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Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

^^ both have a limit of 5?!

Yep and they will be discounted on Swoosh also is what CSR told me on the phone 
Limit of 5 for the Rices 

Hoping this means I will be able to get my pair.
Just hope I don't have to work late that Monday night
Just a question for all you guys. Does anyone here buy from marqueesole? They seem to have everything although the prices are a bit high. But being in Australia I can't see how I would get some of the more rare releases any other way.

Thanks for any tips in advance.
damn disappointed about those china vi's, was only planning on getting those then this news smh nike
Marqueesole is 100% legit, pretty much all blogs and almost all release pics are being generated from their site these days
Originally Posted by s dubl

D....if I can I'll catch em all word to pokemon lol. All depends on $$

That's what I'm talking boutI was feeling like Ash during the V'sYou can have that role, I'll be Brock... And Ed can be Misty! Lol
Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Man I can't wait for the rice to come out!

Notorious- I was looking at the LA's and....sadly they are growing on me, SMH

(Dave Chappelle Voice) "ahhhhh" "Darkest!" Lol That's what I'm talking about! Live it Learn it Love it Where were you looking at them?

my man dave says darkness not darkest  LOL
did all the marqueesole pix for the bhm's surface yet? want to get a better look @ them...
Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Marqueesole is 100% legit, pretty much all blogs and almost all release pics are being generated from their site these days
Thanks mate, appreciate it. 
Originally Posted by never wear them


Who cares about Swoosh... Retail and being played is where it's at.

Man come on of all the shoes you buy threw the year and saving 40% on each shoe is a lot 
Originally Posted by lbj19

damn disappointed about those china vi's, was only planning on getting those then this news smh nike
What do you mean?  They will still be available, just won't have the little "limited" lacelocks
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