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nike is putting out some pretty interesting concepts for this shoe...

to the good people of Niketalk, anyone hear or have knowledge of a "Blackout" version?
Originally Posted by peteNASH

nike is putting out some pretty interesting concepts for this shoe...

to the good people of Niketalk, anyone hear or have knowledge of a "Blackout" version?

i think we're going to see a whiteout version instead.
zk4 - whiteout

zk5 - blackout

zk6 - whiteout? 

but who knows.
isn't anything in real life already 3d? the scales on the vi are 3d.
idk bout that concept
concords are nice and i swooped and and all...
but when i went to swoop mine... pictures>in person
Originally Posted by al3x89

Originally Posted by peteNASH

nike is putting out some pretty interesting concepts for this shoe...

to the good people of Niketalk, anyone hear or have knowledge of a "Blackout" version?

i think we're going to see a whiteout version instead.
zk4 - whiteout

zk5 - blackout

zk6 - whiteout? 

but who knows.

zk6 whiteouts? was gonna try and be patient for a definitive answer but al3x89's insight makes quite a bit of sense...
perhaps blackout the swoosh on the "del sols" or "all black everything" id's? time to think... 
finally gave in and copped my first ever kobe. Kobe VI grinch..........cause i liked the coloring so much. But the funny thing is, i didnt know that once i bought one pair, i would be interested in buying all the other pairs.................must hold back on the urge to do so.....shiet
Doubt we'll see a white put with this model. The scales are gonna be a problem.
A black out pair will continue I think.

Per the sku# or whatever type of # they use to track a shoe at Nike, the Blackout 5s did well actually.
i saw the concords today. i still like the del sols more. the purple on the midsole and the back are 2 different colors.
k i think i posted i'm done with kobes for this year... i take it back, my girl dumped me so i will have a extra 100 per week to save. good and bad but good for my kobes!
Originally Posted by DavidLeex84

k i think i posted i'm done with kobes for this year... i take it back, my girl dumped me so i will have a extra 100 per week to save. good and bad but good for my kobes!

way to stay positive! haha nice
Originally Posted by DavidLeex84

k i think i posted i'm done with kobes for this year... i take it back, my girl dumped me so i will have a extra 100 per week to save. good and bad but good for my kobes!

On the up side, Kobes will never dump you, give you problems or give you a scare when that time of the month is suppose to roll around.
Originally Posted by DavidLeex84

k i think i posted i'm done with kobes for this year... i take it back, my girl dumped me so i will have a extra 100 per week to save. good and bad but good for my kobes!

sorry to hear that but like you said you are now saving some money
and a better girl will come along!
Originally Posted by Wayne141

Oops, guess I can't link or post pics from the other site. Anyway, there's a nice feature there with more info and pics about the BHMs. It also sheds some light on exactly what kind of pattern is "scarred" into the upper.

Forgive the logo, just thought this pic would clearly up some info about the shoe.


thanks for sharing!
Originally Posted by bigj505

i saw the concords today. i still like the del sols more. the purple on the midsole and the back are 2 different colors.

That's what turned me off on them when I saw them in person.
I wonder if the 3D's don't have any scales (plolyeurathane islands) and are just a smooth upper, but with 3D glasses on the islands pop out?
Originally Posted by penny4prezident

Originally Posted by DavidLeex84

k i think i posted i'm done with kobes for this year... i take it back, my girl dumped me so i will have a extra 100 per week to save. good and bad but good for my kobes!
Quite lying you never had a girl, you know you still a vrigin
!!! You don't have to lye to us on why you're buying Kobes, the shoe is the $hit
Please go
Originally Posted by DavidLeex84

k i think i posted i'm done with kobes for this year... i take it back, my girl dumped me so i will have a extra 100 per week to save. good and bad but good for my kobes!
If you have to spend 100 every week on your girl then she deserve to be gone
who seriously would buy a 3d glass to look at a shoes when it's already in 3d ?
lamest gimmick i've seen
I will say that I like the color SCHEME of the 3d's, just because the infrared structure triaxs are my favorite air max. I still don't even want to get them because I almost feel embarrassed wearing a "3d" shoe. It's like something from payless
I think these might bring even more beasts out than the grinches did 
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