Dat midsole :smokin I would def cop those.
Damn that midsole fade...shows what they could've been

Still gonna try to cop this weekend or next with a bday coupon
Not a Comic pro but I'm assuming the Gamma Radiation is what turned Bruce Banner into the Hulk? Where the purple NIKE?!?! Lol! Think I'm going to Sea Glo the outsole orange and go with orange laces. Meh!
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Not a Comic pro but I'm assuming the Gamma Radiation is what turned Bruce Banner into the Hulk? Where the purple NIKE?!?! Lol! Think I'm going to Sea Glo the outsole orange and go with orange laces. Meh!
Correct on the gamma rays.
Damn... The greens are dope to me, but I don't think I want em anymore after that ps. Damn, soooo much better like that.

Wonder if any more of the Vs will get the gradient midsole treatment?
Damn... The greens are dope to me, but I don't think I want em anymore after that ps. Damn, soooo much better like that.

Wonder if any more of the Vs will get the gradient midsole treatment?
I hope they do too! Adds just that final touch this design needs.. It makes the ASG's.
Exactly. To be honest, I woulda passed on asgs if it weren't for the gradient midsole.
Wish I could wear my AS or BHM but this 12 inches of white stuff is holding me back
couldn't agree wit ya more . MinneSNOWta. Although I broke out Xmas 2 weeks ago
Same here where I live. Gotta pick and choose days I think I might get bad weather and what to wear. Luckily this has been a good winter and Ive been able to wear just about anything. I did have to pull out the boots for a good two weeks though
I think if the midsole fade was the opposite (dark in the back) the all-stars would look even better
Bought to rock my kd tomorrow at the mall . Just cause its not snowing anymore . Gotta pick up some gear and maybe finally pick up ice blues haha
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