Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

lol .. ksteezy .. once again you failed to hit the object .. so you are saying the PP was that made the picture .. incorrect my dude .. beside the stuff thatyou mentioned .. the lighting the soft shadows (fill light) the makeup the hair style the jewels is what make the picture .. the PP was just to make thepicture that much better ..

you come in here and post on how many people are giving you praises and asking for your help on pm in the last two weeks .. good for you .. I don't bragabout none of that because it doesn't do anything but for me and as far as I know if they are hitting you up is because of your PP - I don't think ishard to go in LR or PS and hit a couple of preset modes to get vintage - sephia - aged - etc etc etc look .. so don't come in here with all that none sense..

I took your criticism just as that an opinion .. not one that matter much but its whatever .. it actually made me laugh ..

When was the last time you saw a Vogue or Time with un-edited pictures .. further more when was the last time you seen a Prada - Gucci - Liz - Guess or any adwith unedited picture .. did all of the photographers for those did the edit .. highly questionable .. does that not make them theirs? lol .. you are wrong ..don't come in here preaching like you the next Savior because you aren't .. honestly you are much like me an armature . none of your picture stand outand none IMHO are worth any money compensation .. but that's just me ..

Lastly - lots of MODEL (not a chick that I meet in the street but girls) like Naomi - Tyra - Hady - Cindy and I can go on and even actress singers etc havenatural shoots .. to an extend they get some contouring slimming blemish removals etc etc - so if we apply your theory .. they aren't them and is a falserepresentation right?

Come on my dude ...
Originally Posted by ksteezy


im officialy done with this thread.

i leave with this thought

"dont argue with fools because people from a distance can tell who is who"

Whateversclever quit nut riding bro, how you mold your e-personality to fit in a forum, on iss you acted like a 13 year old virgin and here you wanna act like you kicking knowledge. Cmon SON. like bana said, is just the "interweeebz"
Boricua still calls Bana "Bama"
I like this thread al0t
Originally Posted by ksteezy


im officialy done with this thread.

i leave with this thought

"dont argue with fools because people from a distance can tell who is who"

Whateversclever quit nut riding bro, how you mold your e-personality to fit in a forum, on iss you acted like a 13 year old virgin and here you wanna act like you kicking knowledge. Cmon SON. like bana said, is just the "interweeebz"
Lmao you #+@*$ (female reproductive organ).
lol i love how he says he's leaving the thread and drops a quote about NOT ARGUING WITH FOOLS, then he proceeds to talk more %$*% (aka ARGUING) withwhateversclever. homie has been salty since day 1 on NT and i'm glad im not the only one who saw it.

find another forum. only the strong survive here.

(awaits for a response after he says he's finished with this thread) (but im sure since i wrote that, he wont respond)
Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Originally Posted by ksteezy


im officialy done with this thread.

i leave with this thought

"dont argue with fools because people from a distance can tell who is who"

Whateversclever quit nut riding bro, how you mold your e-personality to fit in a forum, on iss you acted like a 13 year old virgin and here you wanna act like you kicking knowledge. Cmon SON. like bana said, is just the "interweeebz"
you could be 27 and imma still son you,
so listen up...

you come into this thread and post your pics.. cool everyone says you got cool pics.

but this is where you get cocky and act like you know everything.

You try to correct DJ bana, yet both of the times YOU WERE WRONG ok.

Then you pay $320 for 250 cards. thats about 1.30$ for every card.
it doesn't take a genius to realize that you got jipped. we're just telling it like it is, but you wanna be stubborn and act like your right.. no dude you got jipped. don't get salty over it.

then you try taking shots at bana saying
specially coming from a person who owns a 3k+ setup to practically document her outtings
why? you have no clue as to who anybody in here is.

