***Official Political Discussion Thread***

there are those that want trump out of office more than anything, and there are those that want bernie in office more than anything. theres some over lap but youre seeing more and more that these are distinct groups.

that said, from own anecdotal window into blue collar white america working in manufacturing there seems to be growing group of moderates that are voicing more and more for a "safe" way to move on from trump and the frenzy he causes every single day. from what i can tell, people are seeing biden as that person. these are people where back in 2015-2018 were vocally in favor of trump as the alternative to Hillary Clinton. i think that group of people is growing
whatever it takes to keep Hillary out of the white house, I'm on board.
White voters and DWalk and his black friends, as a caveat. And I’m not sure that there’s any candidate out here that is lining the pockets of the poor. The best that they’re fighting for his basic healthcare and social programs that most Western European countries already have.

I should have said interests. For the rich it’s lining pockets and for the poor it would be healthcare and social programs. My bad.
Bernie's mixing of (popular) policy objectives with a very unpopular political frame (socialism; good dems vs bad dems) has undermined his progressive agenda

I'm hoping the next generation of progressive leaders can separate their policy objectives from the desire to express moral disapproval of fellow Democrats whose agendas differ from theirs

I know a lot of people who want the same things that progressives want but are thoroughly alienated by the idea that reasonable people can’t differ on how to get there, or that those differences signify “greed” or “corruption” or “being a member of the establishment” or other moral blameworthiness
All of what RustyShackleford RustyShackleford
Bro the humility in your posts and change of tone from just a week ago is palpable. You don’t even live in the United States but I’m sorry for your loss.

yeah you misunderstand me,

Im not a Bernie fan or anything, i endorsed him strictly on who I think is the best, most electable candidate.
I even said Pete, or Warren would probably be better presidents.

Biden has gotten a series of breaks that just make it really tough for Bernie moving forward.
Would rather Democrats have to run another primary in 4 years than potentially put what would amount to be a senile corporate puppet in Biden and an inevitably trash VP pick for potentially 8

if you haven’t seen this at least skim the Twitter thread here

Just a reminder that this report came out from Texas a few days ago

“The analysis finds that the 50 counties that gained the most Black and Latino residents between 2012 and 2018 closed 542 polling sites, compared to just 34 closures in the 50 counties that have gained the fewest black and Latino residents. This is despite the fact that the population in the former group of counties has risen by 2.5 million people, whereas in the latter category the total population has fallen by over 13,000.”
Establishment Democrats don't wanna think clearly about Bidens electability problems and it's scary.

1. He's clearly washed up.
2. Young black turn out and turnout from young people in general is a big part of why Hillary lost. They will be pissed.
3. there's a chance that never suburban Republicans are full of **** and with a good economy, will vote for trump once they get in that booth.
4. Getting drawn into campaign against trump centred on how much of a "bad man" Trump and his bad tweets and how unpresidential he is a suckers game.
Looks like we going to have a general of no issues.

trump calling out Biden son. Starting some dumb lock him up slogan. Then saying joe has dementia


Trump can’t spell or barely read. Doesn’t believe in science and thinks he’s the smartest person in the room.

them debates those to have are going to be SNL comedy.

If they stick to the issues it’s easy for joe.

trump has no health care plan

poor foreign policy performance

poor on immigration won’t win him Texas

in fact trump hasn’t had many stances on issues.

he’s just going to use pointless mud throwing.

lots of his supporters let’s be honest didn’t want to vote for a woman. If they can move on to another old white man. They probably will see trump for what he is and was and idiot.

at this point joe needs to have a huge amount of delegates and states so the convention can go smooth. If it stays close is becomes a messy battle.
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