Official Parks and Recreation Season 4 Thread vol. Vote Knope in 2012

Originally Posted by Big J 33


 I love her


fall back tho, she's mine. k
This dude Chris is starting to bug me. Him and Ann are kind of like Jim and Pam from the Office. They get really annoying

But Ron is my new Dwight
man april is like 28

I love this show.
its funny these guys are about to go SUPER broke though 
What another great episode... it really built towards a hilarious show tonight.

The writers and actors know their characters so well and it really shows when you see them in different adventures and scenarios. When I mentioned I disliked focusing on Chris, tonight was the perfect response in my book, he was with Leslie and Andy.. he had his positive energy, tried and failed hilariously to use his charms, and it felt natural and within the context of the story... rather than "let's get Chris to do wacky things". The relationships between each character and their grouping is always great to see too... from Leslie's message to April being several pages and Jerry's being "get well soon", Tom and Ben teaming up again, and the always perfect April-Ron relationship.

A reoccurring theme in the show is the town of Pawnee as a character itself, and I love how easily the show can bring these characters into the episode... Joan is one of my favorite supporting characters on TV. Tom finally having to answer for all of his empty flirting was hilarious considering Tom was terrified of Joan. Even the return of Eagleton and how perfect it is, Leslie's mom, even the angry guy at the book store was on the show before.

My highlights:
Tom's repeated entrance giving away funny 720 merchandise.. I'd get tired of it if the products weren't really comical.
The Gotcha dancers
Tom's cologne shower he took

when Joan went to the bathroom and Ben replied "is she going to powder her vagina?"
Ron whittled a recorder

Andy as Leslie's assistant is a really good relationship, she's responsible and tries to stay in control, but she still lets Andy do his thing at times.. or should I say Burt Maclin
Ron's technique of calling people by the wrong name... then the little smile he had when April did it to him. I can't stress enough how much I love their friendship
Leslie embarrassing the guy with her stories... then "Nipple Hill... gets so slippery, especially when wet"

I'm almost getting tired of saying how great this show is, it's just assumed at this point. It's safe to say this show won't be hitting a slump this season.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

What another great episode... it really built towards a hilarious show tonight.

The writers and actors know their characters so well and it really shows when you see them in different adventures and scenarios. When I mentioned I disliked focusing on Chris, tonight was the perfect response in my book, he was with Leslie and Andy.. he had his positive energy, tried and failed hilariously to use his charms, and it felt natural and within the context of the story... rather than "let's get Chris to do wacky things". The relationships between each character and their grouping is always great to see too... from Leslie's message to April being several pages and Jerry's being "get well soon", Tom and Ben teaming up again, and the always perfect April-Ron relationship.

A reoccurring theme in the show is the town of Pawnee as a character itself, and I love how easily the show can bring these characters into the episode... Joan is one of my favorite supporting characters on TV. Tom finally having to answer for all of his empty flirting was hilarious considering Tom was terrified of Joan. Even the return of Eagleton and how perfect it is, Leslie's mom, even the angry guy at the book store was on the show before.

My highlights:
Tom's repeated entrance giving away funny 720 merchandise.. I'd get tired of it if the products weren't really comical.
The Gotcha dancers
Tom's cologne shower he took

when Joan went to the bathroom and Ben replied "is she going to powder her vagina?"
Ron whittled a recorder

Andy as Leslie's assistant is a really good relationship, she's responsible and tries to stay in control, but she still lets Andy do his thing at times.. or should I say Burt Maclin
Ron's technique of calling people by the wrong name... then the little smile he had when April did it to him. I can't stress enough how much I love their friendship
Leslie embarrassing the guy with her stories... then "Nipple Hill... gets so slippery, especially when wet"

I'm almost getting tired of saying how great this show is, it's just assumed at this point. It's safe to say this show won't be hitting a slump this season.

Agreed on all notches. I'd like to see other relationships get explored if even possible. Donna and Chris/Andy as an example.
I wasn't too big on the Ann thing. April hates Ann and she dropped it all completely for a story.
They had a Chris/Andy story last season when Chris helped Andy get April back. They were pretty good together so I'd like to see more of that.

April's hatred of Ann is probably half real feelings and half April just doing it to be mean. April went to Ann for help when April and Andy had a fight last season.. so they're not sworn enemies but definitely don't get along. Ann's desire to befriend them made sense, but seemed forced to get Ann involved in more stories not involving Leslie or her dating someone. Ann should be more developed by now, but she's not totally there and it shows at times.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Ron's technique of calling people by the wrong name... then the little smile he had when April did it to him. I can't stress enough how much I love their friendship
i connected with them on that $*+@ lol
i was on the fence on making this go past my love for community but im not shy to say out loud anymore....even though deep inside it happened a long time ago.  community has been slacking, or maybe ive just outgrown it.
Another great episode.

- So funny that they used the Obama - Birth Certificate angle on Leslie
- Lester.
- "What kind of blade did he use" 
- Who else was born in Eagleton...Voldemort probably 

awesome episode
Decent episode, had a few laughs, needed more Ann and April. I always feel bad for Jerry, they just gon do him dirty like that?

Hope he gets his revenge one day.
He's said on the show before he takes all their crap because he's close to retirement, so in a few years he'll be out of there so he doesn't care.

Plus this season they've established he has a giant penis. So I think it all evens out for him.
"Author, Immigrant"
"Author, Liar"

"You're welcome, Lester."

 at someone yelling and suggesting Leslie should speak English on her way out from the conference.
When people get too chummy with me I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don't really care about them - Ron Swanson.

Great episode.
I'm glad they slipped in the Obama-esqe... "birth certificate" thing 
Currently I have this show, community, house, dexter, and the office in rotation. Parks and recs is by far the one im most excited for every week. Im dropping community, shows sucks.

Ron aziz and the weird chick make the show "literally"
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