I personally don't post any of the pictures of my clients on my flickr, because i respect their privacy. maybe bana does the same. again you don't know anybody on here.

then someone asks about freelensing,

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Im Not You

So uhh...changing the subject. Anyone freelens?

you mean freelance?...
Stop right there boy...

stop being so quick to correct someone.. freelens is an actual thing.

then you start calling everyone corny.. because bana makes a joke at how you say she had a 3k camera.. but then you say we take everything too seriously? c'mon

then you come in here telling Rikan thats not his photo, because someone did PP on it?? so are you saying

we all laugh, but you wanna get salty over it. .. its not that serious.

like you said it yourself..

you learned all your photography through forums like ISS...

while alot of us on here are actual pros and have been published.. my major right now is photography. and ive been interning in media companies doing this since the age of 15..


maybe if you were more humble and stopped trying to criticize everything things would be cool?

and as for ISS.. i never acted like a 13 year old virgin... if i did.. i wouldn't of have been banned from there 3 times. I've never been the type to dride anybody.. i was banned from iss because instead of driding like everybody i tried to expose everybody for the lames they were

your biffle bxcubarican- i been saying he was no good since the beggining.. and now he was banned for scamming...
IbringHomedabacon - he was exposed on fsf for posting some other guys pics and trying to pass them off as himself.
Mr.TL- hes like 20 something trying to get pics of my friend who was 15 at the time???? then he banned me because i tried to expose him and passed it off as "i posted pics of poetic justice"
c'monnnn dude.. im no drider trust that

you a joke, i see you keeping up with ISS although you are banned, dont be so mad im sure you still can run the city with "TEAM SCOOTED" lmao @ youcalling yourself a pro.

bana - this little girl...smh.
Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Originally Posted by DJ bana


yea Rikan, thats not your photo.

This thread is all humor recently.


and oh man, HE CAME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only to argue!!!! something he already said he wasnt going to do. and you're calling me immature? and littlegirl? pleaseeeee.

you're just fun to respond to because you stayyy taking the bait!

ps. i wanted to say it before, but i didn't wanna seem like a "hater" but considering you love criticism so much... your photos are grainy ashell and it doesnt look good. esepcially in photos where there is plenty of light, what are you doing? shooting at high iso with tons of light? also, RESIZEYOUR PICS. i hate seeing a HUGE baby on my 15 inch monitor...... because you know, baby photography is soooo exciting.

like i said earlier, i vote you off the island!
go back to ISS.


whateversclever, you cool peeps and have been since day 1. you don't take jabs at people for e-cred, props!!

Originally Posted by ksteezy

#%*$ this, +*#@ aint worth it...i need to learn to take L's....DAMN!

and damn, you edited too fast. but you should take your own advice.......
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Originally Posted by ksteezy


im officialy done with this thread.

i leave with this thought

"dont argue with fools because people from a distance can tell who is who"

Whateversclever quit nut riding bro, how you mold your e-personality to fit in a forum, on iss you acted like a 13 year old virgin and here you wanna act like you kicking knowledge. Cmon SON. like bana said, is just the "interweeebz"
you could be 27 and imma still son you,
so listen up...

you come into this thread and post your pics.. cool everyone says you got cool pics.

but this is where you get cocky and act like you know everything.

You try to correct DJ bana, yet both of the times YOU WERE WRONG ok.

Then you pay $320 for 250 cards. thats about 1.30$ for every card.
it doesn't take a genius to realize that you got jipped. we're just telling it like it is, but you wanna be stubborn and act like your right.. no dude you got jipped. don't get salty over it.

then you try taking shots at bana saying
specially coming from a person who owns a 3k+ setup to practically document her outtings
why? you have no clue as to who anybody in here is.

I personally don't post any of the pictures of my clients on my flickr, because i respect their privacy. maybe bana does the same. again you don't know anybody on here.

then someone asks about freelensing,

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Im Not You

So uhh...changing the subject. Anyone freelens?

you mean freelance?...
Stop right there boy...

stop being so quick to correct someone.. freelens is an actual thing.

then you start calling everyone corny.. because bana makes a joke at how you say she had a 3k camera.. but then you say we take everything too seriously? c'mon

then you come in here telling Rikan thats not his photo, because someone did PP on it?? so are you saying

we all laugh, but you wanna get salty over it. .. its not that serious.

like you said it yourself..

you learned all your photography through forums like ISS...

while alot of us on here are actual pros and have been published.. my major right now is photography. and ive been interning in media companies doing this since the age of 15..


maybe if you were more humble and stopped trying to criticize everything things would be cool?

