Official Oklahoma City Thunder OFFSEASON 2013-2014 Thread **NEW TEAM,

^ they're saying we're pushing to trade maynor hard..

wouldnt mind getting barea to come off the bench (saw it mentioned some place i was reading).. or hell, him and derrick williams

just dont want to give up lamb or the toronto pick.. so that leaves our 1st and the dallas first and disposable players (i think i would include martin in the disposable list, depending on what we could get in return)
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So, Perkins and Jeremy Lamb for the Suns' P.J. Tucker and Marcin Gortat?

What do we think?

Personally, I'd like to keep the two Brookies.

Julius F. Wrek
i dont want to give up lamb or the toronto pick..

the other 2 1st round picks (ours and the mavs), any 2nd round picks, martin, maynor, reggie, PJ3 and/or whoever else.. are all free to go

so essentially i want us to keep: KD, westbrook, ibaka, collison, thabo and lamb.. maybe even liggins
See, I can part with PJ3 no problem. I think he has potential and his athleticism is off the charts, but right he has no nba caliber skill other than as a run/jump athlete, which he hasn't fullymaximized because when he's on the court, he just seems like he is confused and just trying to stay out of way andhis jumper is atrocious. The rare occassion Lamb gets p.t, you can tell he is already a rotation 2 guard in the NBA.

I don't mind us trading the Toronto pick since they're borderline playoffs so it's unlikely to be early lottery and I don't like this draft. If we get the pick in 2014 though with Gordon, Wiggins, and Randle possibly available, I'm ecstatic though,

I like the Perk for Gortat trade, even if a rook is thrown in to get us PJ Tucker (underrated addition would be Shannon Brown who can get buckets off the bench at either guard slot), and even if it is made slightly bigger to return us Dudley.

I think Kevin Martin will extend or be traded. You look at Presti's history, his method, he doesn't put himself in position to lose his assets for nothing.
^ what the F happened?

i couldnt watch the game and only saw the scores.. and i saw we were up in the 4th, then i went and did something and look back and saw we were down
Thunder fans on DT talking about this hyperbolic nonsense about Harden jinxed it and he dropped 16 in the 4th alone and 46 overall on 19 shots. Ol' homer *** dudes, literally the second they starting circle jerking calling Harden a glorified 3rd option, and not a max player, and all this other nonsense Harden went off. And I was rooting for that **** every step of the way. I would have preferred the Thunder still win, but I ain't even mad.
soo we really couldn't have amnestied perkins and kept harden for his asking price of 60..
No. The thing about amnestying a player is you still have to pay a portion (most) of their salary, it just doesn't count against your cap. Our owners keep acting like they live in the poorhouse and would never consider it. It's the reason I don't think we can win a title. You can't be cheap, AND in Oklahoma, and win a title being scared of the tax. Like if I was gm, I'm renting a Josh Smith or KG or whoever, even knowing they will be here for only 1 yr and getting a ring. But Presti always believes in long term, and sustainability, and again the owners want to be as good as possible for cheap as possible, so I think the system has gotten as far as it can. And let's not forget not signing anybody who has ever been in any type of trouble.


Still got Kendrick Perkins.

No low post scorer,

and we acquire a pick.

Help me sort this out guys.

Julius F. Wrek
Owners don't want to win, they just want to be cheap and save money.

Trading Maynor was a favor to him though, since he was out of the rotation here and it's a contract yr for him (and he has played terrible), trading him anywhere who will play him gives him a chance to earn a next contract somewhere. Presti does always look out for guys best interest when he trades them, I'm not mad at that, Reggie came in and took his spot point blank. I don't know why we didn't get Hickson or Blair out of it though since both those teams were literally trying to give those guys away, other than that both are final yrs of their contract and thus might be rentals. Presti is always about long term. We bought Brewer in, that's fine, he didn't cost anything but 2nd rd pick. Fine, Thabo injury insurance for the yr. He is also in the final yr of his deal. We have a 2.3million dollar trade exception now that we can use this offseason.

Kevin Martin though now, ball is in his court. He said a lot o nice things about wanting to be here and taking less to do so, but this offseason he is a UFA and teams will be throwing money at him since he stayed healthy all yr for the first time in forever and as a 3rd option is putting up efficient numbers
^ i doubt martin comes back..

i assume we go into next season with lamb in the main scorer off the bench role.. and then we all have to pray the toronto pick ends up being pretty higher than it should be (based on the present standing and the simple fact they are winning games)

would have loved to get thomas robinson, just for his future potential.. or hell, how about redick, since orlando was supposedly asking for a 1st..

