***Official Political Discussion Thread***

You guys seen the dotards tweets this AM?

All of a sudden he's towing the traditionally hawkish line on Russia now that his closest cronies are in the feds crosshairs...

Graham was right,he was probably talking about party but it fits in the broadest sense now...
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Dude is definitely shook...

Long term it's not a bad move for him,he gets saved from the upcoming embarrassment in the midterms and he'll have a cushy think tank/boardroom gig soon enough though instead of worrying about rebuilding/running a dying party.

Just sucks that he's gonna get off unscathed for pushing and implementing sadistic policies that have affected the lives of millions as well as overseeing the erosion of legislative branch norms by embracing the most extreme elements of the right and helping them become the mainstream.

Ayn Rand would be proud of the damage he's done
1. In an attempt to save face from ******* prostitutes raw this guy Trump is going to start a personal war that will cost millions and kill thousands of people. Thank you racist America.

2. These idiots in office basically traded their entire future for a handful of months of controlling the world. May they all take the “easy way out”.

3. Supporting Trump at any capacity at this point is proof you’re an idiot, white christian, or a racist. Some say that may be all one and the same.
Paul Ryan not seeking re election. I thought a certain person from da heights said we’d see a republican wave this election cycle. So why are all these incombents not seeking re-election? :nerd:
Russia scandal is huge. Congressmen and NRA taking money from Russia, he doesn't want any part of that.
Paul Ryan thinks that peacing out before the mid terms is going to obscure the fact he leaves as a BROKEN and HUMILIATED man?


Ill be back later today to deliver the eulogy,

for someone so thoroughly broken, for such a total and complete humiliation. I need time to get this right.
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