and as for ISS.. i never acted like a 13 year old virgin... if i did.. i wouldn't of have been banned from there 3 times. I've never been the type to dride anybody.. i was banned from iss because instead of driding like everybody i tried to expose everybody for the lames they were

your biffle bxcubarican- i been saying he was no good since the beggining.. and now he was banned for scamming...
IbringHomedabacon - he was exposed on fsf for posting some other guys pics and trying to pass them off as himself.
Mr.TL- hes like 20 something trying to get pics of my friend who was 15 at the time???? then he banned me because i tried to expose him and passed it off as "i posted pics of poetic justice"
c'monnnn dude.. im no drider trust that

you a joke, i see you keeping up with ISS although you are banned, dont be so mad im sure you still can run the city with "TEAM SCOOTED" lmao @ you calling yourself a pro. !%+$# fatboy.

bana - corny little !!@$*.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by ksteezy

you a joke, i see you keeping up with ISS although you are banned, dont be so mad im sure you still can run the city with "TEAM SCOOTED" lmao @ you calling yourself a pro. !%+$# fatboy.

bana - corny little !!@$*.

h/o , is that name calling i see? did you call me a #%%%%? maybe you dont know but, name calling IS NOT ALLOWED ON NT.
Originally Posted by blueLAMBORGHINI

These photographers took these pictures ... but 90% of the time, the subjects were whack without PP ...

this is getting pretty turrrrible.

at some point, every photo is a collaboration of sorts, with different degree of creative control. what's to say you can't have control over what isdone in post?
yeah votr me off the Island...ohhhhhh...i take the bait...thats right!


you are a corny little !$+$$ who apparently gets off to this, go ahead press the report button.

yeah i read the rules....why the @!@* do you think i called you a %++%+???....because i obviously dont give a #*!*!


i guess thats how NT wins.....ohh well.

and Edgar you just a fatboy with a camera....fuc out of here calling yourself a pro

stop lurking ISS, keeping up to date with who is banned or not....yet another lame.
omg look at him go. ROFL. yea, i totally "get off" to e-beef...

its insane that people don't realize ITS JUST THE INTERNET.

dude is scared and ready to go back to ISS.

verynecessary- i agree. and also, nothing is original! every kind of art is inspired of influenced from things people have seen.. imo.
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by blueLAMBORGHINI

These photographers took these pictures ... but 90% of the time, the subjects were whack without PP ...

this is getting pretty turrrrible.

at some point, every photo is a collaboration of sorts, with different degree of creative control. what's to say you can't have control over what is done in post?

this pretty much validates my point....all i said is he couldnt call a picture ENTIRELY his if he only did half the work, more like a collabo......what the!#!+ was so bad about that?....
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by DJ bana

its insane that people don't realize ITS JUST THE INTERNET.
This statement goes both ways.

very true. but, this guy has been hassling me for the last few pages about really petty stuff, so of course i'll respond if its not i take his comments to heart? no. its nothing serious.. i'm typing casually, while he types angrilyand defensively with curse words and name calling.big difference.
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by DJ bana

its insane that people don't realize ITS JUST THE INTERNET.
This statement goes both ways.

very true. but, this guy has been hassling me for the last few pages about really petty stuff, so of course i'll respond if its not harmful. do i take his comments to heart? no. its nothing serious.. i'm typing casually, while he types angrilyand defensively with curse words and name calling. big difference.
I <3 you.
i been hassling you????....are you $*%*% kidding me???? been throwing iss on my face ince the second you saw me on here!

lmao @ scared and ready to go back to a lame %@+$# for got run off from a honda forum in the past for acting like a know-it-all little%@+$#.....just like you are here.....go back a few pages and see if all i was doing was giving you $*%*% props....that was until you came out your face sayingi "got jipped"....

e-beefing...thats right....$*%*% corny i swear.
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by DJ bana

its insane that people don't realize ITS JUST THE INTERNET.
This statement goes both ways.

very true. but, this guy has been hassling me for the last few pages about really petty stuff, so of course i'll respond if its not harmful. do i take his comments to heart? no. its nothing serious.. i'm typing casually, while he types angrilyand defensively with curse words and name calling. big difference.

yeahhhh immmm angrrryyyyyyyyy......lmaoooo....i came on NT expecting something different than ISS, obviously i came across you, there goes my NT experience outthe window, now i really dont care....enjoy your little photography thread. thanx for the warm welcoming.
Ksteezy - I'm gonna have to disagree. That's like saying the picture isn't yours because all you did was put in the settings and *click

...The camera did most of the work.
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