and like datz just said, could have gotten hickson or blair.. hell we have our pick, which i hope is at the very end of the 1st.. or the bobcats 2nd, which should be basically a 1st, since it'll be at the top of the 2nd.. then there is the mavs pick
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I don't care if he does or not. I don't like his game, he's very limited and 1 dimensional and teams shut him down easily. The right move would have been to convince Bennett and his boys to pony up the ca$h to keep Harden, even if it meant being in the tax, at least for a few yrs then blow it up if it doesn't work. These ****** just gave up and made a dramatic downgrade in talent to save money. And I expect they will do the same again this offseason. Watch us end up with a Randy Foye or something after KMart gets 3/35 from Utah or Chicago or Cleveland or somebody
^ just gotta hope lamb develops.. and we can luck out with the toronto pick..

you're so right about harden though,,

but would have loved to get robinson.. we couldnt do PJ3, daniel orton, our pick or the mavs pick (only 1 of the 2) and maybe even the bobcats 2nd for robinson

It was so hard watchin' Harden cook last night.

All I had in my mind was "what if he was still with the Thunder?"

What if man,

what if.

Julius F. Wrek
glad to see lamb get some burn at the end of the game.. but ummmmm you mean to tell me he was available the whole time and we couldnt find time for him somewhere?

how about instead of putting PJ3 in the game (who did nothing), we try using lamb.. and why didnt liggins get more burn in the 2nd half?
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and i've joined datz's side of things with wanting toronto to just keep winning and make the playoffs

here is how the toronto and dallas picks work for us:

2013 first round draft pick from Dallas
Dallas' own 2013 first round draft pick to Oklahoma City via the L.A. Lakers and Houston ( top 20 protected in 2013, top 20 protected in 2014, top 20 protected in 2015, top 20 protected in 2016, top 20 protected in 2017 and unprotected in the 2018 Draft). [Dallas - L.A. Lakers, 12/11/2011 and then Houston-L.A. Lakers, 3/15/2012 and then Houston-Oklahoma City, 10/27/2012]

2013 first round draft pick from Toronto
Toronto's own 2013 1st round pick to Oklahoma City via Houston (Top-3 Protected and 15-30 Protected in the 2013 Draft, top-2 protected and 15-30 protected in 2014, top-2 protected and 15-30 protected in 2015, top-1 Protected and 15-30 protected in 2016, top-1 protected and 15-30 Protected in 2017 and unprotected in the 2018 Draft. [Houston-Toronto, 7/11/2012 and then Houston-Oklahoma City, 10/27/2012]
Free rep to anyone who can figure out what my post name is on I post somewhat the same as I do on here.

And those picks and damn near worthless to us IMO, other than to trade for proven talent which we should have done on a greater level than Ronnie Brewer. We got 2 rooks getting permanent splinters and 3 sophomores in the same boat.

We should have been after JJ Hickson, allegedly Portland was willing to settle for just a pick for him. Dude would murderalize Heat's smallball lineup. Ditto even DaJuan Blair.
^ to be honest, i dont even read the comments most of the time on daily thunder.. i read the "bolts" everyday.. then will check periodically to see if anything comes up that will grab my interest

but one of these guys is really going need to step up.. and i believe in overwhelming force, so i like having a ton of picks.. someone will have to develop..

but brooks doesnt play them and even when they show something, he doesnt play them as much as he should (see harden and ibaka).. like last night, lamb should have gotten in the game earlier than that late in the 4th.. he's shown enough in the Dleague, but just looks uncomfortable out there right now and there is only 1 way to fix that
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Free rep to anyone who can figure out what my post name is on I post somewhat the same as I do on here.

And those picks and damn near worthless to us IMO, other than to trade for proven talent which we should have done on a greater level than Ronnie Brewer. We got 2 rooks getting permanent splinters and 3 sophomores in the same boat.

We should have been after JJ Hickson, allegedly Portland was willing to settle for just a pick for him. Dude would murderalize Heat's smallball lineup. Ditto even DaJuan Blair.

Is it If that's what you say, bruh?

I should register to comment on that site,

but I don't think I could handle all the hyperbole.

So wish the Thunder would have picked up Hickson or Blair though.

Julius F. Wrek
Yea. The only good thing about Livefyre is the ability to change your screen name as often as you want.

And yea the hyperbole on there is too much, especially reference James Harden. Kats on there still unwilling to admit dude is a friggin beast, and that maybe we messed that one up (although you could argue the snowball started rolling on that one the second we extended Kendrick Perkins before even playing a game that season much less in a Thunder uni, and then giving Serge what I estimate to be maybe 7mil too much). James Harden continues to put up literally historic numbers, even as the first option, and Kevin Martin just a glorified spot up shooter and Lamb doesn't even play.

Rumor has it we are signing Fisher again. Darnell Mayberry believes to have sniffed it out and shut it down, but I have literally heard from people in the OKC era who claimed to have seen him in town recently. I hope not.

Hakiim Warrick though just got waived by Orlando.,

Anybody else think Durant looks a bit "off"?

Over the last few games he just doesn't seem to have that same je ne sais quoi.

Julius F. Wrek
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