***Official Political Discussion Thread***

As someone who took Stelara for Crohn's disease (it didn't work that well and I went on a different drug, which isn't working either 😢) what President Biden did will help more than people will EVER realize.

I am thankful the insurance I have through my wife's company is great, but seeing the actual cost of my shot I took every 6 weeks, SCARED the bejeebus out of me. Cost was $24,000 per shot, (last year) but I paid a $5 copay. 😞. I'm glad he got this negotiated down for people who need it but can't afford the retail cost. This should be on every news channel around, but sadly won't be..😞 It's bigger news than some people think it should be.
Absolutely agree with this. Also add that President Biden signed the PACT ACT, which helped hundreds of thousands of Veterans (myself included).
Can't be both the moral party
Show me a leader who will sacrifice their citizens because "thou shall not kill;" show me a democratic nation that will vote for such a leader. How do handle people who have sworn that your death is an act of morality? My point is, morality in the world with live in is not absolute, and we shouldn't pretend otherwise.

and choose to send bombs to a fascist, going to have to choose at some point.

I think the choice has been made for the time being: keep Israelis quiet and manage their allegiance in order to place folks who want a compromise solution to the situation in power, instead of being rambunctious about Gaza and risk giving power to those folks who will give Israelis everything they want to flatten Gaza and close their eyes when the West Bank is fully annexed.

Don't think that everyone believes that this will stop the slaughter, at the very least we don't want to be the ones supporting and paying for it

Someone else (Russia/China) will support and pay for it though, and that someone may have less of an incentive to support a solution that considers Palestinian people, especially since these are countries that recently went to war with or are actively repressing their Muslim minorities (Chechens and Uyghurs) and do not allow the kind of protest movements that would bend the will of the ruling government.

No matter how I look at it, the path to a long-term solution favorable to Palestinians is ugly, and (I know it's unpopular) we can thank Hamas for that.
Show me a leader who will sacrifice their citizens because "thou shall not kill;" show me a democratic nation that will vote for such a leader. How do handle people who have sworn that your death is an act of morality? My point is, morality in the world with live in is not absolute, and we shouldn't pretend otherwise.

I think the choice has been made for the time being: keep Israelis quiet and manage their allegiance in order to place folks who want a compromise solution to the situation in power, instead of being rambunctious about Gaza and risk giving power to those folks who will give Israelis everything they want to flatten Gaza and close their eyes when the West Bank is fully annexed.

Someone else (Russia/China) will support and pay for it though, and that someone may have less of an incentive to support a solution that considers Palestinian people, especially since these are countries that recently went to war with or are actively repressing their Muslim minorities (Chechens and Uyghurs) and do not allow the kind of protest movements that would bend the will of the ruling government.

No matter how I look at it, the path to a long-term solution favorable to Palestinians is ugly, and (I know it's unpopular) we can thank Hamas for that.

This sounds close to a "Israel has a right to defend itself" answer, when they are openly and egregiously committing war crimes. Pretending like there's nothing more that we can do, while we're arming and aiding them in doing it is silly imo

If someone else will do it, let them or bare the consequences of aiding genocide. Blaming Hamas for us knowingly supporting war crimes is wild. If it's just about power, they should say so, but don't blame regular people for having a conscious


im a single issue YIMBY voter but if i was an american

My worry is that the "call for 3 million housing units" will be largely toothless, and stymied by municipalities.
not much new housing gets built and they just end up subsidizing demand and further raising prices.

Justin Trudeau tried this and it didn't help him at all.

A+ strategy. The media both sideing this election is crazy. Biden’s debate answers were significantly better; the mumbling was bad. None of Trump’s response made sense and were largely lies. But Trump was convicted of nearly 3 dozen felonies and Biden’s the one forced out. None of this makes any sense.

His last name being Vought is too on the nose.

Logged in to post this. Someone said a while back in here that republicans recently found out Vought weren’t the good guys on the show. :rofl:
Someone sounds a tad bit miffed they got denied a meeting for a possible cabinet position. 😂😂

Does he even hear himself. Party of Big Pharma? He is ******* stupid! What side negotiated the 10 drugs with the companies to lower their price for older people? Who got insulin down to a capped $35? 🤔

Strange he doesn't mention those key talking points. I feel the worms did way more damage than he was leading on. 😂😂😂
Add in the part about Kamala’s party disenfranchising voters and it’s clear he gets his talking points from the Internet. Man’s whole family said, “naw, we don’t **** with him” and he’s talking about his dad and uncle, the two who aren’t here to disavow his foolishness. Pretty sure his dad and uncle would side with the rest of the family.

Glad someone listened. I’ve been saying for years this man had dozens of sexual assault accusations against him prior to running. If he were principal at my kid’s school, we’d change schools immediately.

But millions think he should run the country. That’s ******* crazy.
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Glad someone listened. I’ve been saying for years this man had dozens of sexual assault accusations against him prior to running. If he were principal at my kid’s school, we’d change schools immediately.

But millions think he should run the country. That’s ******* crazy.

Hell, I still can't believe the released deposition from the Katie Johnson case didn't do him in. Just reading this thing made me want to throw up! 😞 It's here for anyone who wants to see it for themselves as it's easily obtainable on the net. But I want you warn anyone who clicks non it, be prepared for what you will read! Trump is worse than a piece of ****! Dude should be in prison for this!

Pretending like there's nothing more that we can do, while we're arming and aiding them in doing it is silly imo
I did not say that.

The US can do plenty to redirect Israel's policy. What's naive is pretending that it won't come at a cost, either internally or externally.

I don't subscribe to the notion that this country is omnipotent. We have a lot of tools, but using them bears consequences that I'm not sure certain folks take into account when demand certain things.

I think the choice has been made for the time being: keep Israelis quiet and manage their allegiance in order to place folks who want a compromise solution to the situation in power, instead of being rambunctious about Gaza and risk giving power to those folks who will give Israelis everything they want to flatten Gaza and close their eyes when the West Bank is fully annexed.

Pretending that Jewish voters (who mostly support Democrats) won't turn on a dime if drastic action is taken by us against Israel (especially if such action results in an assault by any of Israel enemies) is short-sided. They may oppose Israel's actions, but they have families/friends down there too.

TL;DR: the things pro-Palestinian protesters want can't be had right now (before the election) if they also care about Kamala being elected. We all know who the alternative is going to be, and what he thinks of a Palestinian state.
For those that choose to abstain from voting or vote Republican ‘cause of this administration’s position and actions on the Israel/Hamas (Palestine) war, the other party says Netanyahu needs to finish the job. And the job is destroying Palestine and its people. What do you think happens if Trump gets back in the office? No way he does anything to help them. I truly don’t get it.
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