OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

Randle is a ***** man ... only shoving people to do absolutely nothing.

***** *** would get son by Metta
floodarea floodarea

Zion is coming back from his injury to play.

Make sure you watch.
I’m not ready for the Spida noise. Ric Bucher out there talking. He already don’t**** wit Gobert. He’s prolly ready to come home. Ppl will want to play with RJ very soon.

He’s great & all but I don’t like how he fits with this rotation & he’s likely going to cost way too much. Undersized 2 guard when that’s already RJ’s best fit.

Spida playing 1 and RJ at the 2 makes sense to me. Both are play makers so we wouldn’t need a traditional PG per say. It’s not working with Burks or IQ bc that’s just not their game.
It makes sense to me as well. I’m just not ready to blow the farm yet & mess up the plans for my/the rotation :lol:. Draft your superstars & core. Development. Deuce. He’s enough there.

He,Spida, got a lot of years on that contract. Would he be worth the cost? Utah coming for draft capital, young players & such.

RJ is still a couple years away from really getting it going. Son is just scratching the surface so I wanna let him flex alone for a while. See who else from this bunch steps up.

Year 2.
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