I wonder if they even got the shoes. Might be a test to see if they can fool the bots. lol

Can they get more creative with the hash tags? lol
^ Got one in with them them too.

They're a new site. Their site literally got put up yesterday night.
@quickstrikersvp said they got some but numbers can't be revealed Lol. I think half these rsvp services lying for more customers
I have an Iphone 5 and downloaded the Twitter App, but when I wait for the Twitter link to go live, the stupid Twitter asks me to log in again after I was already signed on and its extremely annoying! can anybody help me?
No hate, but do you know how to use punctuations?
yea, my phone does the stupid predictive text so its always adding unnecessary **** after every word . Thanks for noticing that.I'm about to turn that off now. Just been lazy haha
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If I bought a bot using my name and size, and then i rsvp manually using my own name and size would it decrease my chances of getting the rsvp?
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