Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Fathers out there, do your little one go to or call for their mother every chance they get? When it’s just me and my 3 yr old daughter, she’s cool. But the moment she sees her mama, she’s pushes me away and goes to her. Like she views me as random in the house :lol: What’s weird is when it’s just her and her mama, she asks for me. But that’s only last for a short period of time before she cries and ask for her mama.

My fiancé is pregnant with baby #2. I want to spell her from our daughter cause she tired at times but my daughter could careless :lol:

My son is 6 and he is just getting out of this phase.

Honestly the first couple years of parenting were tough because I felt a little useless and in other aspects of my life (even my relationship) I'm usually seen at the provider. It was a bit of a mind**** for me but know that it passes with time.

I'm gonna be honest with u, father's are at a disadvantage the first couple years of parenting. Babies literally need their mother for sustenance and it can be very hard to compete with the bond that forms from that. Just be patient with your kid and keep being there for them. I'm sure she will figure out you offer just as much value as mom now that that she has some competition coming.

My second is taking his sweet time with breaking my wife's water, but throughout this pregnancy I've been really reinforcing that although things are changing within the family both mom and I love our son and we are only providing an extension of that love via his brother. This was our last summer as a family of 3 and depaite the limitations it's been great.

Kids don't understand everything but I have high hopes that my son will have some level of understanding as the new addition takes some time and attention away from him.
Fathers out there, do your little one go to or call for their mother every chance they get? When it’s just me and my 3 yr old daughter, she’s cool. But the moment she sees her mama, she’s pushes me away and goes to her. Like she views me as random in the house :lol: What’s weird is when it’s just her and her mama, she asks for me. But that’s only last for a short period of time before she cries and ask for her mama.

My fiancé is pregnant with baby #2. I want to spell her from our daughter cause she tired at times but my daughter could careless :lol:

Our second child is def a mommas boy, but she breast fed for the majority so Im not surprised.
My daughter is about to turn 1 on Sat and she’s pretty much been hip to hip with my wife for the first 11 months of her life. We finally got her in daycare the beginning of August and last week she dealt with being sick for the first time. She could ONLY be soothed by mom so I definitely have been feeling useless as of late.
my son is def a mama’s boy. my daughter tho, she’s daddy’s little princess.

my son started 5th grade and from 4th grade, he been messing up. missing assignments and telling us ******** about what’s due. frustrating to watch him work fine with fractions or do long division on bigger numbers but this mf makes mistakes on simple add and subtract. makes me want to punch his damn head. on top of that, his handwriting is atrocious. anyway, instead of yelling at him like i usually do, i tallied up the number of times he had to go back and redo his math and each one turned into some laps in the pool (our pool is small). i made him swim a ****load of laps last night while i sat in the jacuzzi. everytime he rested too long, i whistled and he would start swimming again. he swam so much that he almost barfed but i felt great after the long soak in the hot tub 😎

My girls (10 and 15) have pretty much always been attached to me since they got off the boobie juice. But I’ve always been the primary parent and my wife is the breadwinner (and it’s not close either lol). They both have a lot of my personality, especially the youngest, so I “get” them better in some ways than my wife does.
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Today my daughter turned 1. So glad we decided to have her party next weekend instead of Labor Day weekend. She was getting over her first illness (RSV) last weekend and had a stomach bug she caught from daycare on Thurs. Ended up taking her to the pediatrician yesterday cause she kept throwing up and found out she also had a ear infection. Today my wife and I are cooked. Nausea, vomiting, the runs, body aches, headaches, etc. Little girl is chilling and we’re fighting for our lives. Taking turns watching her while the other is on the toilet. This the ugly side of parenting and we weren’t ready 😵😵😵
She's here 🥰😍

My baby girl was born last night at 5lbs 14oz 18ins at 36 weeks. Pretty early since she was supposed to be born at the end of the month. She was born via C-section..wife is good and recovering so hopefully, we'll be home in a day or two. I can't wait to bring my baby girl home 🥰🥰🥰
She's here 🥰😍

My baby girl was born last night at 5lbs 14oz 18ins at 36 weeks. Pretty early since she was supposed to be born at the end of the month. She was born via C-section..wife is good and recovering so hopefully, we'll be home in a day or two. I can't wait to bring my baby girl home 🥰🥰🥰
ccastro02 ccastro02 that really is something else , co grass brother. Now question why was it done there and then? Did you not have enough time to get to da hospital? Or it was pre-planned this way?

