple discussions on the movement have yielded different opinions from us from acceptance to rejection and everything in between

- you assumed that we all think that Hillary is the savior of all Black people because the media says so, implying that we can't deduct from our own reasoning that she would be a better option than Trump, even after it is the consensus that she isn't flawless and her past doings have hurt Black communities

"Black people (or Democrats) in this thread can't think for themselves." That's what I took away from the comment Rusty replied to, and I found the attitude expressed in it insulting.

This thread (and the entirety of General) should be proof enough that Black people are not a monolith. If you can't see that, that's on you.
The whole "y'all are just sheep" argument is such an annoying argument. This doesn't only happen in here but you see these types of arguments in pretty much every thread regarding social issues. Oh you support homosexuality? You must be a bleeding heart SJW with ulterior motives, a sheep being "fake progressive". The Charlize thread has plenty of examples of that.

Rico Hood has said multiple times I'm just a drone repeating democratic talking points, as if it's impossible that a person living in a liberal country finds himself agreeing with many democratic talking points.
It's a pitiful attempt to try and invalidate someone's opinion. I would assume we're all adults here so let's act like adults.
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Unfortunately White men are probably more of a monolithic, groupthink, voting against their interest group than Black people are.
The whole "y'all are just sheep" argument is such an annoying argument. This doesn't only happen in here but you see these types of arguments in pretty much every thread regarding social issues. Oh you support homosexuality? You must be a bleeding heart SJW with ulterior motives, a sheep being "fake progressive". The Charlize thread has plenty of examples of that.

Rico Hood has said multiple times I'm just a drone repeating democrating talking points, as if it's impossible that a person living in a liberal country finds himself agreeing with many democratic talking points.
It's a pitiful attempt to try and invalidate someone's opinion. I would assume we're all adults here so let's act like adults.
It's a last ditch effort when they don't have any substance to defend their perspective. Not even trying to be funny, but it really feels like I'm arguing with my girlfriend with all the tangents and semantics we have to waste time debating.
Although my (legal) Mexican immigrant parents are both staunch Republicans, I've never considered myself a Republican (or as having any political "alignment") largely because I've never been particularly interested in or engaged in politics until this election year, AND because I don't think belief systems are "one size fits all." I believe in certain principles that would be considered to align with the left, as I believe in certain principles that would be considered to align with the right.

I certainly don't hate rap music or Black culture, quite the opposite actually. I've gotten into heated debates with white friends about how ignorant they are of Black culture and the injustices that Black people have faced and continue to face on a daily basis. Although I can only think of one instance in my life where racism was directed at me for being Mexican (came from a Filipino guy in junior high), I developed a disgust for racism (specifically racism towards black people) by getting tired of my parents and grandparents (if you know how older Latinos can be sometimes) constantly scold and question me for listening to rap, playing/watching basketball, and wearing Jordans because "no eres un negro." I ******* hated it.

For what it's worth (probably very little since you guys, despite not knowing a single thing about me, have already labeled me as a racist bigot just because I don't immediately grab my pitchfork any time Donald Trump breathes), I've been told by numerous Black people on numerous occasions that I am "Black on the inside." :lol:  (Shout out to my personal favorite, Mighty Mos)

I'm proud to have Black friends and I'm proud to love and be loved by the Black people I know, and I'm proud to be extra friendly to the random Black people I encounter in life because I know there are racist pieces of **** out there that won't give them a chance. They're good with me.

I'm a big proponent of independent thought where I observe and come to conclusions on my own, NOT having it spoon-fed to me by talking heads on TV.

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  • That DOESN'T mean I have to support / condone everything BLM does because they say they operate in the best interest of Black people
and where are you hearing about what BLM supports/condones and doesn't support? cause the only way you dont support BLM is if you think they condone the mobs, the rioting and the destruction of property. or dont believe systemic racism is a thing. which are both right wing media/social media spoon fed talking points.
  • That DOESN'T  mean I have to interpret everything Donald Trump says as hateful, racist bigotry because the media tells  me it is
  • That DOESN'T  mean I have to see Hillary Clinton as this great beacon of light for minorities because the media tells  me she is
where in this thread do you see people championing for Hillary like shes is flawless and faultless? i'll wait
Generally, someone who has to say they aren't racist are indeed racist.

I'm proud to have Black friends and I'm proud to love and be loved by the Black people I know, and I'm proud to be extra friendly to the random Black people I encounter in life because I know there are racist pieces of **** out there that won't give them a chance. They're good with me.

I thought it was rather comical that he said he's extra friendly to "random Black people I encounter..." It comes across like he feels sorry for them so he's extra nice. Shoot, he might as well pat them on the head & give 'em a quarter or something.

Next time instead of "Ya'll repulse me", try using "You'll rue the day" with a good fist wag gif.

Despite Ann Coulter expressing very public qualms about Donald Trump potentially “softening” his immigration stance — and even threatening to cancel the book tourfor her pro-Trump opus, In Trump We Trust, if he continues to soften his rhetoric — Coulter will continue to “worship” the Republican presidential nominee.

In an interview with Bloomberg reporterJoshua Green, bits of which he leaked on Twitter, Coulter compared her “blind loyalty” for Trump to that of Kim Jung-un’s subjects. “My worship for him is like the people of North Korea worship their Dear Leader — blind loyalty,” she told Green. “Once he gave that Mexican rapist speech, I’ll walk across glass for him. That’s basically it.”
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