***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Hit da 👍 at someone’s grave site. This guy is a JOKE.

Trump like "yeah he's dead"
So sad that a once reliable newspaper turned into a right wing dishrag :smh:
The owners need their tax cuts, the journos need to eat, and they have little protection if they go against the "both sides" dog and pony show.

Support pro-union candidates. Corporations have chambers of commerce and associations too, why not workers?
Only the little girl on the purple knew the assignment. Everyone else is a JOKE. Trump probably told them he would "Drill Baby Drill and that he saw the friendliest Toads at Mount Myoboku and that JD Vance is his shadow clown".
the saddest part about trump running is, from my perspective when there is competition by good competitors the people always win, but this scenario where in one corner we have an utter loser is just not good for us the people, hoping this will change in future elections
Trump is just the worst package for the GOP platform, but don't be fooled: the content is as bad as the person who presents it.

Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, and all those formerly anti-Trump GOPers have shown that they can't contain the power of the loudest minority within the GOP. Every time the Trump camp has indulged in yet another excess from the base, "reasonable Republicans" yielded. It got the point where the only Republicans who can be trusted with presidential power are those who lose their primaries.
the article isn't a lie it's an OPINION.

did you read it?

it just makes the case that for trump to win he needs to denigrate Kamala Harris's character,
call her a flip flopper, weak, ect, that his school yard bullying tactics is part of what makes him an effective communicator. ect ect

its not really a fact question, it's just political strategy. you can agree or disagree, but it's not a question of fact.

"School yard bullying tactics is part of what makes him an effective communicator"?

I'm shocked you could type that ******** out without laughing hysterically. The bullying tactics is what is turning a WHOLE BUNCH of Americans off of him. The dude can't talk rational anymore. All he's doing is babbling about absolute ******* NONSENSE!!! He hasn't talked about anything other than "Drill baby drill" , which is NOT a policy, and Mexico is releasing all their criminals from jails and insane asylums to come here and crime!

He's gonna get smoked IF he decides to show up. Remember, he HATES women, he HATES strong intelligent women more, and HATES strong intelligent black women the most!! I really honestly & truly feel that when she goes at him on one of his many many lies, and keeps pushing back on it, he's gonna slip up and a particular word or words may get said. 😳

And if that happens, and I think it could, because if he get worked up into such a lather, his brain filter won't be working (not that he even has one), he'll be done!! Then the world will see him for the misogynistic racist that we all knew him to be! And if it does happen.....

"School yard bullying tactics is part of what makes him an effective communicator"?

I'm shocked you could type that ******** out without laughing hysterically. The bullying tactics is what is turning a WHOLE BUNCH of Americans off of him. The dude can't talk rational anymore. All he's doing is babbling about absolute ******* NONSENSE!!! He hasn't talked about anything other than "Drill baby drill" , which is NOT a policy, and Mexico is releasing all their criminals from jails and insane asylums to come here and crime!

He's gonna get smoked IF he decides to show up. Remember, he HATES women, he HATES strong intelligent women more, and HATES strong intelligent black women the most!! I really honestly & truly feel that when she goes at him on one of his many many lies, and keeps pushing back on it, he's gonna slip up and a particular word or words may get said. 😳

And if that happens, and I think it could, because if he get worked up into such a lather, his brain filter won't be working (not that he even has one), he'll be done!! Then the world will see him for the misogynistic racist that we all knew him to be! And if it does happen.....


1. im describing the argument in the article. it's not my argument

2. you realize he won the presidency doing this?
1. im describing the argument in the article. it's not my argument

2. you realize he won the presidency doing this?

I'm not stupid, I ******* know he won. But you can't say he's the same person from 8 years ago. 8 year ago, people thought he would be a good idea. Today, his skull is filled with cream cheese. All he blatter's about is absolute nonsense. Electrocution with an EV boat, sharks, whales dying from windmills, blah blah blah! And then there is the detachment from reality. Still saying it's a "stollen" election. People are tired of the ********. Sequels are worse than the original as Obama just said.
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