I ask cuz I remember going from work in the city to Queens to LI its about a 2 hr total drive for the non NY folk with my first daughter and we made it

My 2nd daughter is due on da 14th and if she doesn't come beforehand they will induce my wife on that day. Praying she comes before then.
She's here 🥰😍

My baby girl was born last night at 5lbs 14oz 18ins at 36 weeks. Pretty early since she was supposed to be born at the end of the month. She was born via C-section..wife is good and recovering so hopefully, we'll be home in a day or two. I can't wait to bring my baby girl home 🥰🥰🥰
Congrats man! You’re in for quite the ride.
ccastro02 ccastro02 that really is something else , co grass brother. Now question why was it done there and then? Did you not have enough time to get to da hospital? Or it was pre-planned this way?

I ask cuz I remember going from work in the city to Queens to LI its about a 2 hr total drive for the non NY folk with my first daughter and we made it

My 2nd daughter is due on da 14th and if she doesn't come beforehand they will induce my wife on that day. Praying she comes before then.
We actually had a planned C-section on the 25th. However my wife started having mild contractions the morning of the 17th. I asked her that morning if she wanted to go the hospital, but she declined for a few reasons:

1- She already had a scheduled dr’s appointment later that same afternoon, so she wanted to get the advice of her gynecologist 1st before going to the hospital.
2- At the time I left that morning to drop off my son at my in-laws, the contractions weren’t that intense. When she was in labor with our son last year, she had contractions for 4 days, and was sent back home twice by the hospital staff because she wasn’t dilated enough. Having gone through this with our son, she was afraid that the hospital was going to just send us back home like they did when she was in labor with our son.

Luckily I had just finished dropping off my son at my in-laws on my way to pick up my laptop from work in downtown Manhattan, and had just gotten on the LIE. She called me frantically crying telling me that the contractions were getting significantly more intense and that she felt the she was going into labor at that moment and didn’t want to be alone in the apartment while she gave labor. Man I turned right back around and was swimming through rush hour traffic, doing 95 mph trying to get back to my wife. She called me up again like 2 mins later, saying that she was bleeding, crying hysterically and that she didn’t know what to do. I told her to call 911 because I was still like 15 mins away. Oddly enough I got to the apartment before the police or Ems showed up, to find my wife laying in the bathroom floor spread eagle, and my daughters head partially exposed. Couldn’t believe that my wife was giving labor right there on the spot!! She pushed for like 2 mins, and my daughter came right out. About a min after that the cops came, Than Ems came a minute after that.

This is her now, at 3 weeks.
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Enjoy it gents. My daughter turned 1 last weekend and we’ve spent the past week crafting the decorations for her first bday party tomorrow. Last week I kept playing back the whole scenario leading up to her birth and this week I’ve been looking back at all the photos and videos we’ve taken of her and how much she’s grown. It’s honestly crazy how much they change. She doesn’t even look like the same person
my 1st born just started Pre-K 2 weeks and I got mad emotional out of nowhere when i was dropping him off. :lol: but he has adjusted well and looks forward to school everyday.

His little bro is a little sad because his best friend isn't at home with him anymore :smh: nobody warned me of these feelings.
What's up guise , just had my second daughter and I'm so happy and excited that I can't put it into words , it was a grueling 24 hrs being that she got induced and her epidural didn't seem to be doing its job. It was a tough fight but we won da battle as cliche and corny ad it sounds.

She was born 7lbs 3oz.
Her name is Charlotte Gisselle Ureña



Can't explain how beautiful she is
She's here 🥰😍

My baby girl was born last night at 5lbs 14oz 18ins at 36 weeks. Pretty early since she was supposed to be born at the end of the month. She was born via C-section..wife is good and recovering so hopefully, we'll be home in a day or two. I can't wait to bring my baby girl home 🥰🥰🥰

Congrats on your baby girl brother!!
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