***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Delk's peoples....

After the meeting, Sanders, a Republican, was quoted by the Commercial Dispatch as saying that other groups of people who had also been mistreated in the past — he cited Irish, Italian, Polish and Japanese immigrants — were able to successfully “assimilate” afterward.

“The only ones that are having the problems: Guess who? The African Americans,” Sanders said. “You know why? In my opinion, they were slaves. And because of that, they didn’t have to go out and earn any money, they didn’t have to do anything. Whoever owned them took care of them, fed them, clothed them, worked them. They became dependent, and that dependency is still there. The Democrats right here who depend on the black vote to get elected, they make them dependent on them.”
Delk's peoples....


tenor (17).gif
Delk's peoples....

He clearly believes slavery went how Uncle Ruckus described it

While I appreciate what you are trying to do, I would be great if you add an asterisk or something else to distinguish the changed portion.

Mostly because in this thread, people will attribute things to me that I did not actually say. And a quote like this is misleading.
While I appreciate what you are trying to do, I would be great if you add an asterisk or something else to distinguish the changed portion.

Mostly because in this thread, people will attribute things to me that I did not actually say. And a quote like this is misleading.

When you do searches on NT the only results that come up when you search by author are the stuff that was actually posted by the person who wrote it, not the things that were quoted or changed within quotations. So despite your willingness to admit it, all the despicable **** attributable to you via people quoting you are in fact **** that you typed.

Thought I would point that out.
When you do searches on NT the only results that come up when you search by author are the stuff that was actually posted by the person who wrote it, not the things that were quoted or changed within quotations. So despite your willingness to admit it, all the despicable **** attributable to you via people quoting you are in fact **** that you typed.

Thought I would point that out.

I'm talking about how it is characterized.

Someone could see that post, then later paraphrase based on seeing that, etc.

It is a pattern in here.

For instance there is page after page of an allegation that I support Roy Moore, yet no actual post of me showing support.

Domino effect of slight variations being misinterpreted
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