Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

awesome shots guys.

haven't shot in a while...

Originally Posted by DREDAY0789

alright folks i need some help.

my dad has some lights that he doesnt use and said i could have them if i figure out how to use them. the lights are Norman ML-400 ( and i need to know what i have to buy to use them. i have a Nikon D40. any/all help is definitely appreciated.
it looks like you need a sync cable (pc to miniplug example here) for at least one light and a pc sync cord adapter like thisnikon as-15. the other lights can be put on slave (triggered by thelight connected by the sync cord. also, you can go the wireless route for pretty cheap. there are decent remotes on ebay like this. at the minimum, you should at least pick up an umbrella and stand for each light too if you don't have those.


I'm re-evaluating my cheapo nifty-50 lens based on my needs.
Ishot some works of my co-worker in my dimly lit office & due to my inexperience I did not turn up the ISO high enough to get a sharp image. I noticed alotof front focusing even with using the targeted focus spots. I took some great shots in the Transit Museum with the kit lens and when I used the nifty-50 theycame up blurry.

I think I should keep my kit lens & 55-250(which I LOVE) and sell the Ninfty-50 for an investment & venture into flash photography.
qksLvrtypeS - what do you recommend, should I start out with a sub-$90 Sunpak 383/Vivitar 285HV or save up the $200 for a used 430EX?...
I think using flash will greatly improve the focus & sharpness of my pictures.
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by DREDAY0789

alright folks i need some help.

my dad has some lights that he doesnt use and said i could have them if i figure out how to use them. the lights are Norman ML-400 ( and i need to know what i have to buy to use them. i have a Nikon D40. any/all help is definitely appreciated.
it looks like you need a sync cable (pc to miniplug example here) for at least one light and a pc sync cord adapter like this nikon as-15. the other lights can be put on slave (triggered by the light connected by the sync cord. also, you can go the wireless route for pretty cheap. there are decent remotes on ebay like this. at the minimum, you should at least pick up an umbrella and stand for each light too if you don't have those.
thanks man. i just ordered a wireless remote. hopefully itwork out. my pops got the stands and umbrellas for me too.
I'm still trying to learn how to use my DSLR manually... any help is much appreciated...

my PM box is open
When shooting manually, you gotta check the aperatute bars.

You know when you manually change the exposure, the little indicator moves to the left or right???

Well when you shooting manual, depending on your F number, the indicator is going to move in one direction and you have to set the shutter speed to balance outthe indicator so it can be in the middle.

When shooting manually, you gotta check the aperatute bars.

You know when you manually change the exposure, the little indicator moves to the left or right???

Well when you shooting manual, depending on your F number, the indicator is going to move in one direction and you have to set the shutter speed to balance outthe indicator so it can be in the middle.

Originally Posted by tony23retro

When shooting manually, you gotta check the aperatute bars.

You know when you manually change the exposure, the little indicator moves to the left or right???

Well when you shooting manual, depending on your F number, the indicator is going to move in one direction and you have to set the shutter speed to balance out the indicator so it can be in the middle.


What's funny is I didn't know that for the 1st 3 months when I first got my dslr. I'd just guess the exposure and look at the back then adjust fromthere. Only until I decided to try film did I learn to meter.
Originally Posted by tony23retro

When shooting manually, you gotta check the aperatute bars exposure meter.

You know when you manually change the exposure, the little indicator moves to the left or right???

Well when you shooting manual, depending on your F number, the indicator is going to move in one direction and you have to set the shutter speed to balance out the indicator so it can be in the middle.

Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

Originally Posted by tony23retro

When shooting manually, you gotta check the aperatute bars.

You know when you manually change the exposure, the little indicator moves to the left or right???

Well when you shooting manual, depending on your F number, the indicator is going to move in one direction and you have to set the shutter speed to balance out the indicator so it can be in the middle.


What's funny is I didn't know that for the 1st 3 months when I first got my dslr. I'd just guess the exposure and look at the back then adjust from there. Only until I decided to try film did I learn to meter.
same here. I found out about the meter in the viewfinderafter I read "Understanding Exposure"
^^^^^^My buddy had to tell me that when I had my XTi. I thought he was full of it, but then later was proven wrong. Still....I tend to stay a little underexposed most of the time.
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